A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 180: william's trap

The giants fought against the Death Eaters, completely turning the already severely damaged Prophecy Hall into ruins.

For a while, the few people in the corner didn\'t dare to move, they just froze in place.

Harry swallowed and looked at the others in disbelief, saying:

"How can there be a giant in the pendant that Annie gave?!"

"That\'s Hagrid\'s younger brother, Grapp," Cedric explained.

Since Hagrid left school, William, Hermione, and Annie have been tasked with feeding Grapp.

Occasionally they are very busy, and they also ask Cedric and Qiu to help.

The two of them went to feed Lu Wei, and they gave Grapp some food on the way... so they also knew this giant.

But I didn\'t expect that William would use the Traceless Stretching Charm on the pendant, hide Grapp in it, and use it as a life-saving killer for several people.

Not to mention...the effect is outstanding!

Everyone excitedly discussed, Ron was in unbearable pain and groaned:

"Can you leave quickly, my legs are broken!"

George and Fred, holding wands, led the way, with Cho and Cedric behind.

The four formed a circle, quietly away from the place where Grapp fought the Death Eaters, and walked towards the next room.

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Harry\'s broken nose was no longer bleeding. He wanted Ginny to relax for a while, so he took the initiative to carry Ron on his back.

When he was about to reach the door, Ron was suddenly startled. He saw a pendant under the broken glass ball.

"Harry!" He shouted happily, "It\'s the pendant given by Annie, hurry up and pick it up."

This is a magic item made by William, enough to hold a giant... There must be a lot of space inside.

The rings that Akali usually sells are expensive, and the space is small, so they can only put some small items... It\'s a pity to lose them.

Harry didn\'t want to pick it up at first, but then he thought:

"Without this thing, there is no way to take Grapp.

That\'s Hagrid\'s brother anyway, so he can\'t be left here. "

At Ron\'s constant urging, Harry had to bend down.

Ron was lying on his back, sticking out his arms, but his fingers just touched the pendant... mutated protrusions.

Three figures emerged from the pendant.

The smile on Ron\'s face disappeared, becoming panic and fear.

Because...that\'s Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe.

Malfoy smiled sinisterly, pointed his wand at Ron\'s head, and shouted, "Don\'t move!"

Just as he was halfway escaping, Malfoy saw the pendant.

Frightened by the giant, he decided to go in and hide for a while, and then come out after the giant ran away.

It doesn\'t matter if the mission can\'t be completed, the little life must be saved first.

Malfoy didn\'t expect that when this group of people passed by, Harry and Ron would bend over to pick it up... It\'s like a dish delivered to your door!

Hearing Malfoy\'s voice, everyone gathered around and aimed their wands at the three Death Eaters.

Ron still wanted to resist, but Goyle slapped him hard and kicked him on his broken leg.

Ron nearly fainted from the pain, and he was sweating profusely, and he couldn\'t help screaming.

What he regrets most now is agreeing with Harry and letting him come to the Ministry of Magic.

If he could go back in time, he would definitely give Harry a slap to make him sober and not be so stupid.

Also... why are your hands so cheap, you have to pick up the pendant? !

Crabbe stretched out his thick arm, grabbed Harry by the neck, and picked him up.

"Give us the Prophecy Ball!" Malfoy threatened. "Or I\'ll kill them both."

The hand squeezed Harry\'s throat so tightly that he couldn\'t breathe.

With tears in his eyes, Harry still shouted intermittently: "...Don\'t mind me, run! Don\'t mind me..."

But no one, be it Cedric, Cho or the twins, could leave Harry and Ron alone.

"Shut up!" Malfoy punched Harry, and the bridge of his nose, which was already broken, was broken again.

Harry was completely Dumbledoreized.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the door was pushed open, and a figure walked in slowly.

Everyone turned their heads and found it was Annie.

William hadn\'t recovered from the compound decoction yet. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn\'t help frowning.

