A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 61: Let the bullets fly

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William was neither appointed nor had a good laugh with Wallace, but there was a reason why he was so rude.

There are definitely not a few reporters who know the news of the two coming back; but there are very few who can enter the Ministry of Magic and block the hall...

It can even be said that it is completely impossible!

Minister Fudge would not allow that to happen.

William\'s wave of salacious operations abroad, especially after he rescued Vienna, although the international public opinion is mostly ridiculed, it also shows a problem:

His popularity has reached an unprecedented level, and it is no exaggeration to say that he surpasses Dumbledore.

Clear and clear traffic stars... The headlines of magic newspapers in various countries are also William and Hermione again and again.

To put it this way: If you don\'t know Stark in your life, even the Demon King is in vain... It\'s not too much at all.

Why was William able to persuade the Federation to let Dumbledore, the "abandoned president", regain the position of interim president?

In addition to the need for such a wizard to sit in town, William\'s opinion, even the Federation, had to be carefully considered.

Everyone also expects him to fight the North Sea Giant Monster!

This is the stable ballast stone of the magic world for the next hundred years!

And because of this fame, William said that Voldemort was resurrected... Most wizards abroad would believe it!

He said that the Kraken was released by Voldemort... and everyone believed it!

This is influence!

And this kind of influence, for Fudge, is the pressure of international public opinion.

It was an invisible, but real pressure.

The most intuitive performance:

The multi-national Ministry of Magic has banned the United Kingdom from flying, calling it an international deserter, Europe\'s darkest hour.

Even the International Confederation of Wizards is waiting for investigators to find out whether Voldemort is resurrected, so that the British Isles can be listed as a "level 1 danger zone".

It means...travel is risky, and you need to be cautious when going to the UK.

Fudge is resisting this international pressure, while also curbing speech at home.

The pressure is really great!

At such a moment, how could he allow reporters to come to the Ministry to interview William without authorization?

Unless these reporters were recruited by Fudge.

Whatever William answered, they would make big news and criticize him.

Fudge, na?ve!

In that case, why would William be polite to these people?

So, in the stunned silence of everyone, William dragged Hermione away... extremely arrogant.

Halfway through the road, the expected stumbling block appeared - Fudge.

He was obviously waiting for the two of them, with a fake smile on his face, he walked quickly and said with enthusiasm:

"William, Hermione, you two came back from Switzerland?"

"Hello, Mr. Minister." William also smiled:

"It\'s been a long time since the last Triwizard Tournament ended."

Fudge was a little embarrassed. The conversation on the night of the final was not a pleasant one - he refused to believe that Voldemort had returned.

But the minister is the minister, a little embarrassment is nothing, he took the initiative to invite:

"Let\'s go, go to my office and chat, you two will come to my house for dinner at noon.

Let\'s have a good talk about recent events, especially the International Wizarding Convention.

You saved Vienna... oh, I\'m so happy! "

William didn\'t see how happy Fudge was, but he knew that the minister was making the final rounds.

William shook his head directly and said:

"No, my sister is waiting for us at the door. We haven\'t seen her for a month."

"William..." Fudge hesitated: "There is no need to be so wary of me.

I think... you may have misunderstood me a little under the influence of Dumbledore.

I can explain it clearly! "

Fudge\'s low profile was completely different from June\'s strong.

"No, Minister, I have no misunderstanding about you..." William smiled and said bluntly:

"I know you as well as I know Voldemort is back."

Fudge shuddered when he heard Voldemort\'s name.

He shrank his head and sighed:

"William, why use such means and reasons?

You and I both know that the mysterious man is not resurrected.

Can\'t you do this because you want to seize power and turn me into a puppet minister? "

Fudge is also straight to the point and no longer deliberately hides it.

He never thought that the mysterious man could be resurrected.

The mysterious man has disappeared for 14 years. If he could be resurrected, he would have been resurrected long ago, so why not wait until today? !

Lie to a fool!

What William is doing now is nothing more than a political trick... He wants to use the mysterious man to make a fuss and turn his minister into a puppet.

Fudge continued:

"There\'s no need to do this, it makes everyone panic.

You still have two years to graduate. Even if you want to be a minister, you have to go through the process, right? "

Fudge, graciously like the old doorman next door, whispered:

"After you graduate, you can come to work with me. In the first year, you will be an assistant minister, and you will be promoted to senior secretary within three years. After the fifth year, I will give you the position of minister... to you!


Still the youngest Minister of Magic ever!

And with my help, every step was steady.

I am your political resource!

how? "

Fudge patted William on the shoulder and said the promise that he had thought for a long time before he made up his mind.

Before he kicked off Dumbledore, it was smooth sailing, and it was a little floating.

Unexpectedly, William helped Dumbledore back to the position of the president... and poured cold water on Fudge.

He is now thinking of making concessions and reaching a compromise with each other... Don\'t let the fish die.

William looked directly into Fudge\'s eyes and sneered: "Minister, you still haven\'t figured out the situation.

More than stupid, simply stupid. "

Seeing William\'s mocking expression, Fudge was instantly annoyed... He was really annoyed!

You know, he wanted to break the longest tenure before... Now he is willing to serve another seven years before retiring.

Isn\'t this concession big enough?

My dignified minister, negotiating conditions with you in a good voice, and persecuting me again?

Fudge loosened his neckline and threatened:

"William, I\'m still a minister! I haven\'t retired yet!

Don\'t embarrass me by pushing so hard.

It\'s not good for everyone to push me too hard! "

"Do you feel embarrassed, Minister?" William said calmly:

"But there have been many wizards who have been killed in their rebellion against Voldemort.

They don\'t even have the chance to be embarrassed! "

William\'s eyes were sharp and his voice was cold:

"what about you?

Because of your obstruction, many Death Eaters escaped the night Voldemort was resurrected;

Because of your stupidity, the Ministry of Magic is still unable to organize effective forces to fight Voldemort~www.novelhall.com~;

Because of your delay, more people may die in the future! "

"Are you still coming to compromise with me and negotiate terms with me?"

William exclaimed:

"A ignorant, impetuous, power-hungry idiot like you still wants to be a minister for another seven years?!"

Fudge flushed and took two steps back.

"Bah!" William approached him.

"Do you think I\'ve done so much to be a minister, or to deal with you?

Wrong, the position of the minister and you are not important to me!

Without you, it is very important to me! "

William turned and left, Hermione took his hand and left together.

Fudge stood there, his face ashen, his fists clenched and his veins exposed.

He kept repeating: "You forced me, you forced me!"

As he was about to leave the Ministry of Magic, William whispered, "Tell Rita, you can fight back."

Throughout July, William and Hermione were abroad, and Rita was not allowed to publish.

It was because he was afraid that a combined punch would stun Fudge.

After all, at that time, Fudge had not yet controlled public opinion and had no propaganda: Voldemort was not resurrected.

Even if the evidence is thrown, it does not prove that there is anything wrong with Fudge.

Well now, Fudge has been propagating that Voldemort has not been resurrected for a month, and William will throw out the evidence so that he can slap him in the face.

The tighter the pressure, the stronger the backlash of public opinion.

"The bullet has been flying for too long..." William walked out of the door, he had already seen Anne\'s smiling face.

William stretched out his hand to block the sunlight and muttered:

"Minister Fudge is a decent man, and since he wants to be decent, I\'ll help him be decent."



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