A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 197

Several people on the high platform look around on guard. It's not easy for the Tibetans in such an open place. Moreover, they can put concealed weapons in front of them silently. The martial arts of the visitors must be profound.

In the distance, the treetop was slightly shaken, a group of dark shadows jumped down from the treetop, with fast speed and light steps. Looking at them, there were about 20 people, their faces were covered with masks, their whole body seemed to be hidden in the darkness, they walked without any sound, like ghosts flashing, and they rushed to the center of the school field in an instant. Gu Yun marvels at their martial arts and feels like a ninja.

Su Ling protects Gu Yun behind him. The red blood sword in his hand is glowing with red light. Gu Yun can feel that his muscles are tensing. Seeing the skills of these people in black, he knows that tonight's battle is very difficult.

The man in black stood in the school yard. The face covered by the black towel could only see a pair of cold eyes. They stared at Gu Yun straight, without hiding the purpose of the action.

Just now, the fierce night wind suddenly stopped. The calm night made the atmosphere more tense. On and off the high platform, the two men and horses stood against each other. No one moved lightly. Han Shu's low roar broke the strange balance. "Who are you? Dare to go to the general's mansion and behave wildly! "

One of the men in black suddenly stepped forward, pointed to Gu Yun and made a gesture. The others made a quick move. Twenty people divided into three parts, surrounded the platform from the front, left and right. The soldiers with torches drew out their weapons and were about to march up in line. A touch of silver light passed by. The first soldiers fell down in an instant. The moon like blades pierced their necks and nailed them to the ground!

When sun Lingying's eyes are dark, these people are well-trained dark men. Ordinary soldiers can only die. If there is no fire lighting, it will be more difficult to deal with them in the dark environment. Sun Linglang says, "back!"

When the soldiers who are preparing for the second attack hear the order, they immediately stop and trot back ten feet. The last few soldiers lower their bodies and quietly retreat to the camp five miles away.

The man in black also knows that stalemate is not the way. The leading man in black is going to hold up his right hand again. Suling does not wait for him to give an order, clench red blood and jump off the platform. At the same time, he says to Suyu and Suyu behind him: "Ren, Yu, protect her."


Han Shu sees suling's movement and follows him into the war. Because of their initiative, the men in black failed to encircle them.

Their martial arts are superior, especially in suling. Where red blood goes, it's hard for the people in black to fight. Seeing the situation is about to turn around, the leader of the people in black changed a gesture. A dozen people in black turned to attack suling and Hanshu, and a dozen others jumped to the platform!

Su Ren and Su Yu are about to protect Gu Yun from the left to the right. Suddenly, they have a pain on their shoulders. They can't move at the next moment, and Su Yan is standing behind them!

Su Yan put a pair of big hands on their shoulders and said in a low voice, "you two stay with me!"

Uncle Yan actually points their acupoints at this time? Su Yu shouted: "Uncle Yan! You let me go! " These people in black are threatening. The wound in the end of Qing Dynasty is just better. How can she get involved alone!

Compared with Su Yu's anxiety, Su Ren is much calmer. Although the man in black is fierce, neither Qing Mo nor the old man is a fuel-efficient lamp!

Gu Yun looks slightly sideways, meets Su Yan's provocative eyes, and then looks at the other two people who are sitting steadily in the chair. They look away from her left and right, not at all. Gu Yun snorts, trying to force her to do it by herself, right? Well, I haven't been active for a long time. I guess ice refining is boring! Su Ling, I can't blame her. She's just "being forced, being forced, being nothing, being Nai"!

Under the high platform, people in black fight with their lives. Suling and Hanshu are trapped. They are short of skills for a while. The three old men stood there with nothing to help. Su Yu was lucky to break through the cave several times, but it didn't work at all. Seeing that she was surrounded by people in black, Su Yu could only cry out anxiously: "qingmo, be careful!"

The fierce black eyes glanced at the approaching senhan sword edge. Gu Yun was motionless. The cold eyes narrowed slightly, spread out the palm, and called out: "ice refining!"

The clear and low voice is not high. Almost at the same time, a dazzling white light rushes out of the closed Xi wood box. At the moment when the silver sword comes out of its sheath, it makes the people who hear it trance. Before all the people had returned to God, the cold blade had fallen straight into the open palm.

"She she she --" Suyan was so surprised that he forgot what to say. Binglian and red blood have been guarding the Sujia for thousands of years. According to the family history, two swords can move with the master's heart. Unfortunately, they met two parents and daughters in law of Sufu who could not follow their heart. Binglian could only protect them at most, but could not imagine that this weak and slim little girl had such ability.

