A Magical Hogwarts

v7 Chapter 24: The Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Admission

Mela\'s younger brother, Lucas Picquili, is missing.

At the time, he was riding a kid\'s broomstick, chasing the Snitch.

Then the broom suddenly went out of control, and the person with the broom jumped into the sky like a monkey, and disappeared.

From the perspective of the whole process, it seems like a quality problem with broomsticks, and the store needs to take full responsibility.

However, the staff immediately denied Sanlian, saying that their broom was a world-class brand.

Especially children\'s brooms have been tested countless times, and there is no quality problem at all!

The question is your personal mishandling.

However, it was discovered that it was the Picquili family, who was still in the "Tesla Behavior" store, and immediately began to admit counsel and agreed to pay compensation.

Compensation is not the key, the key is the ten-year-old son... gone.

How do you pay for this?

All the Aurors scattered, and the staff.

But nothing was found, not even the fragments of the broomstick, as if they had all disappeared.

After all, it is Mera\'s younger brother, and William also checked it with magic.

But the traces of the tracking spell disappeared in the sky, and finally disappeared completely.

Even Newt\'s sniff would not be able to find traces in this environment.

William is ready to make a small map centered on the nearby area.

But for several kilometers, Lucas\' name was not found.

Sitting in the yard, he bowed his head in deep thought.

Hermione walked over gently and sat down beside him.

"How is Mela?"

"The mood is not stable. I gave her some magical medicine to calm down a little." Hermione sighed.

The younger brother is missing, anyone will do this... If Annie disappears, she will probably go crazy with anxiety.

William rubbed his eyebrows and seemed a little tired.

Hermione was very familiar with his various little habits, so she asked softly:

"What\'s the matter, William, have you found anything?"

After a moment of silence, he nodded and said: "There are some inexplicable things, I will tell you, and you can help me analyze it."

Hermione was always able to notice the details that others didn\'t notice, and William habitually asked her to help fill in the gaps.

In other words... act as your own Hermione Think Tank.

"I\'ve used Andorra\'s brooms, and they\'re good quality.

This kind of product generally does not have the possibility of sudden loss of control. "

As a Quidditch master, William has personally played with various types of broomsticks.

This brand of broom is specially used for underage wizards and has multiple "protection" functions.

Once the speed is too fast, or there is a problem, the broom will brake suddenly.

The invisible cushion on the broom will also be ejected, allowing the little wizard to land safely.

To put it bluntly, this is a broom with multiple protection measures.

That\'s why the store was so tough in the first place.

Although they behave like Tesla, they are not the same as Tesla... Really nothing will happen.

Even if there is a problem with one protection measure, it is impossible for all means to appear in the problem at the same time.

Hermione didn\'t understand brooms, but she trusted William\'s judgment and whispered:

"You mean, someone cast a curse on the broom?"

She pondered for a moment and said:

"If you want to retaliate, just kill Lucas and leave it in the yard, which will make the Piquelli family even more painful and angry.

If you want to ask for money, you should have started extorting by now. "

William looked at Hermione and said slowly:

"The other party\'s purpose...just wants to capture Lucas."

Hermione was silent, her arms resting on her knees, her chin resting on William\'s shoulder, the breeze blew her face, her eyes narrowed, and she looked extremely serious.

"Missing...child..." She suddenly widened her eyes, as if remembering something.

"William, do you remember the Magic Security Office, the investigation you saw?"

"Lucas is not the first." She said with a serious face: "Six children have been missing recently!"

"But the missing children all have one characteristic. They come from Muggle families." William just thought of this, and he whispered:

"That criminal, apparently wanted to kidnap Muggles, not wizards..."

He stopped suddenly, realizing what Hermione meant.

"You mean, those children from Muggle families have actually awakened to their magical talents.

Like Lucas, they are all little wizards? "

"Yes!" Hermione said excitedly, "Why do wizards catch Muggle children?

The opponent\'s target must be the little wizard. "

She immediately became embarrassed and said in distress:

"But I looked at the documents and none of those kids were eleven years old, some were even five or six years old.

We can\'t corroborate this speculation..."

"No, Hermione." William bit her cheek coldly and said with a smile, "This is the best proof.

Don\'t forget, I\'m also a professor at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "



As a child, you may feel that you will become a real wizard the moment you receive your admission letter from the magic school.

But in fact, it is not.

To use what Hagrid said when he picked up William back then:

"When you were born, your name entered the school\'s roster, and you were destined to be a wizard."

This is not Hagrid\'s nonsense, or politeness, but an unmistakable truth.

Hogwarts, for example, has a book called Magic Items.

Stored in the locked attic of the school castle, it is a large book of parchment with a black dragonskin cover.

It is accompanied by a pen of acceptance.

It will write the names of all the newly born children with the gift of magic.

However, the judgment of the pen of acceptance is more forgiving than the book of admission:

Even the slightest sign of magic on a child is enough to tempt the pen of acceptance.

But the Book of Admission, as an overseer, will refuse to write the name of the Pen of Acceptance unless it receives a person with sufficient evidence of magical abilities.

For example... in a wizarding family, a child born without the gift of magic.

Occasionally some, faint magical auras from their parents.

Once the magic power from the parents gradually diminishes, they will find that they have no ability to cast spells.

Thus, this book ensures that schools don\'t admit Squibs.

The agility of the Pen of Acceptance and the strictness of the Book of Admission have allowed them to never make a single mistake.

Nor will there be any child who has been admitted to Hogwarts but whose name is not on the yellowed pages of the book of admission.

Therefore, those students who came through like William ~www.novelhall.com~ and turned into Squibs, or Muggles without magical powers...let\'s just wash and sleep.

There is no name on the book of acceptance, and it is impossible to infiltrate Hogwarts.

The Book of Access also recorded the name and date of birth of every wizard child.

It tells people who will be at Hogwarts and when.

During the summer vacation, William followed Professor McGonagall to check the book.

And use owls to send admission letters to those children who are about to turn eleven, inviting them to come to school.

And Ilvermorny... established as a school imitating Hogwarts, has a similar existence.

This is also the reason why William is confident and can easily determine whether the missing Muggle child is a wizard.

