A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 220

For the first time, Gu Yun thought that his angry appearance was so charming. He approached him a little. Gu Yun whispered in his ear, "you look really handsome just now."

Suling doesn't understand what it means to be "handsome", but Gu Yun's face shows similar worship and undisguised appreciation, which he has never seen before. Staring at Gu Yun, he always feels that there is no way to take her.

He really has no sense of humor. Gu Yun smiles, "suling, you should have confidence in me, shouldn't you?" She knew that he would protect her, she admitted that his declaration made her heart beat faster, but she was not used to hiding behind men, she was able to bear and solve problems.

She seemed confident. Suling shook her head and said, "OK, let's go in." Just now that it's over, let her try. I can't save it. He'll help her.

Suling leads Gu Yun back, but Gu Yun stands there awkwardly and says, "can you release your hand first?"

Eagle eyes a Yang, looked at two people hand in hand, Su Ling did not let go at all. Gu Yun shouted: "let go! I want to have a word with Su Ren! " Not far away, Su Ren coughs softly, turns his back and pretends to see nothing.

Under Gu Yun's stare, Su Lingshan releases his hand and goes to Su Ren. He was still busy looking around. Gu Yun was annoyed. He patted the shoulder of the old man and said, "don't pretend! You go back to the mansion and ask Yu Shijun to come here with his team and the latest equipment. I will see them in half an hour. "

Ignoring the pain on his shoulder, he said: "half an hour?" It's about half an hour to ride back and forth from here to the general's mansion. We need to start the whole army and prepare weapons. Is half an hour a little tight?

Gu Yun insisted: "yes, let them run here. No riding! If you delay any longer, there will be less time left for them. "

No, Xu, Qi, Ma?

I can't believe I stare at Gu Yun. In the eyes of all my predecessors, I don't understand him. Gu Yun ignores him. Although suling was also very confused about Gu Yun's order, she didn't ask much. They went to the tent together.

The two entered the tent, and everyone was waiting for them. Yan Hongtian and Xin Yuening were sitting in the main seat in front of them, with Lou Xiyan and Zhuoqing on the right, two chairs on the left and Dan Yulan on the side. The broad table was moved to the middle of the tent.

Gu Yun didn't sit down on the seat, but went directly to the desk and arranged the two maps one on the left and one on the right. He didn't wait for Yan Hongtian to open his mouth and said: "these two maps are the maps around and inside the other courtyard. From the surrounding topographic map, the other courtyard is built by the mountain. A stream runs through it. There is no place to cover the front, and the front doesn't break through It's impossible to disturb the people in black; it's easier to sneak into the backyard over this mountain, and this stream just goes through the main hall and the study behind. These two positions are the places where the hostages are most likely to be imprisoned, and through the stream, they can enter other yards as soon as possible. "

Gu Yun talked freely. Yan Hongtian didn't like what she could say, but she had a steady voice, clear thinking and no nervousness. She sat up a little and listened carefully.

"There should be about 20 people in black. There is a three-story wooden building behind the study. People in black will definitely observe the situation in the whole courtyard and the movement around the courtyard through this place, so they must take down the position of this sentry post, so they will lose their eyes. My opinion is to send a team of people and horses from Houshan to attack the sentry post, and then let Shan adult lead them out to negotiate, attract their attention and distract their personnel. In this way, the number of people taking care of the hostages will be reduced. Another group of people will be sent to join with another pair of people and horses to find the hostages along the water flow, and then the hostages will be rescued and brought to the back mountain. At this time, the people outside will be able to attack and match the inside with the outside. "

After finishing his plan in one breath, Gu Yun raised his head and asked, "my idea is probably like this. What do you think?"

"Doesn't it mean that the yard is full of explosives? How to get in? " Xin Yuening is the first one to suffer. Although the end of Qing Dynasty is right, she still doesn't believe her.

"I've just seen that those explosives are all buried in the ground. Only when people step on them can they explode. A single adult can cut off a dozen thick trunks, roll over all the way, and the explosives will explode. After that, you can go in." The reason why the attack could not be carried out was that the people in black were afraid of the noise, and the lives of the hostages were not guaranteed. If the hostages were no longer under the control of the people in black, it would not be difficult to attack them.

At this time, Su Ling finally understood why Gu Yun didn't let the soldiers ride on horses. The three-story sentry post was enough to see what happened in the area of three or four miles nearby. If there were trees for walking, it might not be easy to find out. Moreover, the sound of more than 100 people riding over could not be covered.

