A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 216

"HMM." Gu Yun even forgot to breathe. Just as she was about to suffocate, suling finally left her lips. Her dumb voice and unsteady breath whispered in her ear, "do you know now?" "You have nothing --" Gu Yun has not finished scolding. He tightens his waist and is once again put into his warm arms. He is surrounded by his breath for a moment. Gu Yun is a little flustered. He just wants to step back, his waist is tightly encircled, and the result of his desperate struggle is to fall back.

"Ah --"

suling was afraid of hurting her. At the moment of her fall, she turned over, and they fell on the yellow grass with a bang. As a result, suling was lying on the ground. The hands around her waist were still not loose, while Gu Yunzheng was half riding on suling.

He even kisses her! Gu Yun became angry and tugged at suling's skirt, shouting: "I can only kiss you, not you! Do you hear me! Otherwise -- "

Su Ling's black eyes are smiling, and he looks at her in good time. His deep voice is a little confused," otherwise what

Otherwise Gu Yun's face flushed all the way to the bottom of his ears. God! What is she talking about! What makes her scream most is that she is still sitting on suling's thigh in embarrassment! Gu Yun just wants to stand up quickly now, but the big hand on his waist is firmly holding it. Su Ling says with a dumb voice and a light smile, "OK, I'll wait for you to kiss me."

Looking at him waiting for her to take the initiative, Gu Yun has an impulse to die. No, it's the impulse to bite suling to death! His face was burning. Gu Yun grabbed suling's hand and shouted, "let go!"

Suling unexpectedly cooperates, and the hands around her waist are released quickly. Gu Yun immediately got up, turned around and was about to leave. Su Ling lay flat on the grass and said with a smile, "look up."

Looking at his excited face, Gu Yun looked up. On the dark night, a crescent moon hung high in the sky, and the stars were not clear. From the perspective of bottom-up, he lost the solitary branches of luxuriant branches, as if they were inlaid in the night. The whole night sky was like a painting of ink splashing on the structure of tuccit, free and free. She knew that the stars were bright and beautiful in the summer night. She could not imagine that the night sky in the bleak winter night or the bright or dark night sky was so fascinating. Gu Yun couldn't help exclaiming, "it's beautiful."

Gu Yun sat down beside suling and enjoyed the rare dark starry sky. Under the cover of the moon, she held her head high, and her thin neck and chin formed a perfect arc. The scars on her face were not obvious in the dim night. Her moist lips were bright red, warm and soft. Thinking of the short kiss just now, suling was in a commotion. Quickly look away, like her general gaze at the bleak starry sky, suling lips gently, tone gently smile: "it's very beautiful." But this beauty is not that beauty.

In the winter night, there is no cicada chirping and insects chirping, only the wind whistling in the forest. The hair and clothes are all in disorder. Such a night is really not suitable for watching the moon and enjoying the stars. However, they enjoy such a time very much. They haven't spoken for a long time, and their fluctuating heart is slowly recovered.

Gu Yun looks over his head. Su Ling lies on the ground with his nature. The red blood naturally lies behind his head. Gu Yun asks in a low voice, "where are you going with the red blood?"

"Well, I've been used to it for so many years. You'd better take ice refining with you in the future. " After many years of military service, it has become a habit to keep weapons in place. There are countless people who want his life.

Sitting with his hands on his knees, Gu Yun asked, "there should be a story behind ice refining and red blood? Can you tell me? About your family. " It's beyond her comprehension that a sword can speak. She's really curious.

Sitting up straight, suling stared at Gu Yun's bright eyes and asked in a low voice, "do you want to listen?"


There was a little hesitation in suling's eyes. Gu Yun smiled back and said, "can't you say that? I can't say that. "

"No. Yes, you can. " The family history of Su family can't be said to others, but she will be his wife, so it can be said naturally.

Looking at the red blood on the ground, Su Ling said in a low voice: "red blood and ice refining are a pair of ancient swords. They have the properties of ice and fire, and they can create and conquer each other. They used to be sharp weapons, not spiritual. "

After saying this, suling frowned gradually and didn't say the next sentence for a long time. A pair of spiritless swords suddenly have spirituality, and Gu Yun's heart rises with a strange sense of trembling. This story may be the past that his family would not mention.

