A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 155: My disciple of Grindelwald, accept your challenge!

As a student of Durmstrang, this school year was a surprise.

In the past, Karkaroff was a sinister, stingy, and irritable old principal.

If Durmstrang was selected as the worst principal in the 500 years, he would definitely be in the top three.

How bad is it?

In order to save some money, the heating can be turned off, euphemistically called:

Its savage physique.

If you violate the school rules, you will be locked up, and you have to go to the gate square to shovel snow.

Civilize its spirit.

Give some money, you can get rid of the punishment, it is called:

Let you mention the sinister experience of society.

But a Triwizard Tournament was held and everything changed.

Karkaroff was full of confidence and took Krum to Hogwarts, but Granger took away the championship in the end.

Everyone thought that when the principal came back, he would intensify his efforts, but unexpectedly, he changed his mind.

Not only did corporal punishment be abolished, but the heating was turned on to the maximum.

It also attracted the so-called advanced teaching experience, and shouted the slogan of "all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and magic".

Open your mouth to Stark and shut your mouth to Granger every day, and ask everyone to guard against arrogance and impatience, take the two as an example, and study hard!

Looking to the sky?

Is this still the old card who is not too short to take others and not soft to eat?

The most outrageous:

The senior wizard who came back with him also began to defend Karkaroff, thinking he was a good principal.

Are you sure it wasn\'t because of being over-pua and suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?

After inquiring, I found out that it turned out to be in the Alps. When facing the giants, Karkaroff did not run away, but saved them...

Well, it might be better to say that you have Stockholm Syndrome.

Today, everyone\'s understanding of Karkaroff has broken through to a new level.

He accompanied two unfamiliar young wizards, visiting the school around, talking and laughing, saddled before and after, with a dog-legged look.

Jie is completely two people like the unsmiling one from before.

That young wizard is also quite outrageous.

He easily repaired the magic fountain that had been broken for many years in the school.

On the one hand, Karkaroff was reluctant to spend money to find someone to repair it, and the fountain was indeed difficult to repair. It contained many kinds of magic, and even school professors couldn\'t repair it.

What\'s more outrageous is yet to come.

This Easter, Krum went back to school and was helping the Quidditch team in training.

The team played 3v3, the young wizard was itchy and wanted to play a few games.

After all, he is a friend of the principal. Out of face, several players wanted to come up to help get a seat. Unexpectedly, the wizard said angrily:

"Put away your **** pick-and-roll! I want him 1v1!"

Big brother? Seriously, this is the counterpoint Krum?

The man who caught the Golden Snitch in the last World Cup final!

But just as everyone was stunned, the wizard really abused Krum in the bullfight.

He even stood in midfield once and hit a long shot.

The Krum people are all stupid. Hu Hu variety literature kanzongyi.cc Hu Hu

Although he was playing the Seeker position, he was a professional athlete anyway, and Chaser played well... He was actually beaten by any amateur player?

Krum remembered the class at Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament last year:

The teacher of the divination class, who was so eloquent, said to him that... he will never be crowned for life.

Thinking of amateur players again, he can abuse himself, Krum\'s mentality... collapsed.

A lot of girls were instantly fascinated.

Not to mention Bikrum\'s elegant style, the key is to be more handsome than him!

That\'s right, this wizard also looks very ordinary.

But Krum is eighteen years old, but his face is similar to that of an old man in his thirties... If there is no comparison, there will be no harm.

After some inquiries, everyone found out... This is the school manager\'s son.

The wizards who can become school directors are the richest top families.

There were a few witches just now, and I felt that this wizard had a plain appearance and was a little dirty... But once the family was rich, he looked so handsome!

The famous Stark is just like that, right?

Many girls and students are jealous of the woman next to the wizard who seems to be his wife.

Hermione was also helpless.

She clearly asked William to find an ordinary-looking Muggle for the compound decoction, so she won\'t be approached this time, right?