Shan Yulan's strength has always been to settle cases and clear up wrongs. He seldom deals with this kind of incident. He behaves cautiously and frowns all the time. He thinks about something but doesn't talk. It's Cheng hang behind him who looks like he wants to talk and stops. But he's just an official of the sixth grade of the criminal department. He can't talk before the emperor. "What do you want to say, Cheng hang?" Gu Yun asked directly

Cheng hang immediately took a step forward and said what he thought, "although the mountain near other courtyard is lush, the other side is very steep. It's not easy to go up. It's impossible to go up in one hour. If you can't take the position of the sentry you said, people who enter from the stream will be easily found. "

Gu Yun hesitated for a moment and asked, "the height of the cliff is 23 Zhang, which is the real height on the topographic map?" If not, it would be a real problem.

After thinking about it, Cheng replied, "probably so high."

Gu Yun took a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "then you can go up in a quarter of an hour."

"Impossible!" It's about the same time to climb a cliff more than twenty feet long.

Gu Yun looked down at the direction map of the stream and said lightly, "it's possible for the army of the ancient family."

Cheng hang says that Su's army is an elite and powerful general, but it's really powerful to this extent. His eyes are secretly aimed at the stable Mountain, and his face is calm. Cheng hang can only close his mouth and quietly return to Shan Yulan.

Suling looks calm and has no bottom in mind. Even if it's him, it's about a quarter of an hour. Her soldiers can really go up so fast?

Comparatively speaking, Yan Hongtian is the most relaxed one. If it is true that in such a short period of time, the end of Qing Dynasty came up with such a plan. Although it is a little risky, it is still a feasible countermeasure. It is really not easy. No wonder she just dared to speak out. What's more interesting is that she seems to know everything about Su's army. When does it start? A woman can participate in the military. Yan Hongtian looks at Su Ling and explores more. Outside the tent, there was a notice: "commander Su asked for an interview."

Yan Hongtian whispered back, "come in."

After entering the account and saluting Yan Hongtian, Su Ren came to Gu Yun and said in a low voice, "sister in law, everyone is here." When speaking, the breath is not very stable, and there is a little gasp.

Others don't know that Su Ren went back to the general's house. Su Ling did. It's not half an hour. How can it be so fast? And I didn't hear the hoof.

When it was time, Gu Yun said with a smile, "let lengxiao, Ge Jingyun and Luo Yan come in."

"Good." Su Ren retreats silently. After a while, three tall men follow him. Looking at their costumes, Su Ling frowns slightly. Yan Hongtian's eyes are surprised. Shan Yulan is inexplicable. Zhuo Qing's eyes are wide, and the corners of his mouth are constantly rising.

The three men standing in front of the curtain have their own characteristics: one is indifferent, the other is resolute, the other is upright. The sweat on the three heads is dripping all the time, but the breath is not disordered. Even if everyone in the account is of noble status, there is no fear on their faces. Yan Hongtian seems to be very satisfied with them. Even if the three didn't kneel down to say hello, he didn't get angry and stared at their strange costumes with interest.

As soldiers of the ancient family, they did not wear the armor of ordinary soldiers. The dark green clothes fit perfectly, without any sense of procrastination. The upper body is still wearing something like a jacket, with a crossbow on the right shoulder and a four inch belt between the crotch. Look carefully. There is a short arrow for crossbow on the top of the belt. There is also a coiled thin hemp rope hanging on the side of the belt. There are two straps tied on the left leg. There is a short dagger with a peculiar style on it. It's not ordinary cloth shoes, but short leather boots.

Although everything on them was prepared by the end of Qing Dynasty with the help of suling, when suling saw them standing in front of him for the first time, he was surprised. This dress looks different in people's eyes. Zhuo Qing feels familiar and can't help laughing. Why didn't Yun paint their faces again? That's the real field army.

Gu Yun is satisfied with their armed speed and equipment. If the continuous short crossbow that suling showed her today could be manned, it would be perfect.

Everyone's attention was focused on the three of them. Gu yunlang asked in a voice, "do you have any objection to the rescue plan I just said?"

Yan Hongtian took back his sight, his thin lips were light, and he said with a smile, "I have already said that I will rescue you this time." Well, if he said that, no one would dare to say that he has any objection, right? Well, time is tight. She doesn't have time to discuss and explain.

Gu Yun stares at the topographic map on the table, raises his right hand, and gently hooks an index finger to the three people who stand indifferently behind him. The three people immediately come to her and stand behind her. Gu Yun pointed to the map on the table and said in a low voice: "topographic map, memorize it."
