A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 75: Harry: I'm willing to plead guilty!

"A Magical Hogwarts( Find the latest chapter!

If it is said that this trial, Fudge hated William first, and second hated Umbridge.

He is shrewd and capable on weekdays, and his father is very happy in private. When something happens, it\'s useless!

Let\'s look at Stark again, there are witnesses, physical evidence, everything... Even the one who supports the scene is the Minister of the Ministry of Magic of Austria.

When asked about certain things, he was even more blunt in his words: You are not of sufficient level to be worthy of knowing.

I don\'t deserve to know? I\'m a dignified British Minister of Magic, don\'t I deserve it? !

Do you despise Britain, or do you despise the Minister for Magic?

If William knew what Fudge was thinking, he would definitely shake his head and say:

No, I just look down on you!

Fortunately, Fudge didn\'t know, otherwise he would have been so embarrassed that he passed out with Umbridge.

Since he didn\'t pass out, of course Fudge had to continue to hate it.

The third person he hated was himself.

Fudge really wanted to slap himself, because he asked Percy to find a lot of reporters in advance, crouching at the door, waiting to take first-hand photos.

The headlines for tomorrow\'s news are all ready:

Granger was thrown into prison, and Stark was defeated by the Ministry of Magic.

Then, as soon as the headlines were sent, the publicity kept up... After several interviews with Ka Ka, the public opinion could be reversed immediately.

What can\'t be done, the first place in manipulating public opinion!

Fudge is expertly ruthless in this regard!

But I never imagined that William came to a three-level reversal, turning the plaintiff into the defendant, and the defendant into the victim... The complete offensive and defensive situation is also different.

So these reporters have become tool people who slap themselves in the face?

Fudge can think of tomorrow\'s front page photo:

It must have been Stark and Granger walking out of the courtroom holding hands with medals on their bodies.

Man, sometimes you just can\'t be too confident.

I can\'t help but the pig teammates are holding back!

Fudge inadvertently tagged Umbridge as a pig teammate.

As those spotlights flickered, he was thinking about this:

A person\'s success, of course, depends on self-struggle, but also consider the historical process, and at the same time can not ignore... the importance of teammates.

But soon, a reporter interrupted his thoughts and asked loudly:

"Excuse me, will Miss Granger\'s review continue?"

"No, Wizengamore has acquitted her! The Ministry of Magic will no longer be held accountable for this matter!" Fudge looked up and explained.

"The Minister, since Miss Granger is innocent, does that mean that Ms. Umbridge is guilty?

She used the Unforgivable Charm, what do you do with your secretary? "

Of course, the reporter dug a hole, but Fudge is also a mature politician, he immediately said seriously:

"I\'m not going to say Umbridge is guilty, or she\'s innocent, because that\'s not up to me to judge."

"She will be tried in a week\'s time by the stately Wizengamore, who will announce her guilt.

and myself,

Always respect the law! "

Fudge looked righteous, but he was really thinking about how to fish for Umbridge.

Of course you have to fish, that\'s your secretary!

Not to mention that special relationship, she still holds many of her own secrets.

The most important thing is that there are really few capable people under him, and Umbridge is the one that is the easiest to use.

He also needed the knife of Umbridge to deal with Dumbledore and Stark.

This is a protracted battle.

"I wonder if you have read the latest newspaper?" Another reporter asked.

"What newspaper?" said Fudge suspiciously.

The trial was originally eight o\'clock, but he moved it to seven o\'clock.

It was after six o\'clock that I came to the tenth courtroom, and I hadn\'t had time to read this morning\'s newspaper.

But gut tells Fudge...not good news.

"Rita Skeeter wrote a story.

She released a lot of... photos, and said that you are a liar, manipulated by the mysterious man, and dare not admit that he is back.

She called you the number one idiot in ancient and modern times... to apologize to the people of the whole country! "

Fudge\'s blood was surging, and he held Percy to keep him from fainting.

These are the words he scolded Dumbledore, but Rita turned back and scolded him!

this dead woman.

Fudge quickly got the newspaper from the reporter, and at first glance, he saw the big headline.

"The Return of the Mysterious Man" (1)

Does this woman want to do continuous reporting?

Fudge looked down and was immediately stunned. It was a photo of a mysterious person:

Red eyes, noseless face, pale skin, slender thighs, tiny bare feet, stepping on some Death Eater\'s head.

Repeatedly rubbing there, it seemed to generate heat.

