A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 160

Fearing that the water could not save the fire, Lou Xiyan arranged to hide the black and white clothes on the beam of the room. Ao Tian was hidden behind the wardrobe, and there were night charms, Qian Jing and people from the penalty department. Gu Yun insists on entering the room. Lou Xiyan is also worried about Zhuo Qing's safety. They hide together in the farthest corner of the room. Here we can see what happened in the room through the screen!

All of a sudden, a black shadow passed by the window. The man was dressed in gray and had a silver gray mask on his face. The thin figure was pulled by the moonlight for a long time. He was silent and quick. The breath of Mo Bai and AO Tian, who were hidden in the room, was one of the awe inspiring. He quickly restrained his breath. This man is definitely a master. If he finds out, the capture tonight will be over.

The man in grey stood in front of the window and looked at the woman who should not have appeared on the bed. After a while of hesitation, he would turn around and leave.

No, he can't go! Otherwise, even if we catch him, we can't solve the mystery of illusion! Zhuo Qing suddenly sat up straight and cried in a low voice with a warm voice: "Mufeng, is that you?"

The man in grey had a stiff back, did not answer, but did not leave.

It was him! Zhuo Qing got up and walked slowly to his back, but it was not very close. The low voice said softly: "in fact, I fell in love with you as early as I saw you for the first time. Tonight, I spent a lot of effort to support the end of Qing Dynasty so as to wait for you."

The man in grey turned slowly. He turned his back to the moonlight and wore a silver and grey mask. Zhuo Qing could not see his face or his eyes. He only heard a low but sexy male voice chuckling back: "do you know I will come?"

The voice The voice line is very similar to Su Mufeng, but the tone and intonation are totally different!

Zhuo Qing quietly shakes her head, takes a step forward, grabs his wrist, shakes it gently, and pretends to be coquettish and says, "I don't know, but I hope you will come. As a result, God hears my prayer, and you finally come."

Gu Yunmeng turned a white eye. This woman should not be too involved in the play. The legendary Prime Minister of the man's building, whose fist has been loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened several times, is nearby!

Zhuo Qing thinks that the man in grey will push him away, which is Su Mufeng's normal reaction. Who knows, instead of pushing her away, he held her back and tightly circled her in his arms. His face was more vaguely attached to her cheek and rubbed back. The voice of enchantment, with a few threads of hoarseness and a burning smell, sounded softly in his ear, "you say you like me?"

The cold mask rubs on the face, just like a snake's scale across the cheek, which is very painful with the feeling of gloom and terror. Zhuo Qing took a deep breath several times, then nodded softly and softly, "well."

Before he could get back to his mind, the man had picked her up, walked to the spacious bed, and gently laid her down on the bed. Then he immediately pressed her up, trapped her between his arms, and teased her earlobes round and round with his fingers. This man is so flirty! Is he really Su Mufeng?

Zhuo Qing stretched out her hand hard, stroked the man's face with a mask, and said softly: "Mufeng, I want to look at you!"

Gu Yun cautiously looks at the calm Lou Xiyan, only to see that his Phoenix eyes are slightly cold. Even in such a night, she can feel the killing in his eyes. She admires the man's reason and deeply understands that the man loves miserably!

The man in grey grabbed Zhuo Qing's hand and immediately raised his vigilance against the dark white hiding on the beam of the room. Zhuo Qing was also shocked. He thought he was going to get angry. Unexpectedly, the man grabbed the mask himself, lifted it smartly and threw it gently to the bedside.

Zhuo Qing finally saw the man. The face in front of her is sharp and beautiful. It's really Su Mufeng's face, but Zhuo Qing is not sure. Is this person really Su Mufeng? In the daytime, it seems that the black eyes with light silver gray are actually silver gray in the night, half squinting with a smile. The thin, ruddy lips were full of banter. Different from the cool and elegant in the daytime, his whole body at this time is full of languid and evil charm, so he is dazzling and makes people's heart beat faster. Zhuo Qing is confused at this time. She begins to question her previous judgment, suggesting that hypnosis can't change a person so much.

Zhuo Qing fell into her own thoughts, but the man did not allow her to distract, holding her chin gently, and asked softly, "would you do anything for me?"

Zhuo Qingyi Leng, nodded and smiled: "well."

Gently scraping Zhuo Qing's nose tip, the man rubbed her cheek and asked in a low voice: "good girl, would you like to give me your heart?"

The low voice is soft and charming. Zhuo Qing raises her eyebrows and asks, "do you want my heart?"

Zhuo Qing's answer made his eyes flicker slightly, but soon, he recovered his evil smile, "don't you want to?"

The eyes of the two people stare at each other without blinking. Zhuo Qing can see the silver light flowing in his deep eyes, just like a deep pool. It's a very strange experience. Zhuo Qing feels that she has a moment of trance and vertigo. After a while, Zhuo Qing nods back: "OK."

The man raised an excited and unrestrained smile on his face. He sat up straight and looked at the motionless woman under him with satisfaction. His hand also extended to her belt with familiarity. Soon, his clothes were all gone. He smiled gently at the woman staring at him. "Don't be afraid, it will be off soon."