With Grap\'s help, how could it be like this?

Seeing Goyle raise his wand at Annie, Malfoy gave him another punch and said angrily:

"That\'s Sister Stark, are you courting death?!"

No one knows better than Malfoy how little Stark is.

Last summer, during the Quidditch World Cup, McNeil went to attack Sister Stark, but was directly killed.

Afterwards, their family was not only confiscated by the Ministry of Magic, but even Malfoy was extorted by Stark for 100,000 Galleons, as well as a large number of items made by goblins.

If he kills his sister, it will be an irreversible situation.

If Stark\'s strength was average, it would be fine. Malfoy saw it with his own eyes on the night of the Dark Lord\'s resurrection, and the two sides fought hard.

Such a powerful and stingy wizard, if you kill his sister...you will definitely be madly revenge.

Merlin couldn\'t keep it!

William slowly walked towards the crowd. He took the prophecy ball from Qiu and said calmly:

"Malfoy, let Harry and Ron go, the prophecy ball can be given to you."

Both Harry and Ron were held back by the wand, and William was not sure, killing three of them with one blow... Only negotiation.

He continued:

"Voldemort\'s goal is the Prophecy Ball, as long as you get it back smoothly, it will be a great achievement.

But if you want to take Harry away, that\'s impossible, we won\'t let you go.

The giant listens to me, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix will come soon.

If this stalemate continues, in the end, you won\'t get anything, and you will die here! "

Malfoy squinted, weighing the pros and cons.

As the little girl said:

Hesitation will lead to defeat.

In Malfoy\'s heart, his own life is still more valuable than Potter and Weasley.

Even more valuable than the Dark Lord.

After all, there is only one life, and when you die, it is really gone.

A Death Eater is just a job... It\'s enough to mess around and fish, there\'s no need to work hard.

Besides, being able to take the prophecy ball smoothly, even if he didn\'t catch Potter, was an undeniable credit.

"How can I trust you?" Malfoy asked quickly.

"I can make a magical oath with you." William replied:

"Tonight, Cedric and I, including the giant, will not attack you.

But the three of you have the prophecy ball, and you want to let go of Harry and Ron, and you can\'t attack us.

Is this fair? "

Malfoy thought for a while, but found no loopholes, gritted his teeth and agreed, "Yes!"

A few people quickly signed a magic contract. After Malfoy took the prophecy ball, he pushed Harry and Ron forward, and the three ran quickly.

William didn\'t chase... He has signed a magic oath. If you violate it, the consequences will be serious.

What\'s more, there is no need to chase, because they can\'t run away at all.

Malfoy thought he could leave with the Prophecy Ball, but he was wrong.

This was originally a trap...a ​​trap designed for Voldemort\'s trap.

To Harry, Sirius was a bait; to Voldemort, Harry was a bait.

So, how could William have no backhand and let the Prophecy Ball be taken away?

Isn\'t that a joke? !

But Harry didn\'t know~www.novelhall.com~ He sat on the ground in pain, ignoring the blood on his nose, and cried:

"It\'s the two of us...that prophecy ball..."

Ron was also slumped to the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

William didn\'t explain that it all started because of Harry\'s stupidity and willpower...otherwise it wouldn\'t have happened at all.

William turned and walked towards the other Death Eaters, who were still dragging Gralop, not knowing that Malfoy had run away.

A Death Eater saw a little girl appear and ran towards her.

William raised his wand and the red whip, threw it out, entangled him, and threw it towards the crowd.

The Death Eaters were startled, and a few people abandoned Grapp and surrounded William.

But William was strolling in the courtyard, and Death Eaters kept falling out, smashing the ground, and the magic light was like catkins flying freely.

The other Death Eaters were terrified and turned around and ran.

William didn\'t chase, but was about to put away Grapp, a giant was still too conspicuous.

As for the Death Eaters, none of them can do without the Ministry of Magic tonight.



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