A Magical Hogwarts

v7 Chapter 41: Harry by ntr

William eventually agreed to cooperate with the Ministry of Magic.

Anti-curse hats and defensive gloves can be sold in large quantities, but the super defensive cloak is limited to the Auror office.

Now that Kingsley is the director, he can better manage it so that things don\'t flow out and end up in the hands of the Death Eaters.

The three discussed for a while, and when they went to the potion area, they found a group of excited girls gathered around, chattering and laughing non-stop.

What they watched was a row of pink products, not only in ambiguous colors, but also in a variety of flavors:

Strawberry, eggplant and cucumber...

But don\'t get me wrong, this isn\'t the same thing that\'s sitting next to the supermarket checkout counter, it\'s... a love potion.

Annie, Luna, and Ginny were also nearby, and Ginny even stood on tiptoe, seeming to be very curious about this thing.

The three gathered together and began to mutter.

Ginny whispered, "Does it work?"

"It works, but this is not made by my brother, and the effect can only last for twenty-four hours at most." Annie whispered.

"It also depends, of course, on the boy\'s weight and the girl\'s attractiveness."

Ginny rolled her eyes, put her arms around Annie, and asked, "Can you cook it?"

Annie glanced around:

"I\'ve never cooked... but I\'ve seen my brother make it and know the steps.

He also lied to me that it was a drowsiness agent. "

Luna stared at her grey eyes and suddenly asked, "Who did William cook it for?"

"Some female customers." Annie shrugged. "In the end, I put it in chocolate and give it to him.

Sometimes, I also help Hagrid cook. "

Ginny\'s eyes widened, and Annie quickly explained:

"Hagrid wants to breed his little animals."

As a little crossbreed expert, Hagrid has cultivated a large number of strange creatures, such as fried tail snails.

But as parents, the Sphinx Manticore and the Fire Crab, how could it be so easy to submit.

No matter how estrus people are, they don\'t want to fall in love across races... Hagrid has to use some small tricks.

Not relying on a powerful love potion.

Seeing that Ginny was very curious, Annie asked back, "Do you want me to cook it for you?"

Ginny flipped her hair and said, "I don\'t need this, I\'m just curious about the taste."

"You can add one of my hair or Luna\'s and taste it, I don\'t mind," Annie joked.

The three laughed together.

Annie was smiling, when she accidentally caught a glimpse of her brother, she quickly straightened her face and looked like a good boy.

After William approached, he asked, "What are you talking about, laughing so happily?"

"It\'s nothing, brother! It\'s just a topic among girls." Annie stuck out her tongue, trying to get through.

She didn\'t want her brother to know that she was talking about love potion and wanted to help Ginny make it.

That would probably break the leg.

William glanced at her, as if not believing.

As William who had been in the group of girls in his previous life, he knew very well that when girls chat... topics are very dirty.

The scale was so bold that even he was dumbfounded, and he couldn\'t stand it.

Sure enough, Ginny bent her head and smiled, "We\'re talking about three dimensions, William, do you want to listen?"

Even if William was very thick-skinned, he had no choice but to flee when he heard this.

But George and Fred came close.

George crossed his arms and said:

"Three young ladies, love potion is not something you should be curious about."

"That\'s right." Fred glanced at Ginny.

"We can\'t sell it to our own sister."

His expression suddenly became serious.

"Especially now that she\'s been revolving around, and she\'s really hot with five boys.

This is where we started from..."

"The **** you heard from Ron!" said Ginny calmly.

She leaned over and took a small pink jar from a shelf, trying to tactically change the subject: "What is this?"

"Ten seconds to clear the pustules." Fred shrugged.

"It works wonders for boils and blackheads and stuff.

But don\'t change the subject, are you in a relationship with Dean Thomas right now? "

William almost couldn\'t help laughing.

Isn\'t this Harry\'s roommate?

Harry\'s most loyal little fan girl turned her head and fell in love with his roommate... Is this an ntr?

Sure enough, women are a bunch of terrible creatures.

"I\'m definitely in a relationship with Dean." Ginny crossed her arms. "But he\'s definitely a boy, not five!"

