A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 26: Missandei's identity

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After leaving Shadowless Street, William and Hermione rode their motorcycles again and galloped along the Ring Road.

Hermione put her arms around William. Because the wind was too strong, she couldn\'t hear clearly, so she had to get close to the boy\'s ear and asked:

"It seems that those people don\'t know Gregorovitch\'s location, what should we do now?"

After leaving the wand shop, William took Hermione to several other shops, but no wandmaster knew of them.

It\'s been almost ten years since Gregorovich retired, and no one knows where he lives.

William squinted and thought slowly, he felt that something was overlooked.

He suddenly widened his eyes and said excitedly: "Hermione, I know... I know, who knows where Gregorovitch is!"

"Who?" Hermione asked blankly.

"Missandei must know!" William laughed.

"Do you remember? When she brought us into the Ministry, she mentioned her wand. It was the last wand Gregorovitch made."

Hermione raised her eyebrows and said excitedly:

"Yeah, Gregorovitch has been retired for almost ten years, Missandei is only seventeen, and it\'s impossible to buy his wand.

Unless she knew Gregorovitch and knew where he lived! "

The harsh tire friction sound suddenly sounded, William made a beautiful drift, turned the direction, and drove towards the southeast again.

They escaped from the Hofburg earlier this evening and are now back!

But the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The Ministry of Magic must never have imagined that the two would go back so crazy!

The drift just now made a car almost hit the green belt on the roadside.

The driver parked the car on the side of the road, looked at the two who were about to disappear, and scolded with fists:

"Is there a sense of public morality! It\'s the tire friction again, and the roaring engine again, the neighbors don\'t have to sleep!"

However, the motorcycle had disappeared into the dark night, and no one could hear him.

But Wilhelm also noticed a problem with the motorcycle, a noise that was sure to be detected near the Hofburg.

Therefore, just before their arrival, William and Hermione put on their flying cloaks again.

The two returned along the original road, from the underground parking lot, along the secret road, and entered the Austrian Ministry of Magic.

This time, I used the Illusory Body Charm in advance, so I was not caught by the soldiers with live ammunition along the way.

But after entering the Ministry of Magic, William was in trouble again.

He didn\'t know where Missandei\'s room was.

Before this girl, she had been in his room, the ghost knows where she slept?

"I know where she is." Hermione said after thinking for a while.

"You know?" William looked at her.

"Missandei should be waiting in your room.

Don\'t forget, when you are leaving, tell her that we will be back.

She couldn\'t just find a room so if we came back, we wouldn\'t be able to find her. "

"No!" Hermione frowned again, and immediately denied: "That would be too obvious.

The Ministry of Magic doesn\'t think we\'re going back, but it\'s possible that the room is being watched.

We certainly don\'t take risks.

And Missandei needs to find a room that\'s been overlooked and we can possibly go back to..."

William and Hermione looked at each other and said at the same time:

"She\'s in your room!"

"She\'s in my room!"

The Ministry of Magic has opened two rooms for William and Hermione, and they are not too close together.

But Hermione didn\'t live in it at all. If the Ministry of Magic wanted to monitor, it would at most monitor William\'s room.

Then Missandei will be in Hermione\'s room.

The two walked quietly along the corridor towards Hermione\'s room. She took out the room card and secretly opened the room door.

The room was dark, but there was a slight sound of breathing on the bed.

William walked towards the bed, and after he got close, he reached out his hand, trying to wake Missandei.

But the person on the bed was already awake, or, in other words, didn\'t fall asleep at all.

She suddenly held the knife under the pillow, and the knife was extremely fast. The short knife in her hand stabbed at William\'s right hand.

This will destroy the wand as soon as possible.

William\'s face was the same as usual. He had been in the time loop all these years, and his reaction ability was not practiced in vain.

I saw his hands clasped together, pressing firmly on the surface of the knife, and then a light palm hit Missandei\'s chest.

The short knife and Missandei, who was holding the knife tremblingly, fell backward together. Her face was flushed, but she still did not abandon the knife.

"It\'s us, Missandei!"

Hermione\'s wand tip lit lightly as she closed the curtains.

William bent down from Missandei\'s hand, took off the dagger, placed it on top of his head, stared at the bright blade, and asked with a smile:

"Who did you learn this from, hiding a knife under the pillow?"

The dagger is a good dagger, and it actually has the eagle head decoration of the Habsburg family on it.

It looks like an antique!

Missandei got up and got off the bed.

Her complexion had returned to normal, but she did not dare to look into William\'s eyes, instead she turned her head towards Hermione and asked:

"Have you found Grindelwald?"

"No, but we need to know where Gregorovitch is!"



Led by Missandei, the three left the room along the intricate corridors.

It\'s still not very safe there~www.novelhall.com~ Missandei is going to take William and Hermione to her house.

Said to be Missandei\'s home, but the three just left the Ministry of Magic and wandered in the huge Hofburg Palace.

Through several secret passages, William finally landed heavily on the soft grass on the other side of the palace.

Hermione landed beside him, then surveyed her surroundings.

The place where they stood was a clearing, covered with moss and ferns, with a large forest in front of them and a stone road on the right.

William stared blankly at the bean-gravel path, which twisted and twisted and ended in another palace.

Led by Missandei, the three entered the palace.

There was a row of portraits in the corridor, and William looked at the portrait closest to him.

In that painting is a famous woman.

- Princess Sissi.

Sissi is even more famous than Princess Diana.

She was Duchess Elisabeth of Bavaria, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, and in 1867, contributed to the birth of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Yes, she was also the aunt of the assassinated Archduke Ferdinand who caused the First World War.

But Sissi\'s portrait is here, and Missandei still lives in the Hofburg.

William frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Missandei turned around and explained softly, "My name is Missandei Habsburg Lorraine."

"My grandmother\'s name is Elizabeth Marie, the granddaughter of Princess Sissi."

It was the Habsburg family.

William looked at Missandei\'s face, but in his heart, he couldn\'t help but wonder, "Why don\'t you have land to cover the world?"

No, this is not a pure Habsburg!



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