A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 260

There were hurried and disordered footsteps outside the door. Qingfeng couldn't help but hear the sound of "Hua". The locked door suddenly opened. Qingfeng could feel a group of people standing outside the door. The bright torch stabbed her in the eye and hurt her. Finally, Qingfeng got used to the torch and got the light. Qingfeng saw a man enter the prison with a smile. He shouted: "Congratulations girl!"! No, no, it should be the concubines. Please hurry, Mr. Gao is waiting for you outside. "

He is? On the first day of prison, the bodyguard was eager to please "Lord Zhang". He should be the head here. What did he just call her?

Qingfeng's chaotic thoughts have not been cleared up. The man has come to her side and roared at the jailer behind him: "what are you doing? Please help your mother out."

"Yes." Two jailers rushed over, one holding an arm, not too hard, carefully lifted the green maple from the ground.

Standing upright, Qingfeng looks at the jailer who helps him. This man is the one who sprinkles gravel in the bowl. His eyes meet with those of Qingfeng. The man dare not look at her. Qingfeng can feel his hands shaking, and even his breath is hurried.

What's going on? They call her mother. How can it be? How could Yan Hongtian's cold-blooded man make her feel better?

Qingfeng is still thinking about it, but he has been helped out of the cell by the jailer. When the cell door is closed, the woman who has been hiding in the corner slowly raises her head and looks at the empty cell opposite. Her eyes are full of gloom. She went out as she said, but what can she do after going out?

Qingfeng is taken out of the prison. The night wind blows on her face. She doesn't feel shivering. The coolness starts from her chest and spreads to her limbs.

"What happened to her?"

Familiar voice let green maple slightly look up, the speaker is? Gao Jin? Qingfeng knows that he is back, which shows that yanhongtian already knows that it is not her conspiracy to send the wrong person. But even so, Yan Hongtian didn't need to give her a reward. The words of guilt will never appear in him, and she did assassinate him.

Qingfeng's face was pale to green, and his face was depressed. He looked very ill. Gao Jin seemed to ask casually. Zhang Chenyang was in a cold sweat, and hurriedly replied, "the concubine's body is not very good these days. Don't worry about it, adult. Doctor Huang has seen it. She is taking medicine every day. She will be able to recover after going out for several days."

Gao Jin waved to the two maids around him. They went to Qingfeng and took him from the guard.

"Go." Gao Jin didn't say anything to Zhang Chenyang. Several people left in a hurry.

Zhang Chenyang looks at the back of Qingfeng's empty steps and sighs. This time, he has seen his eyes go away. If he goes wrong in this palace, he may be doomed. Hope? She's not a revenger! In short, we need to be more careful in our future work.

The two maids looked thin, but their strength was not small. They dragged the green maple for a long time, but they were still not red and breathless. After walking for half a column of incense, they finally stopped.

Qingfeng looked up again. In front of her was a palace that was not too big but extremely beautiful. In the semicircle courtyard, there were peonies full of pink and white flowers, rooms full of fragrance, open doors and bright candles. She could see the pink and purple veil at a glance. The tall and proud figure was not in line with the beautiful decoration around.

Qingfeng sneers, he can't let her go easily. Yan Hongtian is really a terrible man. It takes courage and strength to face him every time. Qingfeng took a deep breath, and forced himself to bear the pain in his chest. He held up his head and walked into the palace with bright candles.

Entering the palace, Gao Jin said to the tall figure with his back to them, "see the emperor." Two palace maids were about to help Qingfeng to kneel. Qingfeng suddenly broke their hands and refused to bend.

When Yan Hongtian turned around, she saw her pushing away the maid and staring at him. Her little face was covered by scattered hair, and her dirty and ragged clothes made her look embarrassed. However, those angry and unyielding eyes were so bright that they were almost dazzling. Yan Hongtian was not angry because she was not polite. Instead, he said with a good smile, "I really miss you angry."

All kinds of beauties in the palace want to attract his attention with hard to get. But she is absolutely not. When she looks at him, the hatred in her eyes is like a flame. It is fierce and hot. She would like to burn him to ashes, just like now.

Yan Hongtian raised his hand gently, and advanced to the ground. He winked at the two maids kneeling on the ground. They immediately bowed out.

Yan Hongtian walked slowly to Qingfeng and deliberately ignored her hot vision. Black eyes looked at the beautifully decorated palace and smiled, "are you satisfied? This is where you are from now on. "

Hot chest pain, Qingfeng felt cold all over. The bright candlelight and the fluttering veil in the hall made her in a trance. In front of her eyes, a blur, even Yan Hongtian's expression, she couldn't see clearly. Don't want him to find something strange. Qingfeng lowers his head slightly, hoping that the feeling of dizziness will pass quickly.

