A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 71: Blind Fudge's dog eyes!

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Although William didn\'t mention anyone, Scrimgeour knew it was Minister Fudge.

He was also shocked, my good fellow... You have already appointed the minister directly?

Still the whole "five-year period has come, please ask Stark to take the lead"... drama?

fuck! (a habit)

Scrimgeour narrowed his eyes. Although he was only the head of the Auror office, who didn\'t have the heart to be a minister?

This Fudge... dammit!

Scrimgeour was silent for a long time, sat on the chair, and sighed: "No wonder there is today\'s trial.

Fudge draws you in like this, you don\'t give face, he can only tear his face. "

"Voldemort has been resurrected, these are just trivial matters." William stared into Scrimgeour\'s eyes.

"The important thing is to organize effective forces to fight."

Scrimgeour swallowed and said with difficulty, "The mysterious man is really... resurrected?"

"The cemetery where the battle took place, I don\'t believe you didn\'t send the Aurors to investigate?" William sneered.

Although Umbridge had destroyed the environment and faked a landslide, Scrimgeour must have checked it out before she investigated.

"That\'s not serious evidence," said Scrimgeour. "The traces of the battle cannot be said to be the resurrection of the mysterious man."

"For more evidence, see today\'s Daily Prophet." William whispered. "I\'ll throw it out slowly."

During the time loop, William rehearsed countless times, let Rita lurking in the cemetery, took pictures of Voldemort\'s resurrection, and put them in the major newspapers.

Out of the time loop, William deliberately suppressed this matter and did not let Rita release it immediately.

Otherwise, what if we waited for Fudge to jump in the opposite direction and slap the minister down?

Now the time is ripe, and in the next month, all kinds of photos and inflammatory texts, Rita will be thrown out indiscriminately.

But that\'s not enough... Fudge might say the photo is fake.

William cannot say:

As we all know, there is no PS in the magic world, so this picture is not P, it is real... This kind of **** is to prove that there is no fake.

William needed Scrimgeour to jump in and backstab Fudge.

"So... what the **** do you want, William?" Scrimgeour stared at William.

"The investigator from the International Federation of Wizards is coming soon." William picked up the cup and took a sip:

"No matter how Fudge dances, he can only be minister for the last six months at most.

In next year\'s election, he will definitely step down. "

William moistened his throat and continued:

"Sir, if you want to make a difference, you should make plans early... Throw the evidence in your hands to the investigator."

Scrimgeour looked at William deeply, a shudder in his back.

"Don\'t say that I used a stick to kill people." William raised his finger and shook it:

"I just wanted to remind you that we have a good relationship.

Officials of your level are most afraid of being on the wrong team, and then it is truly irreversible!

But once you choose the right reason, it is unknown how far you can go in the future! "

"You want to make me Minister for Magic?" Scrimgeour asked. "Did Dumbledore mean the same thing?"

William laughed silently.

After Fudge has stepped down, a new minister has to come in.

But that man, certainly not... Scrimgeour.

It\'s not that he\'s not good, but that he\'s too tough.

He has his own ideas, his own political views, and his own countermeasures.

When he comes to power, he will definitely be on the guard, like Fudge, of the Order of the Phoenix.

This is the so-called "resistance, but not to Deng."

He would resist Voldemort, but he wanted to maintain his independence, and he was unwilling to give the power of the Ministry of Magic to William and them.

But William teamed up with Dumbledore and fought Voldemort... How could Voldemort tolerate Scrimgeour as a third party?

He would definitely kill Scrimgeour first.

Guo Gang is easy to break, and he is talking about people like him.

Besides, William worked so hard to get Fudge off to keep the Ministry of Magic in his hands, not for Scrimgeour.

Scrimgeour\'s best fit is to get a promotion and a raise...and then free up the power of the Aurors!

Bright and dark... William has already planned the script for him.

Therefore, William is now using this sharp knife to speed up the pace of "Fufu", and he is also making a big cake for him.

