A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 151

When Yu Shijun was sad, the curtain was opened rudely. Gu Yun, the heroine of the incident, entered the curtain without expression, and several pairs of eyes stared at her. Gu Yun looks at suling coldly, and looks away as if he didn't see it, but suling frowns unconsciously.

Gu Yun goes to Su Ren and sits down. Su Ren smiles and says, "sister in Law --"

"shut up!" Roar shocked a group of people silly eyes, "later who call my sister-in-law, Madame, I immediately split him!"

Gu Yun is still sitting beside Su Ren in such a stable way. The violent voice and calm face form a huge contrast. In addition to Su Ling's complicated expression, several big men are full of doubts about what the general did to her last night.

Gu Yun's appearance didn't make the atmosphere in the account more relaxed, but more tense. They didn't know whether they should speak or shut up, or better - disappear.

"Newspaper, general Lou is here." The voice of the first briefing made several people almost cheered. Su Ren quickly replied, "please hurry up."

Loumuhai opened the curtain and saw that everyone was there. He said with a smile, "everyone is here. I'm not late, are you?"

"No, no, the time is just right! Just fine! " Su Ren and Han Shu got up at the same time and said with a happy smile, "take your seat, general Lou!"

Lou Muhai is in a fog. Why did Su commander and Han Qianfeng suddenly have such enthusiasm for him? Finally, he felt that the atmosphere in the account was not right.

Su Ling asked in a deep voice, "general Su, how are things prepared?"

Su Ling's question made Lou Muhai stop studying the strange atmosphere in the tent. He said with a smile: "the oil and sulfur in the area of three hundred Li inside and outside Peicheng have been transferred. There is absolutely no problem burning such a small mountain forest."

Pointing to the water system map on the table, Su Ling simply said the plan of the battle again, "since everything has been prepared, according to last night's arrangement, Deputy General Yu led five thousand elite soldiers to enter from this branch road, first open the road, move forward in a word formation, and burn the mountain at the same time; I will lead fifteen thousand soldiers to escort, encircle the thieves with a fishing net formation, and catch up with the fire. Su Ren and Han Shu, you have led 5000 soldiers to block the four roads. In any case, you can't let the rogues carry the gold away. As soon as gold is found, it will be shipped in two directions from the southeast. " When it comes to business, the three of them put away their banter and listened carefully to suling's arrangement.

"General Lou, please take it out of the forest!"

Lou Muhai nodded back: "no problem! Give it to me. "

Gu Yun always sat, never said a word, and suling didn't make arrangements for her. Suling asked in a low voice, "qingmo, which way are you going to attack?"

Without thinking, Gu replied, "I'm with you."

Su Ren takes a careful look at Su Ling. He doesn't seem to care where Qing is going. He says to Yu Shijun, "the whole army is in line. It's not time to start."


Alas, their relationship was not so good, let alone now. What happened last night? Apart from the parties, it is estimated that only Moyi knows what's going on, but where is Moyi?

Gu Yun's cold mouth suddenly brings up a pale smile.

In the sky, the tall trees hold up a big umbrella with green shade. There is a light fragrance of grass and trees around them. Insects and birds are singing in their ears from time to time. At noon in summer, standing in such a green shade, it should be very comfortable. Of course, if the tree on the top of the head does not drop a few caterpillars from time to time, the air is not so hot and humid, and the feet are not submerged in the dirty mud, Moyi will feel comfortable too!

In the end of Qing Dynasty, that small hearted, ruthless, good and evil women!

In the mud that was shaking faintly from time to time, a bright red figure stood there stiffly. The thick mud flooded his knee, but he sank very slowly. It had been an hour, and it had only sunk an inch. After all, it's not a swamp. It's impossible to drown him in the mire. But he will be trapped here to death. Even if his martial arts are high, he can't even have a dead branch of a tree or rattan. If he wants to go out, he has only one way: lie down, so that his hand can reach the nearby stone. But it also means that he will immerse himself in the dirty and evil Stinking mud!

Just imagine how the thick mud felt on his body, and he was disgusted!

The red clothes are in sharp contrast to the black and yellow mud. At the moment, his heart is green with regret. Last night, he shouldn't go to provoke that mean and insidious woman! Su Ling eats her tofu. What's the matter with him? She spread her anger on him. It's a disaster.

In other words, last night was like this -

after suling left angrily, Mu Yi stared at the direction of Gu Yun's tent for a long time. After a while, Gu Yun came out of the tent, and his face was the same flush, but his eyes were clearly burning with anger, and he did not know whether her face was angry or blushing. At this moment, Moyi made a stupid and tragic decision to follow.

With his hands on his back, Gu Yunwei raised his head and stared at the innocent bright moon in the sky. She used the gentle breeze at night to calm down her anger. At this time, a low smile of ignorance sounded behind her. "The moon is beautiful tonight, and young girl is coming out to enjoy the moon."

