A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 157

After five days and nights, she finally came back to the capital. She immediately went to the punishment department. The chief judge of this case is Shan Yulan, the criminal division. Qing is so eager to call her back. She has been prepared for it. It must be a difficult case. But when she heard that it was a serial homicide, she was shocked. According to Qing's autopsy report, the dead were all women, with no other scars on their bodies. They all had a five inch knife edge under their left chest. The reason for their death was that the killer took the heart from the knife edge. The face of the dead man was extremely frightened, but there was no scar left on his body.

The murderer is not only a first-class murderer, but also a skillful one. There is no evidence left at the scene. The criminal Department has been investigating for a month, and both the scene of the crime and the witnesses have been investigated numerous times, but still no gains. Qing asked Cheng hang, the Ministry of punishment, to look for the files of such cases in China in recent years, hoping to find clues from them.

"Madame, why don't you come in?" Two little generals looked at the lady who had been sitting on the steps of the general's mansion for half an hour.

Gu Yun's brain was stiff when he analyzed the case. He raised his eyes and saw two generals giggling at her face. For a while, he could not cry or laugh.

She can analyze all the cases well, but she can't make up her mind about her own affairs. She didn't want to go back to the general's house, but it's not bad here. The soldiers are very straightforward here, and now her freedom is not too limited. However, when she thought of living under the eaves with suling, she was inexplicably upset and angry! What's more, there is also the gold gossip board. If she doesn't stay in the general's office, she won't have the news of the gossip board and can't go back.

In order to return to her era as soon as possible, Gu Yun finally decided to live in the general's mansion!

After making up his mind, Gu Yun got up and smiled at the two young generals with great gentleness: "please tell the soldiers in the mansion that he has the right person and will marry her soon. You are not allowed to call my wife again, or you will be dealt with by the military law. Do you understand? "

The two young generals looked at each other, but they didn't want to return: "I see, then What do we call you? "

"Just call me green girl." Gu Yun is in a good mood. As long as he is not the damned "madam", his name doesn't matter.

Gu Yun must be very sad, just for the sake of the overall situation. They looked at each other and said firmly, "yes, young girl, don't worry. In our mind, you are the general's wife!"

Ah? Gu Yun's mouth is stiff. She's not rare, OK! With a slight cough, Gu Yun said emphatically, "I've got your mind, but I really don't want to call my wife any more. The general will be unhappy. You must convey it to everyone, understand?"

"Yes." The two faces were crabby for her, but the answer was loud. In this way, Gu Yun is very satisfied. As long as she doesn't hear the word "madam" in the future, she will feel more comfortable. Really some tired, Gu cloud toward two little generals smile, turned into the house.

Looking at the face of "forced smile" and the back of "lost soul", one of the young generals murmured angrily, "how can the general treat his wife like this? Such a good woman, the general doesn't know how to cherish happiness! "

"Yes!" Another person also hurriedly joined in. No wonder the lady's face is so bad. She didn't go in for such a long time just now. How pitiful!

Men gossip, the power of the deep, sometimes women out of reach. Soon after, rumors about suling's constant abandonment were widely spread in the general's mansion and even in the army, with many versions.

Gu Yun was so dizzy that he just wanted to sleep and walked straight to the backyard. When he got to the front hall, he met Su Yu, who was coming to him. Obviously, Su Yu didn't expect Gu Yun to come back. He crossed his eyebrows and said, "Why are you coming back so soon? What about brother II? Has big brother come back together? "

After a few days of running, I was busy analyzing the case. Now I can't help myself. Gu Yunzhen feels very tired. He ignores him and continues to walk to the backyard.

Gu Yun's face was pale against the background of his black clothes. His eyes were so black that he was scared. Su Yu finally felt that she was not strong enough. He stopped her from going forward and asked, "how can you look like you are going to die in these days?"

Gu Yun doesn't want to explain. He wants him to let go. Su Yu suddenly grabbed her wrist and said, "is it a disease again? Would you like to invite your sister over? "

On the young face, anxiety and worry were undisguised, which showed that he really cared for her. Gu Yun replied lightly, "I'm ok. I'm still in the back. Let's go to the palace." When they entered the capital, they parted ways.

"Are you really OK?" Su Yu was still worried. He murmured to himself, "I'd better ask a doctor to come back and have a look." Last time she fainted suddenly, it was frightening.

Gu Yun turned a white eye, broke his hand, and went on to the backyard. Su Yu growls discontentedly, "Hey, I'm talking to you. Why are you going?"

"Sleep." Two words came from afar. Su Yu is stunned for a while, then shakes his head and smiles. He didn't sleep well. It seems that it must be very hard to suppress bandits in this period of time. OK, he will tell the kitchen to make some good dishes for her. Su Yu walked happily to his rare kitchen, completely forgetting what he had to do just now.