But William couldn\'t say it clearly, he could only laugh without saying a word, giving Scrimgeour a... "I have the delusion that you are the next minister."

That was exactly what Scrimgeour thought at this moment, but he remained silent.


It\'s not that good!

Just then, the door was knocked suddenly.

"Come in." Scrimgeour said quickly, taking advantage of this delay to think about it.

But the arrival took Scrimgeour by surprise.

I saw Percy walk in with a document in his hand, and was stunned when he saw William.

"What\'s the matter, Mr. Assistant Minister?" Scrimgeour said coldly.

For the second and fifth children of the Weasley family, he began to think that Percy was Arthur\'s inner responder.

In the end, it was discovered that this person was a real 25-year-old boy.

Percy hesitated and glanced at William. William didn\'t look at him, seemed suddenly interested in the cup, picked it up and looked at it repeatedly.

"If you don\'t say it, don\'t say it," said Scrimgeour impatiently.

"Mr. Fudge said that Granger\'s trial was held an hour earlier, and the venue was changed to the tenth courtroom..."

Scrimgeour sneered, "Then have you informed Mr. Stark and Miss Granger?"

"I\'ll let you know in a while." Percy bit the bullet.

Scrimgeour shook his head. Has Fudge started using this trick?

This kind of petty trick is really not like a minister can do!


The most embarrassing thing is that he was bumped into by William on the spot, just four words:



Thrown to Siberia!

Looking at William with a smile on his face, Scrimgeour was startled again.

He and Granger came so early, not just to chat with him, right?

William, is this also in your calculations? !

"It will start in thirty minutes." Scrimgeour looked at his watch, got up and said, "Go now."

Percy walked first, and William didn\'t say a word to him, just chatting with Scrimgeour about Vienna.

Percy opened his mouth several times, but did not speak.

When passing by Tonks\' cubicle, William patted Hermione on the shoulder, the girl understood and left with him.

Tonks yelled, "You\'ll be fine, Hermione!"

Hermione waved at her.

Percy stood by the elevator, hitting the "down" button.

The elevator appeared with a clack, the golden door slowly opened, and two people walked out.

The most embarrassing scene appeared:

It was actually Mr. Weasley and Harry who walked out.

Percy didn\'t say hello either, no expression on his face, completely ignoring the presence of his father and Harry.

With his back straight and his nostrils turned upwards, he strode into the elevator.

The lines around Mr. Weasley\'s mouth tightened, but other than that, he didn\'t show any sign of seeing his son~www.novelhall.com~ Apparently, this month, he has been at the Ministry of Magic The two of them, looking down and not looking up, have long since adapted to this relationship of treating each other as air.

Seeing several people entering the elevator, Mr. Weasley said suspiciously:

"William, what are you doing, what happened?"

"The trial time is suddenly brought forward by an hour." William reminded: "You may also be brought forward, now immediately notify Professor Snape and let him rush to the Ministry of Magic.

If he\'s late, things get in trouble. "

Mr. Weasley\'s expression changed, and he hurriedly pulled Harry and ran towards his office.

The elevator creaked down and came to the stairs, and the group walked down the corridor again.

It was dark and damp, with rough stone walls on both sides, and torches were inserted into the brackets, exuding circles of soft halo.

William and Hermione walked at the back, stepped down the steps, and was about to reach the tenth interrogation room when the boy suddenly stopped.

William whispered, "Are you nervous?"

Hermione shook her head and said, "A little excited."

"That\'s good, by the way, did you bring anything?" William asked.

Hermione nodded and took out two delicate boxes from the safety table.

The girl hesitated: "Do you really want to bring it? Will it be too ostentatious?"

William rubbed Hermione\'s hair and smiled softly, "I just want to show off, otherwise how can I blind Fudge\'s dog eyes? Cry about that toad in Umbridge?"

Hermione tilted her head and looked up at William. She smiled charmingly: "Then put it on!"

William took the box and opened it gently. Under the firelight, the row of medals gleamed.



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