At the moment when ice refining went out of its sheath, the air around it also coagulated like a flash. The domineering air of ice and cold was pressing against the heart and lungs. The three people were excited. No wonder that the national emblem often changed recently. Ice refining showed its energy so strongly. They also saw it for the first time.

The strange cold man in black also felt it. She stood on her side with the weapon in her hand. Her fierce momentum forced her to come. Although she was still, she could attack, retreat and defend. The man in black did not know how to start for a while.

If at ordinary times, Gu Yun likes to defend herself by attacking, but today she is still injured and dare not act rashly. Shaking hands with ice Lian, Gu Yun dare not relax at all. The man in black can't escape her sharp eyes. This side is stuck, but the people in black under the high platform are almost unable to support them. If we don't seize this time and wait for suling to kill them, they will have no chance!

The man in black exchanged a look at each other and decided to attack together. The murderous spirit suddenly rose on the high platform.

Before the enemy moved, I moved first. Gu Yun felt the intention of the other side. He moved his body to the right. The long sword came to the two people in black on the far right. Suddenly, senhan's silver blade hit. When they turned to avoid each other, they were already cut in the chest by the fierce sword. After a cold wound, blood flowed.

Other people in black are surprised. What a quick move, what a sharp weapon! Gu Yun suddenly showed his hand, which shocked the people in black, but also made them more cautious.

The people in black in Gaotai suddenly swarmed up and surrounded Gu Yun in the middle again. Gu Yunqiang fought with them. From the first move, her chest began to hurt. The result of the brute force was that the wound was torn again. She could feel that the warm blood was seeping out a little bit. Every contraction of her heart made her sweat. Even so, Gu Yun dare not have a trace of pain on his face. These people should be trained killers. Once they see her chest hurt, they will focus on her chest, and then she will lose!

Su Yan clapped his thigh and said with a smile, "good fight!" The vision of ice refining is good! Su Yan's heart was in full bloom, but Gu Yun wanted to scold his mother. He thought they were watching monkey Opera! The pain of tearing his chest and the rage in his heart made Gu Yun's hands more and more fierce.

"This girl is not bad!" Su Quan smiles and squints her eyes. Her sword moves are very special. There are no fancy moves and elegant moves. Every sword stabs quickly and accurately. She cooperates with ice Lian very well. It's very good!

Su Quan and Su Yan's eyes and mind fell on Gu Yun, and they didn't pay any attention. Su Ling's face changed after seeing Gu Yun's action. Almost all the people in black who stopped him were killed by him! It's like killing red eyes! Su Qing asked in a low voice, "what's wrong with Ling?"

Su Ren looked at Gu Yun, who was besieged by the crowd and resisted gradually and painstakingly, and said coolly, "she has just received a knife in the heart. Now the wound must be split. You can do it by yourself."

What? He patted Su Ren's head severely, and Su Yan scolded: "why didn't you say that earlier, stinky boy?" He only said that she was not in good health, so she was hurt.

I told you not to try? I don't think it's a long time. Su Yanli lands to untie the cave path of Su Ren and Su Yu. The tall figure immediately joins the battle. Su Yu and Su Ren also fight at the same time. Soon, the game is up.

What a pain! Gu Yun holds his chest and feels that his hands are wet and dark. If ice refining doesn't support her, he may have fallen to the ground. Gu Yun closes his eyes and hopes that the pain will pass quickly.

The night wind, which had not been cold, was now blowing on her, making her limbs cold. Gu Yun's body was shaking involuntarily. Next moment, she fell into a warm embrace.

"At last! How are you doing? " Her face was sprayed with the rapid breath, and her ears were familiar with the roar. It was Su Ling. Gu Yun didn't answer her, but her beautiful facial features were almost wrinkled together, and the blood stains on her chest shocked Su Ling's heart. "I'll take you back!" he said Hand ring over her waist, suling is ready to hold her up, Gu Yun suddenly tightly tugged at her sleeve, laboriously whispered: "wait." Compared with the pain of heart piercing last time, this pain is nothing. She can survive. Those soldiers should be back soon. Tonight's test can't stop!

What are you waiting for? Su Ling thought that she was too painful to move or pull her. Su Quan claps Su Ling on the shoulder and says, "Ling, let her go first and let the patriarch feel her pulse."

Suling stared at them warily. Who stood by and hurt her more? The little girl's face was as white as paper, and her breath was disordered. Su Yan began to worry. He said to Su Ling, who was covered with thorns, "OK, we can't make her our baby now. Let's get out of the way."

Su Qing goes to Gu Yun's side. Su Ling thinks about it. She raises her wrist gently and sends it to Su Qing.