It\'s just that the pixels of the photo are too poor, and the characters are a bit blurry. It is a candid shot at first glance.

Without thinking about it, Fudge waved the newspaper and said angrily:

"Fake, this is a fake photo! It\'s all fake and deceiving!"

The flashing lights crackled again, and Fudge turned and walked away.

"Whoever told you to call these reporters, drive them away!" Fudge angrily said to Percy.

Percy was a little aggrieved, and he couldn\'t help but murmur in his heart.

It\'s not what you said in the morning: if you want reporters, you need to be international enough!

"Has the interrogation on Harry Potter\'s side begun?" Fudge asked hastily again.

"It\'s already started, do you want to take a look?"

"Go!" Fudge turned and walked towards the courtroom again.



eighth courtroom,

Snape sat on the chair and dragged his voice:

"Arabella Dorian Feig, who has just been a witness, has described the Dementors to us, proving that what Potter said was true.

Although she is a Squib, it does not affect the value of her testimony. "

The director of the Magic Law Enforcement Division - Amelia Susan Burns, she sat on the podium and nodded lightly in recognition.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, is it over?

But I didn\'t expect Snape\'s black pupils, glanced at him, and continued:

"I still have to prove from my living habits that Potter does not have the habit of using a wand during the summer vacation."

Harry suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Snape asked coldly, "Potter, what were you doing before you cast the Patronus Charm?"

"I...I squatted in the bushes under the window, watching TV at my aunt\'s house."

"Heh~ it seems that Potter likes to peep." Snape said sullenly.

"Understandably, when he was at Hogwarts, that was it.

Night tours in the middle of the night are also his forte. "

The wizards of the jury were chattering.

"I didn\'t!" Harry argued.

"Anything else?" Snape asked lazily, ignoring him. "to be frank!"

Harry wanted to hide it, but looking into Snape\'s eyes, he answered honestly:

"I stopped by the windowsill and wrote a letter to be sent by my owl."

"Is it this one?" Snape took out a letter.

"Where did you get it!" Harry looked horrified.

"You left it in your pocket, Mrs Weasley found it this morning when she was doing your laundry.

It was brought as evidence by me. "

Snape pursed his lips and smiled maliciously.

"Have you seen it?!" Harry said angrily.

"No, Mrs Weasley did not, although she found out, she didn\'t know what to do, so she asked my opinion.

I am the defender, this may be the key evidence, it is necessary to take a look, tsk tsk... the content is really amazing! "

Snape handed the letter to Harry. "Come on, read it!"

"Ms. Burns, I don\'t think this letter has anything to do with this case." Harry blushed and looked at the Director of the Executive Division.

The jury was muttering to each other, see you soon!

This is the first time they have seen the defendant and refuted their defense.

Then they were even more curious about the content of the letter.

"Everything that involves this case is presented as evidence in court. If you don\'t want to read it, ask your defender to read it in person." Borns said coldly.

Harry sat in his chair with some resignation, and he could fully imagine Snape reading his letter in a disgusting voice.

Oh, Merlin\'s baldness, you should read it yourself.

Harry picked up the letter and whispered:

"Dear Qiu~www.novelhall.com~ What are you doing? I miss you so much...

I have sent you so many letters this summer, but you have not responded.

I know, I\'m probably the last person you want to talk to right now.

It\'s okay if you don\'t want to reply just wanted to let you know:

Someone in this world loves you! "

"Oh~" The officials of the jury all dragged their voices, revealing unexpectedly deep laughter.

Harry covered his face, feeling like he was about to die socially.

"Obviously, this is a letter of confession that was not sent. If it were me, I would not be able to send it."

Snape tutted:

"But at least we know that Potter\'s sexuality is normal.

After all, when he was at Hogwarts, he was very close to a boy named Ron Weasley..."

"I always thought the two had some kind of super-friendly relationship. It seems that Weasley is being self-motivated or Potter is playing with him."

Harry covered his flushed face and wanted to kill himself immediately.

Snape walked up and down the courtroom like a bat, and said loudly:

"A boy anxiously waiting for a reply from the goddess in his heart - that\'s what Potter was like.

We all understand that state, which proves that Potter, who was not in the mood at the time, took the initiative to use the Patronus Charm.

He was forced! "

Snape dragged his voice and laughed:

"If that\'s not enough evidence, I still have a few pictures-only books I found in Potter\'s travel bag.

Many places above are marked with his own handwriting..."

Harry stood up in horror and shouted:

"Don\'t take it out, I\'m willing to plead guilty!!"



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