A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 79: The end of the summer vacation (thanks to 'Ace 101' for the ten thousand coins...

I don\'t know when, Harry and Ron suddenly developed the habit of writing letters to their classmates.

Definitely not trying to copy homework.

Well... I do have this idea.

Hermione finished her homework before the holiday, and then lost the school, giving no chance for "reference" at all.

And the "reference answers" that were circulated in the summer vacation in the past can no longer be bought with money.

This is killing my mother!

As for why it couldn\'t be bought, it wasn\'t even last year when Li Jordan\'s homework business was completely destroyed by Professor McGonagall.

With William\'s help, Li directly led the team to change careers, and started the Hogwarts Lily Net, and started the dating business.

Naturally, the answer to this homework is completely wasted.

However, this business has been in operation for four years, and many students have formed a habit, and it is very difficult to correct the problem in a while.

Harry and Ron were jumping up and down, trying to copy their classmates\' homework.

It doesn\'t matter if it\'s wrong. Just wanting to copy will lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

But they never imagined that no one wrote it.

Roommate Dean even wrote back, writing in a frightened tone:

He just remembered this and asked what homework was assigned.

If you can, send the written answer by the way. It doesn\'t matter if it\'s wrong, it\'s just to help check.

Good guy...why don\'t you die?

Of course, copying the homework is just a piggyback. The most important thing is that they want to find out who is the other prefect of Gryffindor... who is.

They couldn\'t help but wonder what kind of **** this mysterious wizard was.

William knew who it was, after all it was he who suggested to Dumbledore.

But he didn\'t say it, because he didn\'t care much about such trivial matters.

It doesn\'t matter who the prefect is... The troubles of adolescence are nothing more than in the context of Voldemort\'s resurrection.

William was more concerned about his own layout at this time.

First and foremost is the Dementor.

At the beginning of July, he put the little black robe back in Azkaban, and killed the leader of the dementors by the way.

After Azkaban went through the turmoil, although the little black robe failed to become the boss, his status was also rising, and he was able to detect a lot of news.

For example... the contact between Death Eaters and Dementors became more frequent.

According to Hermione\'s analysis, sooner or later the Dementors defected and indulged the Death Eaters to escape from prison.

Escape is not the key, the key is that William needs to catch the Bellatrix woman and find the whereabouts of the gold cup.

It\'s not easy to start in Azkaban, but when she escaped from prison, she was just able to ambush a wave.

That\'s the advantage of having spies, and William is still waiting for his time.

During this period, Umbridge\'s case finally came to a conclusion:

She was sentenced to a month in Azkaban\'s prison.

If the Unforgivable Curse is used, it must be life imprisonment.

But just as William thought, one of the three Aurors took the initiative to fight for Umbridge.

The day before the trial, he "voluntarily confessed" that he held Umbridge\'s wand and used the Unforgivable Charm.

The other two Aurors are also willing to testify.

Fudge quickly closed the case, leaving the Auror to blame.

And Umbridge was sentenced to one month in prison for negligence.

To be honest, it is not uncommon for temporary workers, interns, and cooperative suppliers to take the blame.

Fudge is not exhausted, and it is impossible for Umbridge to be convicted of a felony until he falls.

However, this statement is undoubtedly unconvincing, but Minister Fudge seems to be determined to fight against public opinion.

Perhaps in Fudge\'s mind, there is also a kind of self-movement of "enemy for Umbridge and the world".

It sounds very warm-blooded, and even inexplicably feels like a Qiong Yao drama.

Especially the three views that are contained in it are not right... that\'s the smell.

Unlike last year, it was a joyful summer, especially with the Quidditch World Cup.

But only one year has passed, and many wizards suddenly feel panic.

Everyone knows that the situation has changed.

But no matter how depressed, this August is finally coming to an end.

September 1st,

Early in the morning, William took Hermione and Annie to Station 9.

They have been here countless times, and the three of them are familiar with each other without any disturbance.

There were many students and parents on the platform, which seemed extremely noisy.

Seeing William and Hermione appearing, the crowd seemed to have been pressed the silent button, and it fell silent for a moment.

Everyone stared at the two with great interest, and many of them poked their elbows and pointed at the people next to them.

There were even quite a few reporters taking pictures around.

When William passed by, he snapped his fingers, and the whole camera began to emit blue smoke.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The commotion between the two of them this summer vacation is even bigger than before.

Whether it\'s the Vienna incident, the International Confederation of Wizards Congress, or even the trial after his return, or Umbridge\'s defeat... all attract everyone\'s attention.

In Rita\'s long serial report, William is the absolute protagonist, and there are a lot of photos to testify.

The public opinion has been reversed long ago, and everyone is in danger for a while.

"Stark, is the mysterious man really resurrected?!" someone suddenly shouted.

William ignored it and just silently walked towards the train

Cedric, Cho, and Neville had already arrived in the carriage where several people used to sit.

Cedric and Autumn are studying a pot of plants.

And Neville was dealing with the struggling toad, Ralph, who seemed to want to eat it.

"Hey, it\'s actually Mibu Mibao." Annie stuck her head out and said in surprise.

Mibu Mibao is an extremely rare magical plant that resembles a small gray cactus, but instead of being covered with thorns, it is covered with boil-like joints.

If the thorns hit those joints, it spews a lot of slimy, smelly dark green juice, and a chestnut flower aroma.

It\'s sour... Whoever hears it knows!

"Very rare indeed," said Neville happily.

"Not even in the Hogwarts greenhouse.

This is a gift my uncle Algi got me from Assyria, and I want to see if I can cultivate it. "

One of Neville\'s favorite classes is herbalism, and it\'s also his best class.

This thing can be multiplied on a large scale and made into a prank product.

At this time, Harry and Ron also came, and the twins were taken away by Li, and the three were murmuring about something.

"It\'s strange, have you seen the new prefect of Gryffindor?" Ron asked impatiently after he sat down.

"I just asked around, and no one knows who the prefect is... Dumbledore wouldn\'t have forgotten to issue his badge, right?"

He looked at Neville again and asked casually, "Neville, do you know who it is?"

"You must first rule out... I guess maybe Seamus, although he always makes explosions, maybe Professor McGonagall likes him.

He must be hiding something on purpose... what do you think? "

Neville didn\'t know what to say, and replied vaguely.

At this moment, William stood up ~www.novelhall.com~ and hung the prefect on his chest and said, "Let\'s go... we\'re going to the prefect\'s carriage."

Hermione, Cho, and Cedric all stood up.

Neville also stood up, and Ron said curiously, "Are you going to go to the toilet, we\'re together."

"No." Neville shook his head and said, "I need to go to the prefect car..."

Harry and Ron opened their mouths and looked at him in shock.

"What are you kidding?" Ron cried. "Where\'s your prefect badge, why didn\'t I see it?" First post https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com/

"I...I lost..." Neville stammered.

Of course it wasn\'t lost, it was given to his mother.

William glanced at Neville, and with a flick of his wand, turned Ralph into a prefect badge.

"Put this on first, and then ask Dumbledore to apply."

Neville hurriedly hung Ralph on his clothes.

Everyone pushed the door and went out, and the whole carriage was empty for a while, only Harry and Ron were left dumbfounded.



Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thank you "Mo Lengchuan" for the reward.

Thank you "ace101" for the 10,000-coin reward.

According to my incomplete statistics, there are currently 50 chapters owed.

At the end of this month, the repayment will begin... At the end of the year, it is time to repay the debt. You can\'t owe it for the New Year.