A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 28: crumbling grigovic

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Although it is already daytime, the Austrian Ministry of Magic, who has been busy all night, has no intention of resting, and is still working overtime.

Many Aurors dragged their tired bodies with bloodshot eyes.

Austria is small in size, has few wizards, and has a low crime rate.

I\'m used to being lazy, and at the same time, I work as a part-time Auror. Now suddenly there is an all-night search, who can resist this?

The body can\'t take it!

As for fishing... I don\'t dare to touch it. In one night, Minister Soros came several times and caught many lazy wizards.

That kind of feeling is very similar to chatting in a game group at work, but being discovered by the boss who is also diving in the group... It\'s terrible.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that this kind of uncontrolled overtime doesn\'t know how long it will last.

They don\'t even know, is this seemingly ineffective search really useful?

In any case, the enemy simply disappeared without a trace.

As for the wizards they want to search, there are two groups in total, they are:

Grindelwald who escaped; the missing duo of Wee Hee.

bad old man,

Young couple.

Minister Soros issued an order to immediately notify the Ministry once Grindelwald was discovered.

And Stark and Granger are not criminals.

If you see it, be careful to "please" go back to the Ministry of Magic.

It seems that the former is much more dangerous than the latter.

But in the hearts of these young people in their twenties, they don\'t think so at all, okay?


Who is that, a bad old man who has been locked up for half a century, how can he still have fighting power!

Who do you look down on?

We are candy Aurors!

Stark and Granger are different. Many Aurors went to England last year to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

They all had an impression of the thrilling final, especially in the middle of the night, when Stark fought against the mascots of various countries.

Certainly not melee veelas, but the big, tank-like Selma monsters.

In addition, Venice, which was destroyed last year, the Albanian forest that suffered from fire, and the Paris of the previous year...

It is no exaggeration to say that wherever the two of them went, nothing grew.

This kind of wizard has a big problem, you need to be vigilant, okay?

What if they ruin Vienna too?

Minister Soros did not worry about William and Hermione at all, but focused all his attention on Grindelwald.

Standing in the minister\'s office, he paced non-stop, trying to clear his mind.

It was incredible that the man would leave Nurmengard.

During the prison robbery a few decades ago, Vida Rozier brought so many wizards to rescue him that he was reluctant to leave, instead he was trapped for decades.

Why did you choose to leave this time?

Soros was a little anxious.

He took out a bottle of malt whisky, but instead of pouring himself a glass, he clutched the bottle as if to burst it with his bare hands.

Just then, an Auror suddenly knocked on the door and walked in.

He was pleasantly surprised: "Minister, there is a discovery!"

"What discovery?" Soros cheered up.

"A wizard just reported the case, and Grindelwald found him and asked him about Gregorovitch\'s location."

"Grigovich?" Minister Soros was stunned.

"Isn\'t something wrong with that wizard?"

"No, Grindelwald didn\'t kill him. After asking the location, he left."

"I remember that after Gregorovich retired, he lived in seclusion in Salzburg..."



Salzburg is the capital of the state of Salzburg and the fourth largest city in Austria after Vienna, Graz and Linz.

Salzburg may not be famous, but it is the birthplace of Mozart.

In his short life of less than 36 years, more than half of his years were spent here.

But William didn\'t know that.

His only impression of Salzburg came from a text excerpt from a previous life, The Sound of Music.

The place where the movie takes place is right here in Salzburg.

It was almost morning when William and Hermione arrived at their destination.

I said last night that I would get up early and set off, but in the end I got up late because of some force majeure.

Fortunately, Missandei provided her Graling, and William and Hermione could sleep in the carriage.

According to the address given by Missandei, William drove the carriage along a winding path and entered an open square.

To their left they could see in the distance an oval-shaped shallow lake with a small island in the middle, dotted with large numbers of elderberries.

"We\'re here!" Hermione said excitedly.

According to Missandei\'s description, where Gregorovitch lived in seclusion, there was a dense elderberry tree.

But there are no houses on the island, surrounded by lush trees.

——The tall and straight cypress trees are hundreds of years old.

"There\'s a gap there!" William searched for a while.

He gestured to Hermione, raised his hand and pointed to a small arched gap in the airtight tree wall between the cypress trees.

Hermione got out of the carriage quickly, walked to the gap, and peered into the shaded passage.

Soon, she turned to face William and smiled: "The carriage can\'t pass, the two of us can only walk."

William nodded, also got off the carriage, and put Graling in the safety table.

After packing, he followed Hermione into the entrance and disappeared into the bushes.

On both sides are repaired holm oak trees, like a square array, sandwiching the dark passage in the middle.

The trees have also been carefully manicured by the owner so that they curve inwards, with branches and leaves intertwined, creating a lush canopy over the road.

This is a very nice holiday environment.

The two quickly walked out of the end of the secret passage, and in front of them was a beautiful little house.

The walls are full of creepers.

The door was open, and William and Hermione walked into the room.

If it is a room, it is more like a wand workshop, full of sawdust and precious magic materials.

A stocky old man with snow-white hair and a shaggy beard.

He was wearing black overalls and was working on a creaky wooden chair.

In just one minute, the shape of a wand appeared in his hand, but he didn\'t seem satisfied, and quickly threw it into the fire.

William was stunned. The shape of the wand was extremely familiar to him.

Because he has seen it countless times.

- Dumbledore\'s wand!

almost exactly the same.

Hearing the footsteps, the old man got up irritably and shouted loudly, "Don\'t play around anymore... You bunch of bear children, I\'m just a retired old man!"

But seeing William and Hermione~www.novelhall.com~ he was a little embarrassed, scratched the beard, and said apologetically:

"I thought it was Jim\'s grandson and granddaughter next door. They always come to me and make trouble."

Seeing William staring at the wand in his hand, Gregorovich frowned and said vigilantly, "Are you two okay?"

William suddenly said, "Is that the Elder Wand?"

Gregorovitch\'s pupils shrank suddenly, he immediately shook his head and said:

"I\'ve never heard of an elder wand. I\'m just a retired grandpa who picks up trash now."

"But the shape of the wand in your hand..."

"Okay, don\'t get in the way of me throwing the trash." Gregorovitch lifted his wand, and debris from the ground flew into the trash can.

"I heard from Mr. Ollivander..." William added again.

Grigovich suddenly burst out:

"I haven\'t seen it, I haven\'t seen it! I don\'t know Ollivander, I\'m going to throw out the trash, stop pestering me!"

William sighed.

He felt he could write a report for the Daily Prophet.

The title is called: Shock, Grigovic talks about Ollivander, three sentences are not separated from garbage.

Or: Silence and Tears, Gregorovich opens his mouth and says trash when he talks about his views on the Elder Wand.

Just as William was about to ask some questions about Grindelwald, Gregorovitch suddenly dropped the trash and cried:

"I see, you are sent by the **** of death! The eldest of the three brothers is dead! The **** of death wants my soul!

I already feel that death is approaching! "

William and Hermione looked at each other in surprise.



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Thanks to "Book Friend 20201204174229974", "A Book Friend A", two big guys for their rewards. )