A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 178: Proud Malfoy

An outdated room, lined with towering shelves, with dusty orbs of prophecy on them.

Harry swallowed, seemingly in disbelief.

A few of them were lost and kept going in circles.

After Luna returned, she gave directions and everyone came to the Hall of Prediction.

But Harry was shocked, not that Luna suddenly knew where the Hall of Prophecy was, but standing at the end of the 97th row...

He didn\'t see anyone.

Neither Sirius, Death Eaters, or Voldemort.

There was no one, and there was even a thick layer of dust on the ground. It seemed that no one had set foot here for a long time.

An ominous thought appeared in Harry\'s mind, he felt his mouth dry and his hands trembled, but he still said:

"Sirius should be around here, he must be here... Let\'s look for it..."

"There shouldn\'t be Sirius here." Ginny called out, trying to wake Harry up a bit.

But Harry insisted: "Trust me, right here, I see it!"

"Don\'t be stupid, Harry." Qiu clenched his wand, back to back with Cedric, and looked around vigilantly:

"Sirius isn\'t here, it\'s a trap! Everyone be careful, there may be Death Eaters at any time!"

Harry\'s face was hot, as if he had been slapped in the face.

He felt very uncomfortable, why is Sirius not here, he saw him here.

But William, Snape, and even Anne\'s words when they came... all began to echo in Harry\'s mind.

Everyone told him:

There are traps, don\'t be fooled... But he just doesn\'t listen, he always thinks he\'s right.

But it turned out that he was the hopeless fool.

Harry wished that several people present would scold him, perhaps as yin and yang as Snape... He would feel better in his heart.

But Cho, Cedric, and the twins ignored him.

The four of them had no time to care about Harry\'s psychological activities. They stood in four directions, forming a vague defensive circle.

Simply well-trained.

In stark contrast to Harry, who was protected in the middle, with panic on his face.

Ron looked at the darkness in the distance with fear, and swallowed for more than ten years, as if a mysterious person would pop up there at any time.

He accidentally glanced at a dirty prophecy ball on the shelf, and suddenly exclaimed: "Harry, you see this!"

"What?" Harry turned his head to look.

Now he is eager to have something to divert his attention to hide his shame.

"It\'s got your name on it," said Ron.

Harry got closer and looked at the prophecy ball:

It was dirty, as if it hadn\'t been touched in years, but the shimmer inside made it shine.

Harry stared blankly at the yellowed label, with a date about sixteen years ago in beautiful lettering.

Next is:

The Dark Lord and Harry Potter

"What is this?" Ron asked curiously, "Why is your name on it?"

Harry shook his head, and he stretched out his hand mysteriously, trying to pick up the prophecy ball.

"Intuition tells me it\'s better not to hold it well, Harry!" Luna said suddenly.

The effect of the Fuling agent told her that instead of taking the prophecy ball... using magic to blow up the surrounding shelves, it would be safer to run away in the chaos.

But Harry had already stretched out his hand, and he said stubbornly, "Why not take it? My name is written on it."

Harry took hold of the dirty little ball.

He was looking forward to it, hoping that some drama or miracle would happen to make this perilous adventure worthwhile.

Also make your own stupidity look less stupid.

But nothing happened.

No... something still happened.

After Harry picked up the prophecy ball, like a signal, footsteps suddenly sounded, and there were many Death Eaters around.

They blocked the way on both sides, their eyes glittered in the gaps of their hoods, and twelve wands aimed at the crowd.

"Very good, Potter, very good." A mocking voice sounded.

"Thank you for helping us get the Prophecy Ball, it\'s a big help, you\'ve done a great job!"

Harry\'s face was pale, he really wanted to slap himself, why should his hands be so cheap?

"Give it to me... Potter, hurry up." Lucius Malfoy stretched out his left hand, "Just give it to me, and I can let you go.

I swear……"

"In the name of the Dark Lord." Malfoy added inwardly.

"Where is Sirius?!" Harry asked hastily. "Where is he! You got him!"

Several Death Eaters burst into laughter.

Someone imitated Harry\'s expression, shaking his head and repeating in a teasing tone:

"I want to know where Sirius is! You caught him... Hey, Potter, you idiot, you\'ve been fooled!

The Dark Lord is always predictable! "

Malfoy also smiled and said proudly, "It\'s just a trap, prepared for you... We didn\'t catch Black at all."

Harry\'s heart sank sharply, his lips were purple, his hands were shaking.

If Sirius hadn\'t been caught, the result would have been obvious:

He took his classmates away from the safety of Hogwarts and plunged into the encirclement of the Death Eaters.

Fear filled Harry\'s body, and he trembled:

"What\'s so special about this prophecy ball, why did Voldemort want it?"

He was stalling for time, the Order of the Phoenix might have arrived!

But Malfoy saw it, and sneered:

"Okay, don\'t continue wasting time.

Dumbledore and Stark will not come, they will be led away... Umbridge\'s trial is also a plan. "

For a split second, Malfoy was in high spirits...if he completes this mission, the Dark Lord will definitely reward him.

His status as a Death Eater will also improve.

Maybe, even if the diary is found to be destroyed in the future, the Dark Lord will not pursue it.

Of course, the premise is that you get the prophecy ball yourself.

Malfoy said coldly:

"Hurry up and hand over the prophecy ball, otherwise... I\'ll kill all your classmates!"

"You don\'t want to see them die in front of you, do you?!"

"Sed... he\'s going to kill us." Qiu raised his eyebrows and said. "I\'m so scared."

"Yeah... I\'m scared too." Cedric lowered his body slightly. "George, what do you think?"

"Why don\'t you give them the Prophecy Ball?" George glanced at Fred.

Malfoy smiled with satisfaction: "That\'s right, persuade Potter... Arthur\'s two stupid sons.

Uncle, I don\'t want to kill you..."

"Then give it!" Fred nodded.

This sentence was like a signal. They grabbed the four protected Harry and Ron respectively, and dragged them to the ground~www.novelhall.com~ They also lowered their bodies and shot a spell with their wands.

"The fog is hidden!"

"Thunderbolt Thunderball!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Armor protection!"

The twins desperately threw round explosive bombs and smashed them all around.

Other Death Eaters were caught off guard, and some fought back.

But the thick fog enveloped the entire room, and neither side could see the other\'s location.

The spell was ejected randomly, and something kept bursting.

Malfoy fell to the ground, cursed inwardly, and fired another spell.

But listening to that voice, it seemed that the one who was hit was... Goyle.

Malfoy breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not Avada\'s life, otherwise, the wife\'s good best friend would lose her husband, the son\'s good friend, but her father.

Of course, if Gore dies, he will definitely help take care of his younger siblings and nephews... It won\'t make this orphan and widowed mother suffer.

Malfoy quickly swept away with a whirlwind. After clearing the fog, he ordered, "Block the door, and no one is allowed to go out!"

He still doesn\'t believe it... With so many Death Eaters, he still can\'t catch a few students!

Then he will go to Azkaban to reform for three years!



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