"Not rare?" Qingfeng's silence, in Yan Hongtian's eyes, is to despise her, holding her chin and raising her head, Yan Hongtian said with a smile: "then you must not rare the term" Concubine "

Listening to his words, Qingfeng was shocked. Did he really call her a concubine? Her chin was held tightly. She couldn't move or struggle. She stared at Yan Hongtian's deep and unpredictable eyes. Qingfeng asked in a low voice, "what do you want?" He would regard her as his concubine, and there must be some purpose. But now she has not much ability to think, so that she can stand in front of him, which consumes all her strength.

He guessed that she would not have a happy face, but at least she should show a little disgust or aloofness. She was so calm that Yan Hongtian was not used to it. She was so hoarse that she could hardly hear the low voice of the female voice, which also made him unconsciously frown. He remembered that although her voice was cold, it was gentle and pleasant.

On the raised face, without the cover of hair, Yan Hongtian saw the scar on her face more clearly, the deep knife almost saw the bone, completely destroyed her beautiful right face, stroked the concave and convex scar on her hand, Yan Hongtian sighed in a low voice: "you are very cruel to start." There are two scars on Qingling's face, but compared with her, they are not worth mentioning at all. It's said that they are self destructed. This woman, even to herself, can be so determined. It's really strong.

She's tough? Green maple sarcastic smile, "not you ruthless." It's just a matter of taste. Life is not worth mentioning in his eyes. If it wasn't for him, how could their parents die? Their sisters wouldn't be reduced to this!

"Nice mouth." The irony of Qingfeng only brings Yan Hongtian a cold smile. At the next moment, Qingfeng felt a sudden heat on his lips, and a stream of blood rushed straight to the forehead. Yan Hongtian's breath shrouded her instantly. How could he? Kiss her! Qingfeng desperately struggles, but the big hand around her waist doesn't allow her to break free, the pain in her chest, the shame and anger in her heart hit at the same time, and Qingfeng's eyes are black?

Did the woman who just kept struggling suddenly let him take whatever she wanted? Yan Hongtian let go of her and looked down at the woman in her arms. Her face was slightly red, her eyes were closed tightly, and she fell into his arms. Obviously, she was not obedient, but fainted! How could she have fainted like this? When he kissed her? Yan Hong adds Leng for a while, in the heart raises a trace of anger, then can't help laughing again.

"Come on. Pass yellow to correct. "

"Yes." Gao Jin didn't dare to leave too far. As expected, within a short time, he heard Yan Hongtian's voice coming from the palace. It was only in his deep voice that he seemed to have a faint smile.

Hold the unconscious woman in her arms horizontally. Yan Hongtian holds her into the inner room and gently places her on the silk quilt. For a few days in prison, the Blue Palace dress was already dirty, the black hair was covered with dust, the originally white and delicate skin was also covered with dirt, so she was not suitable for the beauty and nobility of a room at all. Yan Hongtian sat down beside her and stared at a fainting woman for the first time. Under the candlelight, her face is no longer pale as paper, her dry lips are not attractive, and her eyebrows are always slightly wrinkled.

"Green maple?" Murmuring her name, pointing her belly across the damaged right face, Yan Hongtian raised an arc around her mouth, "kitten, protect your little paws, haven't I played enough?"

Wu'er stood behind the screen and carefully looked at the master and son who were still embroidering in the inner room. After dinner with his mother tonight, the Emperor didn't stay in Lingyun palace. Usually, the emperor would stay in Lingyun palace if there were no important state affairs to be determined by the emperor. Today, the emperor left and didn't go back to the imperial study, but went directly to the Qingfeng palace.

"Where has the emperor gone?"

Hearing the question coming from the inner room, wu'er came out from behind the screen and whispered back: "back to your mother, emperor? I did go to Qingfeng hall. "

The hand holding the embroidery needle pauses for a moment, Zhen Zhen Zhen whispers, "let's go."

"Yes." The dancers and the maids immediately went out quietly. At the moment when the door of the palace was closed, most of the silk that had been embroidered was smashed to the ground.

In front of the exquisite red sandalwood carved bed, Huang Jiao is the woman's pulse on the bed. I don't know whether Yan Hongtian is standing behind him or whether he is really in such a serious condition. His eyebrows are locked all the time, and thin beads of sweat are exuding from his forehead.