The thin blade swims on the bright and clean skin, the sharp and cold blade cuts across the front chest, and the gorgeous red goes along the blade, across the waist, and falls into the silk quilt.

The man slowly reached out his hand, as usual, and leaned into his chest. After a while, he held a beating heart in his hand and handed it to Zhuo Qing, waiting to see her look of panic and pain, which was the most exciting time for him. When he met Zhuo Qing's eyes, his heart was in a panic. His eyes were calm and deep, and there was no fear or pain on his face.

The smile of the man's lips is frozen there! How could she be so calm when she watched her heart being dug out! What's the matter?

"What's the matter?" There is this question, not only the man sitting in front of the bed, except Gu Yun, the three men in the room are surprised to see the scene!

Just now, the man and Zhuo Qing, who was lying in bed, looked at each other for a long time, and then sat up straight. Zhuoqing immediately moved to the side, and then strange things happened. The man took out a sharp thin blade at his waist and cut it skillfully and cleanly. His hand reached into the position where he had just cut it. He took out something like holding it. His face was always excited and frenzied, as if he had demonstrated how he stole his heart and how he looked weird in front of them.

Gu Yun smiled and calmly replied, "just look down." It seems that Qing succeeded in anti hypnosis.

"You..." The man stared at Zhuoqing's deep eyes, only to find that the heart in his hand was gone, the blood in his hand was gone, there was nothing on the plain white sheet, and Zhuoqing's sharp eyes were staring at him coldly.

"Here No way! " The man stared at Zhuo Qing, and the expression on his face changed from arrogance and evil spirit to surprise and uneasiness.

Zhuo Qing slowly sat up straight, red lips opened, cold voice said: "in this world, not only you will hypnotize!" She admitted that at the very beginning, she was almost lost in his eyes. If she had not been prepared, she might have been hypnotized by him.

There was a streak of violence in the man's eyes. Zhuo Qing is startled. She falls back quickly. Her subordinates consciously block her chest. The knife in the man's hand crossed the back of her hand, and the anxious voice of Lou Xiyan sounded at the same time, "Mo Bai, Ao Tian, catch him!"

Ink white jumped down from the crossbeam and attacked the man's vest. The man quickly turned back and kicked out. The blade in his hand was still stabbing Zhuoqing, who had shrunk to the deepest part of the bed curtain. When Zhuoqing was almost stabbed in the chest, a big palm suddenly stretched out behind the bed curtain, intercepted the man's wrist and shook the man's attack with internal force. Zhuo Qing felt that her shoulders were tight and she was thrown out of bed by a great force. She almost hit the screen. Fortunately, Lou Xiyan and Gu Yun caught her body in time, and she didn't fall.

The man immediately backed out of the window, a flash, has been out of the house, Mo Bai, Ao Tian also bent out.

Out of the courtyard, he was greeted by the flame whip of the night spirit. Around the courtyard, all the archers in ambush showed up, bent their bows and pointed their arrows at the Silver Ash in the courtyard.

Mobai, Yemei and Aotian besieged the man. The man had no chance to escape again. The whip of Yemei trapped him and bound him up. Other officers followed the trend and used all the hemp ropes and iron fetters prepared in advance. The man was bound firmly.

Seeing the man's face clearly, Cheng hang immediately scolded: "Su Mufeng, I can't imagine that you are really the murderer! Let your aunt take the blame for you! It's not as good as animals! "

The struggling man was stiff, and his violent eyes were staring at Cheng hang, shouting, "what's the matter with aunt Xin?"

The eyes are sinister and cruel. They are not like Su Mufeng at all. Cheng hang can't help being flustered, swallowing his saliva and swearing: "still pretending! Come back! "

The Yamen servants swarmed in and pulled the man away. Zhuo Qing cried, "wait a minute, I have something to ask him."

Cheng hang looked back and saw that she was wearing a cloth towel on her hand. He thought she was seriously injured. He advised: "madam, you'd better go to bandage the wound. If you have anything to ask, you can ask at the Yamen." Finish saying, turn round to yamen servants to cry, "take back." It's the real murderer that I caught this time!

Looking at a group of people in a hurry to go outside, Zhuoqing bowed his head and sighed: "I'm afraid I won't be able to ask him then."

Others may not hear it clearly, but Gu Yun can hear it clearly. After seeing Su Mufeng, who is still evil, and then thinking about that cold and indifferent person in the daytime, she has a bad premonition.

The next day, when Gu Yun and Zhuo Qing came to the punishment department again and saw Su Mufeng in the prison, they were both surprised. At this time, he was elegant, elegant and cool, different from that bloodthirsty maniac last night.

They asked about last night. He didn't remember what he had done last night. No, Gu Yun and Zhuoqing have to ask Gu Yuexin. In order to make them believe that Su Mufeng didn't kill people on purpose, she said the pain she had experienced when Su Mufeng was a child. It turned out that when he was a child, a miss Qianjin wronged him for molesting her. He