George\'s brotherly concern began again: "So, what\'s up with Michael Corner?

You were not..."

"I dumped him a long time ago. He has bad breath and likes to kiss." Ginny said confidently.

"Okay, okay, your reasons are reasonable, but..." Fred reluctantly admitted, "Your boyfriend is too diligent in changing?"

Ginny turned to stare at him, hands on her hips. The angry expression on her face resembled Mrs. Weasley\'s.

"My business is none of your business. And..."

At this time, Harry and Ron happened to appear.

Ron, still holding a pile of merchandise in his arms, walked to George\'s side.

Ginny was furious and shouted at Ron, "Damn rumormonger, don\'t lie about me in front of George and Fred in the future!

I love to fall in love with whoever I love to fall in love with! You can\'t handle it! "

"I..." Ron had a guilty expression on his face.

He was indeed the one who told the twins that Ginny was in a relationship with five people.

Ginny said disdainfully:

"You can\'t find a girlfriend yourself, and you want me to be single for the rest of my life?!"

Many people stood around and looked around and pointed.

Ron\'s face flushed, and he stammered in defense:

"I\'m just worried about affecting your grades, nothing else. After all, you\'re in fifth grade this year, and it\'s the OWL year..."

Ginny glanced at Harry, then looked at Ron contemptuously.

"You\'ve been single for so many years, and you haven\'t seen how good your grades are, isn\'t it still the countdown?"

"And William and Hermione fell in love in the third grade, and it didn\'t affect their studies!"

Ron was left speechless.

Ginny looked at the twins again and said, "I did inquire about the love potion just now, but it was for Ron."

"I want to add Mrs Norris\'s hair to it and feed him.

After he has tasted the taste of love, maybe he will not disturb me. "

(Bobo Tea: Meow Meow Meow? That\'s Lao Tzu\'s wife!)

After Ginny finished speaking, she dragged Annie and Luna and ran away quickly.

For a time, the atmosphere was very awkward.

The always obedient sister also began to rebel, and Fred was a little disillusioned.

He looked at Ron and said, "A total of 30 Galleons, 13 Sikos, and 5 Nuts. Pay me."

"So expensive?!" Ron frowned.

"Whoever asks you to take it is expensive!" George said bluntly.

"But you\'re my brother, and Nat waived it for you."

"But I don\'t have that many Galleons!"

"Then you\'d better put things back and remember not to put them on the wrong shelf."

"I can continue to be a medicine man." Ron felt embarrassed and said angrily, "Put me on the account."

"Sorry, you have developed resistance, we now have a batch of cheaper medicine people, and you don\'t need you." George shrugged.

Ron: "..."

Madd, he is also planning to work as a pharmacist for the rest of his life after graduation, if he can\'t find a high-paying job.

It\'s only been two years now, and you\'ve encountered a juvenile crisis?

Is this too curly?

Ron threw away a few boxes, cursing, and made a rude gesture at the twins.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Weasley, who happened to appear at this time, saw it.

"If I see you doing this again, I\'ll cast a curse and stick your fingers together," she said sternly.

"And...you and Harry\'s OWL results are here."

Ron raised his hopes. After the exam, he overestimated, but he had eight O\'s, ranking first in the academy.

If he does well in the test, he can ask his mother for a reward.

But Mrs. Weasley pinched her waist and said angrily:

"Ron, what about eight O\'s?

But I just looked at the report card, and I didn\'t have a single O, and I failed four subjects. "




(ps I never black Ron~www.novelhall.com~ so I didn\'t black him here.

He didn\'t have one o in the original book, and got seven certificates.

But note that in the original book, Hermione gave detailed notes every year, and supervised the two of them at Easter.

In the fifth grade, she is also a variety of tutors.

Even so, Harry and Ron often copied Hermione\'s homework in the original book.

Without the help of the super scholar, Ron was thankful that he did not repeat the grade.

He is an out-and-out scumbag who doesn\'t work hard. Harry, who had a deep hatred of his own, also went with Ron.

Aside from the protagonist\'s halo, the scumbag duo is the reality. )

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