I didn\'t expect to be so low-key, yet to be hooked up by female students!巘戅Variety Literature kAnzongyI鈅

William didn\'t care too much. He really had no interest in Nordic girls at all.

But well... Durmstrang is a pretty good school.

If there is still a time loop and I can leave Hogwarts... I can come here to study in depth.

At the door of the auditorium, William also saw the "Wall of Death" that Dumbledore had mentioned countless times.

In the words of the principal:

Back then, after Grindelwald was dropped out of school, he left the Deathly Hallows mark in Durmstrang, then went to England and met him.

The two hit it off at first sight, and they rubbed off a special spark.

The structure of Durmstrang Castle is also completely different from Hogwarts, with the auditorium at the bottom.

At night, all the students who did not go home for Easter gathered in the auditorium.

The hall is built in warm ochre marble, coordinated with the honey-colored stone of the ceiling.

The decoration in the auditorium is also very interesting.

The tall wizard held a hammer with lightning, a golden wand of Frigga, and a fork bell used to expel vampires.

The dinner party started soon.

William sat on the stage of honor and looked down, all the girls had short hair, and all the boys were slender.

"Those two are the students of the Caro family." Sirius introduced in a low voice:

"They\'ve been in touch with the Carlos recently."

As an English pure-blood family, the Carroll family occasionally sends their children to Durmstrang to study.

They are all Death Eaters, and Karkaroff must have taken them back then.

Now it happens to be the eyeliner of the Carlo brothers and sisters, staring at Sirius.

"Will Voldemort take advantage of these two and sneak into Durmstrang?" Sirius guessed.

William shook his head.

Sirius obviously didn\'t know much about Voldemort.

Young little Tom likes to use conspiracy and tactics. He values ​​wisdom and uses his IQ to fight.

But Voldemort wouldn\'t.

That\'s right, when he became a wandering spirit, he would also sneak into Hogwarts and do some sneaky things.

But at that time, he had no strength. Once he regained his strength, he would be more domineering and high-profile, as if he was afraid that others would not know what he wanted to do.

In other words, Voldemort disdains to use any conspiracy, and he believes in his own stalwart power.

Just as William was talking, suddenly, a voice resounded through the auditorium.

The voice was high-pitched, cold, and clear, and it was unclear where it came from, but it seemed to come from the wall itself.

"I\'m the Dark Lord - Voldemort. I think you\'ve all heard my name."

Squeeze squeak. Screams broke out among the students, some huddled together, looking around in horror for the source of the sound.

"You are no match for me. I don\'t want to kill you either. I have great respect for Durmstrang\'s teachers.

I don\'t want pure blood wizards to bleed. "

Hu Hu variety literature kanzongyi.cc Hu Hu. There was silence in the auditorium~www.novelhall.com~ This silence pressed people\'s eardrums, and the silence was so great that it seemed that the auditorium could not contain it.

"Hand over Igor Karkaroff," said Voldemort\'s voice.

"None of you will be hurt. Hand over Karkaroff, hand over this servant who betrayed me.

I will keep the school safe and sound.

I\'m by the big lake, wait until midnight... Otherwise, I\'ll turn on slaughter mode. "

Silence engulfed them all again. Everyone turned their heads, and every eye seemed to find Karkaroff.

巘Xuan Variety Arts Literature Count. William shrugged... As he said, Voldemort would kill Karkaroff in a high-profile way.

After all, there was no Dumbledore here to stop him.

The higher the profile, the more intimidating the Death Eaters.


Here he is!

William stood up.

His voice also resounded throughout the campus.

"My disciple of Grindelwald, accept your challenge from Voldemort!"

Use a trumpet when going out... William has always kept this principle in mind.

To protect Sirius from being threatened by Voldemort for a short period of time, he must first raise a banner and find a protective umbrella.

This is what is in the plan.

And Grindelwald is not big or small, in this land of Northern Europe... just right.