Gu Yun didn't turn back. His fist was tight. He said in a cold voice, "I'm not in the mood to talk to you now. You'd better stay away from me."

Seeing the anger around her, Muyi still said with a smile: "is that right? What a coincidence? That's what Ling said just now. You really have a good understanding. "

The voice didn't fall. With an eye knife came a stone as sharp as a walnut. Moyi picked it up and quickly flashed by. The stone hit a big tree behind him, leaving a deep hole in the trunk!

Moyi is funny. What did suling do to this violent young lady to make her become so angry? His eyes drifted to Gu Yun's right chest unconsciously, and he thought of the strange red tide on suling's face. He was sure that the two men must have skin ties!

Mu Yi surmised to himself, and Gu Yun suddenly whispered, "it's you!"

"What?" It's easy to wonder.

Step by step close to Moyi, cold eyes staring at Moyi's evil face, Gu Yun said one by one, "you and suling say that I have words on my chest."

Mu Yi was stunned. He neither denied it nor admitted it. He said with a smile, "how can I see it?"

"You disappeared for a few days to investigate my life experience, and as soon as you came back, you instigated suling to look for me for bad luck and watch the fun." Two people have stood very close, Gu Yun's tone is more and more gentle, if it is not for those shining eyes, Moyi almost thought that she was seducing him!

Having prepared Gu Yun's plan to start at any time, Mu Yi still replied with a poor smile: "almost guess the score is not bad, but how do you know?" He was curious that suling, a man harder than stone, could not tell her, but he himself did not tell anyone the news except suling. How did she guess that he said it, and that he abetted suling exactly?

Don't he know that his face has been written clearly?

He didn't look anywhere, and fell straight on her right chest. He didn't have this color before, and suddenly disappeared for several days. As soon as he came back, suling would have trouble with her. Who else would he have! Is he an idiot?!

Mu Yi guesses that Gu Yun may not answer him, but will fight with him fiercely to vent her anger. Strangely, she just looked at him coldly and then turned around and left. She went into the tent sullenly, which made him unable to move and lose some energy.

The next day, when it was still dark, Moyi lay down in the tent to rest. A light and light footstep ran past the tent. Ordinary soldiers could not walk so carefully in the barracks. Who would it be? Mu Yi quickly opened his eyes and gently lifted the curtain, only to see Gu Yun's thin figure rushing to the rainforest behind the camp at a very fast speed.

Where is she going? What do you want to do? There are so many mysteries in her that even he can't find out where her abilities come from. Muyi is still curious about her. After only a moment's hesitation, he made a second stupid and tragic decision and caught up again.

Gu Yun's speed is very fast, she is walking through the forest, and the paths she chooses are all places with many shrubs and weeds. The road on her right is obviously much easier to walk, and Muyi, who is fond of cleanliness, has no hesitation in choosing the right.

"Poof -" after a chase in the woods, Gu Yun stopped at once when he heard a dull sound.

With a very soft smile on her mouth, Gu Yun turns around slowly, and her prey falls in the mud pit where she has prepared for the whole night.

Walking back with light steps, Gu Yun was in a surprisingly good mood when he was staring at the death that he wished he could tear her apart and skin her. He said with a chuckle, "what a coincidence! In the morning, you also do morning exercises?! It's just - what are you practicing? "

Glancing sideways at Mu Yi's feet, which are deeply buried in the thick mud, Gu Yun's expression at this time is not worth his life.

His feet are buried in the black and yellow mud that stinks from time to time, and every hair of Moyi's body stands up! The blue tendons on the clenched fist burst out, and the cold sweats on the forehead burst out.

Gu Yun was very satisfied with his expression that he could not live as if he were dead. He even fell into the well and smiled: "it's really hot here. I think I'd better go back and take a comfortable and clean cold bath. Don't disturb me. You practice slowly."

She said two words comfortable and clean, which made her very happy. Moyi's face changed from white to red and red to black as she wanted.

Gu Yun turned around and was about to leave. The man who had been stiff finally shouted, "stop!"

Gu Yun turned around obediently this time and said with a friendly smile, "is there anything else?"

"Pull me out!" Almost the voice from the teeth shows that Moyi wants to kill people.

Gu Yun gently raised his eyebrows and put his hands around his chest. With a clear voice, he was a little proud, a little cold, and a little wild, but there was no pity. "Is there a word on my face that says" repay evil with good "? As for me, I only believe in revenge! There is a price to be paid for watching. You can enjoy the mire bath slowly. It's good for your skin. "

"The end of youth!"

Gu Yun left, leaving behind a man who roared so loudly that the plants shook and the birds and animals scattered.

The army is divided into two parts. Gu Yun follows Su Ren and Han Shu along the South stream to the direction of gold hiding. Gu Yun was in a good mood when he thought of Mu Yi's cold sweat, disgusted and frightened look. She won't fight with him. Moyi's martial arts should be