The kitchen managed to make a table of good dishes, but Gu Yun fell asleep completely. Su Yu broke his throat outside the door and only exchanged two words: "no!"

Staring at this rich dish, Su Yu's anger was rising. I don't know how to kill a woman. I won't give her any next time I want to eat!

When Su Yu was angry and quickly lifted the table, Su Ling's tall figure appeared in the front hall.

"Big brother." Seeing Su Ling, Su Yu presses his temper down, gets up and is about to meet him. A light smell of wine pours on his nose. Su Yu frowned. "Have you been drinking? Qingmo lied to me that you have entered the palace. I want to ask you how the emperor said it. "

Sun Ling Eagle eyes a dark, "she came back?"

Su Yu replied hatefully, "yes, I will go to bed as soon as I come back."

She also knows to rest! Suling snorted, rubbed her sore neck, and turned out of the front hall.

"Brother, why don't you eat?" Su Yu cried Why is this dish so unattractive?!

"Sleep." Cold to leave two words, suling strides away.

Sleeping again? Su Yu is depressed.

breeze, the moon is cool, like water, 100 years Wutong with its vigorous branches to support a large umbrella, will be beautiful moon isolation, only at the top of the tree can see a clear moon. Among the dense leaves, a silver light more dazzling than the moonlight gently swings. There is a dark figure on the high branches. It seems that it is sleeping with its head resting on its hands and eyes closed. But even so, you can't get close to him easily. Just lying down casually like this, you can attack, retreat and defend without any flaws.

The man slowly opened his eyes and looked at it from the side of his head. This is the highest place nearby. You can easily see the smooth rock wall and the forest she used to practice.

Ao Tian's indifferent eyes crossed a trace of self mockery. From when, he would always look at the forest habitually. I heard that she went to Peicheng to suppress bandits. How could a small body store such great strength? What an interesting woman.

"Young girl is early."


"Young lady, it's early."


Although not fully asleep, but after a night's rest, Gu Yun's spirit has been much better. After a night's promotion by two young generals, the effect was good. Everyone who saw her no longer called her wife, but They seemed to be extremely enthusiastic and cautious towards her. She was a little puzzled, but she was still very happy. Finally, she succeeded. It was a beautiful day!

Gu Yun is in a good mood. Seeing Su Yu from afar, he says with a smile, "morning, Su Yu."

Su Yu was still in a state of depression about last night's event, and hummed, "you can really sleep. You are a pig."

Gu Yun gently picked up his eyebrows and laughed, "pigs are better than chickens."

"You!" Su Yu stares at Gu Yun angrily. It's her fault. He says he eats like a chicken. Now her sister calls him chicken general every time she sees him! Both sisters are equally hateful!

An old servant was coming over with Su Yu's breakfast. Seeing Gu Yun, he smiled kindly and said, "have you had breakfast, young girl? I'll get it for you. "

"No, I'm in a hurry." Gu Yun waved and left the angry Su Yu behind to go out.

What do servants call her? Green girl? Don't you usually call it madam? Su Yu nods secretly. In fact, it's best to call Miss Qing. She's not a woman of big brother. What's her name!

Yuelai tea house.

"Three thousand Liang! Are you sure The eyes of Qianjing and her Phoenix are shining. They sweep away the casual ruffian in the ordinary life and stare at Zhuoqing directly.

As expected, he is a money expert. When he talks about money, he comes to spirit. Zhuoqing nods lazily. Qianjing immediately cries, "I will go!" Three thousand Liang, the punishment department is really a big hand this time.

Looking to one side calm self-sustaining, always calm silent two people, Zhuo Qing asked: "Ao day, night charm, you?" The two of them are her main purpose today! This time, the victims are all the family members and ladies. The guards in the house are not very strict, but they still let the murderer succeed. It can be seen that his martial arts must be excellent. Even if the murderer is found, the people in the criminal department may not be able to catch him. With the help of these two people, we can be more confident. They are bounty hunters. Three thousand Liang should be attractive.

"I'm not free." The husky male voice is still cold, and the silver thread is slightly drooping. He is not interested in it.

Well, there's no need to fight for him. He's clearly written his refusal on his face!

The gold mask covered the woman's expression, leaving only a pair of cold and sharp eyes. She didn't refuse immediately, her eyes were slightly restrained, indifferent and speechless. "Elder martial sister, the murderer killed four innocent women in a row. This person has to be removed!" said Qian Jing, throwing his mouth away

This elder martial sister has always been a pair of cold eyes since the first moment when he knew him. Elder martial brother only looks at the mood, but she has a full sense of justice. The people she arrested are all heinous. Money can't move her, but sin can.

Sure enough, the ice eyes flickered, and the night spirit nodded.

Zhuo Qing takes a deep breath of relief. Today is also a harvest.

"Dong Dong".

There was a soft knock on the door and several people in the room looked at each other. Zhuo Qing whispered, "come in." Just now I told the boss not to be beaten