Finally, suling said, "for thousands of years, the Su family has been assisting Mingjun. More than 1000 years ago, the earth was not divided into several countries like it is now. It belongs to a clan. The clan leader gave the fiefdoms to his sons, each of whom was in charge of one place. The next clan leader's name will be announced when he is dying. The eldest prince colludes with the demon clan when the clan is in bed for a long time, trying to kill other princes and dominate the world. The eldest prince is bloodthirsty. If the world falls into his hands, it will be ruined. Before the death of the patriarch, he gave a secret order to the Su family to assist the third prince to take over the position of patriarch. The Su family has helped the third prince out of trouble many times, and has become one of the targets of the eldest prince

Gu Yun listened quietly, neither urging nor interrupting him. Su Ling's face became more and more dignified. The later affairs should be related to ice refining and red blood.

"The demons colluded with the eldest prince have a Dementor flag. All living things within a mile of the Dementor flag will be absorbed by it. People who lose their soul, such as walking with corpses, will become the demons' zombie army. The power of ice refining and red blood ice and fire can destroy the soul taking banner, but the two swords can't move by themselves, and they need someone to control them. People will lose their soul when they enter a range, and there is no chance to destroy the banner at all. Only by injecting the soul into the sword can they resist the magic of the soul taking banner. "

Gu Yun was frightened when he heard this. He suppressed the bad feeling in his heart. Gu Yun asked, "how can you lead the soul into the sword?"

Facing Gu Yunying 's bright eyes, Su Ling took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "go into the melting pot to recast, make sword with bone and meat, and take blood essence as soul." Suling's voice came down, and the grass was still with a slight shiver of red blood, but soon recovered as usual.

Gu Yun stared at suling and said: "this is ridiculous! That's how you put people in the furnace? If not, it's not a white sacrifice! " She has heard that many swordsmen can cast swords with their own blood, but do they really put people into the furnace? It's too

Suling shook his head, his deep voice was very stable, but he could not hear the pain. "Not everyone can be compatible with ice refining and red blood. Only the woman born at the time of extreme Yin can be combined with the hot red blood, and the man born at the time of extreme Yang can be combined with the cold ice refining. In order to play the power of the combination of two swords, these two people must be close relatives. At that time, only two of us met the requirements. "

"Who?" Gu Yun's heart contracted.

"A pair of children of the eldest son of the family."

The voice of ice refining was ringing in my ear. Gu Yun's voice was already unsteady. "How big are they?"

In the black eyes across a strange, in Gu cloud under the pressure, Su Ling low sigh, hard way back: "daughter 13 years old, son 8 years old."

Thirteen years old! Eight years old! "How can you send two children into the furnace!" She used to be a soldier and understood that she should be sacrificed at such a time! But they are still children!

Facing Gu Yun's question, Su Ling doesn't know how to respond. If he were, he would never agree to exchange the lives of two children for such a victory.

At this point, it's useless to say anything. Gu Yun said in a hurry, "what happened later?"

"Later -" Su Ling didn't speak for a long time, and Gu Yun sneered. "Later, the two swords merged and killed the evil spirits. The great prince didn't succeed in usurping the throne, and everyone was saved! Except for the two of them! "

Gu Yun's anger was in his expectation. Su Ling didn't explain, "you're right." Everyone was saved except them.

Holding a breath in her heart, she knew that she should not attack Su Ling. After all, it was something done by people more than a thousand years ago. After taking many deep breaths, she slowly suppressed the anger and asked coldly, "so they have been trapped in two swords for more than a thousand years? Can't we find a way to free their souls? "

Suling's deep voice was helpless. "Suling's family has been trying to find a way to rescue them for more than a thousand years, but it has not been able to do so." That's why the women ice Lian chooses are the long daughter-in-law of her family, which owes the child.

Why not me

You promise, you promise

I'm so tired

The voice of the child that day echoed in my ear. It was only an eight year old child trapped in the cold sword.

"A thousand years -" she didn't know how painful it was for a child to be in the furnace and burn himself. How many people in the world could bear the loneliness and fear of being trapped in the sword for a thousand years?

Gu Yun's hand unconsciously caresses the red blood of the sword on the grass. Su Ling says: "don't touch it!"

At the moment of holding the sword, a heartburn burst into the body from the palm of the hand. It's very painful! But Gu Yun can't let go for a long time, just touching it, it's so painful to her heart, and it's integrated with such a Blazing Sword. Has she suffered for thousands of years?

A tear drips down the face on the hot sword body, and soon disappears. However, it magically makes the red sword calm slowly. The hot temperature gradually fades away, leaving only the warm residual temperature.

Su Ling is surprised that Gu Yun can pick up red blood. No one in any generation of hostess can pick it up. Gu Yun holds the red blood and looks back at him. The tears in his eyes have dissipated. Instead, he has an extremely firm look. "There must be a way to solve it!"