A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 97: Akali intelligence system is online

Why did Umbridge close the lockdown in such a vicious way?

Because she likes corporal punishment, physical pain will bring her extraordinary stimulation.

But this kind of sensory stimulation is only for her to others, not others for her.

In other words, she just wants to torture others and doesn\'t like being tortured.

After all...she is also afraid of pain.

So, when the sting of the quill appeared inexplicably on his face, Umbridge wanted to cry in pain.

The most frightening thing is that Granger has no intention of stopping.

There was a continual scalding stinging pain on the face. This kind of pain did not lie in the sudden sharp pain, but in the continuous accumulation of bits and pieces.

William Shi Shiran sat in the chair, completely ignoring Umbridge\'s kneeling and begging for mercy.

If you count it, Umbridge wanted to cast Cruciatus on Hermione for the first time, and this time he wanted to torture with a quill... He was just charging some interest now.

This kind of screams quickly spread, and many passing little wizards heard it.

They gathered at the door of the office, but dared not go in.

This scream... oh my god, it\'s so scary, it makes people panic.

It feels like it\'s haunted.

Not a ghost like the headless Nick, but a more terrifying existence, like a ghost in a horror movie.

Many young Muggle-born wizards are muttering at the door, telling others about those famous horror movies.

Trying to tell them how scary ghosts are.

"I don\'t know how many professors have been changed in this Defense Against the Dark Arts office." Ivan Hals was mysterious:

"Maybe a certain professor died tragically on the toilet."

"Yeah, haven\'t you heard of that terrifying campus legend?" Elena Kaslana\'s hands were cold, and she deliberately lowered her voice:

"When Hogwarts was being built, a worker died and was built into the wall."

Well, this is not because I have read too many Edgar Allan Poe novels, or I have read the Trick of the City.

"Yeah, I also heard..." Connor Lake looked horrified.

"The school was built in an old cemetery, and the ground is full of graves."

"What are you three doing?" Professor McGonagall walked over quickly, and she said sternly, "What are you doing around here?"

The three of them screamed "Ghost!" and then ran away.

Professor McGonagall was very unhappy and decided to find fault in the next class and deduct points for the three of them.

But her face changed quickly because she heard screams.

McGonagall remembered Potter and Granger being locked up in Umbridge.

How dare Umbridge torture students? !

She was furious, like an angry lion. He reached out and twisted the doorknob, but it was locked from the inside.

McGonagall slammed the door and shouted, "Open the door!"

No one responded, and the screams continued.

She was instantly furious, shouted "Back off", and suddenly drew out her wand and aimed it at the wooden door.

The students immediately flashed seven or eight meters away, looking at Mag from a distance.

After a burst of shock, the wooden door was torn apart, the walls on both sides were torn apart, and most of the walls collapsed.

William, who was sitting in a chair, turned to look at the wooden door, his eyes dazed.

Why is this scene so familiar?

Wait... that year when he arrested Tywin, Professor McGonagall rushed in violently.

When he heard Magna\'s familiar voice, William was thinking about one more thing:

Has she always been so irritable when she entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts office?

Mag did this, naturally because he was in a hurry. In her heart, she was ready to fight.

If Umbridge is really torturing students, she has to do it, even if she\'s locked up in Azkaban.

But seeing the scene in front of him, the professor was also stunned.

Things were completely different from what she thought:

Granger crossed Erlang\'s legs, sipping tea with a teacup, parchment and black quills floating on her side.

The quill is flying in the automatic.

Potter shivered and stayed in the corner, standing like a minion, with a sluggish look on his face as if he was frightened.

Professor McGonagall finally looked at Umbridge on the ground, with "I\'m a Mudblood" written in red on her face.

William snapped his fingers, and the quill stopped and floated to Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Umbridge, let\'s write with this quill... This is the punishment of confinement."

McGonagall took the quill and just glanced at it to understand what was going on.

Her face turned from white to blue, and she trembled with anger:

"Professor Umbridge, we never use corporal punishment! It is even forbidden to use objects with black magic!"

William drank the black tea, got up and said with a smile:

"You should take her to the school hospital first. She seems to have passed out... Well, before I could do anything, she fell down."

McGonagall glanced at Hermione suspiciously, the tone of your words,

Why is he so like William?



Umbridge\'s use of black magic quills to punish students quickly spread around the campus.

Suddenly there was an uproar.

She already had a criminal record for using the Unforgivable Curse. Although someone confessed her guilt for her, she...knows everything.

Now doing this kind of crazy and unconscionable thing... The rejection of her by the students is even more serious.

Many people even left messages in the headmaster\'s mailbox, asking Dumbledore to kick Umbridge out.

But this is obviously useless work... After all, she was sent by Fudge, the last madness.

Seeing that Umbridge did not intend to be driven away, the students were even more afraid, worried about physical punishment.

After all, not everyone can be so brave like Granger.

That\'s right, Harry has already reiterated what happened in the office.

It seemed that Hermione moved her finger and subdued the old toad in Umbridge.

For a time, her popularity in Hogwarts almost surpassed that of William.

The last time she was so popular was when Hermione won the Triwizard Tournament.

Hermione is also very confused. She went to Ravenclaw to train in a fake way, and when she came back, she became the heroine of Hogwarts?

William... what have you done with my body?

Since the students are so afraid, the Akali Mystery Shop will sell what everyone needs.

This is also the purpose of the store has been serving.

William designed the anti-curse badge for the quill overnight.

As long as you wear it, you\'ll be protected from the quill and bounce back onto Umbridge.

As soon as this batch of badges appeared, they were sold out immediately... Everyone was in a hurry.

After several years of development, Akali Mystery Shop has recruited a group of powerful staff.

William will figure out the production method, and naturally there will be a steady stream of goods produced.

In assembly line production, capacity is not a problem.

But the problem comes from other ways...

On the board of the Akali Mystery Shop, Hermione offered her opinion:

"After this incident, Umbridge will definitely change to new punishment items, and the badges sold now are definitely not functional enough."

William nodded~www.novelhall.com~ looked at everyone and gave the order:

"In that case, let the house-elves who deliver the courier fully intercept Umbridge\'s owls."

He waved his hand:

"Whether it was a letter Fudge wrote to Umbridge, or a letter she sent, or something she bought.

All need to be checked! "

Having raised so many house elves, it’s not just about delivering couriers.

When necessary, you can also fight intelligence wars!

The house-elf version of Yu Zecheng... is officially launched.



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thank you "la2333" for the reward. )