A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 148: Desires are satisfied, that is the moment of repayment

As a qualified brain nerd, Percy sees Cedric as a competitor who wants to jump in the queue and go the white-faced route.

Well, Percy was right, Cedric\'s espionage mission was indeed to seduce Umbridge.

At least it works every time.

Fudge, the early developer of Toad, didn\'t care about these things at all.

He is now standing on the edge of a cliff.

Take a step back and fall into the abyss; go further, continue with more than one second of health.

Where does Fudge still care about Umbridge, all his attention is now on Marietta and Cedric.

He looked at the two enthusiastically and said:

"Tell me, hurry up, dear, don\'t be ashamed, let\'s hear it!"

Marietta took a deep breath and glanced at William before she mustered up her courage:

"I have nothing to report, there is no gathering at all, no organization.

William...Professor Stark, has always followed school rules and laws.

Professor Umbridge is framing him! "

The smile on Fudge\'s face froze, he felt a little tinnitus, so much so that he just had an auditory hallucination.

Umbridge was also stunned on the spot, his face quickly turned ashen, as if he had been punched in the face.

After a while, she roared, "What nonsense are you talking about, you **** girl!

It wasn\'t you who came to my office at night and said that Stark was meeting regularly, forming Boy Scouts, teaching students magic..."

"No, I didn\'t say that at all, you\'re lying!" cried Marietta. "You old witch!"

Umbridge really wanted to give Marietta two slaps, and she threatened in exasperation:

"There\'s a party tonight, Miss Akemore, you said it yourself! Don\'t forget your... mother\'s letter!

Do you want her to lose her job? "

"I think... as long as your IQ is greater than zero, you can understand Miss Akemore." Professor McGonagall interrupted coldly.

"Unless you don\'t understand human speech, Professor Umbridge."

Umbridge ignored Professor McGonagall. She stretched out her hands, grabbed Marietta, and pulled her over to face her.

Recommend it, it\'s really good, it\'s worth installing it, after all, you can read books in cache and read aloud offline!

But Dumbledore was already up and raised his wand.

Umbridge jumped back and let go of Marietta, her hands just scalded and shivering in the air.

Dumbledore\'s face showed anger:

"I won\'t allow you to treat my students so rudely, Dolores!"

"Calm down." Fudge also hurriedly said, "There is another witness."

"Yes..." Umbridge panted, "You\'re right, Minister, I... I lost my way.

Cedric? "

Under the gazes of everyone, the second witness Cedric said:

"Yes, I want to report. I was corporally punished, and I was punished with black magic items."

Fudge cheered: "Really? Great... no, I mean, it\'s bad.

But I will do justice for you, boy. Tell the truth as you know it! "

Umbridge was in a bad mood and was about to stop Cedric when William\'s cold eyes just happened to come over.

His lips moved silently and threatened:

"You will be sharked within three days!"

Umbridge turned pale as if struck by lightning, and his body began to tremble violently involuntarily.

Without Umbridge\'s obstruction, Cedric calmly said:

"I reported Professor Umbridge, she used black magic items to physically punish me."

He rolled up his sleeves, there was a shallow wound on his arm. "She also asked me to frame William, saying that after I graduate, I can become an assistant minister like Percy Weasley."

Everyone looked at Percy, his eyes dodged, and he lowered his head in a panic.

"You bullshit!" Umbridge\'s teeth chattered as he spoke.

"I have never corporally punished you. Every time I was in confinement, I would talk to you at close range... Your wounds were caused by yourself!"

Cedric said to himself:

"If you don\'t believe me, you can search Professor Umbridge\'s office.

I also have a report letter from Hufflepuff students here. "

He took out a letter and handed it to Dumbledore.

All the little badgers signed.

As the only academy that has never been out of the dark wizarding school, the unity of Hufflepuff is really not a casual talk!

Looking at Dumbledore flipping through the letters, Fudge\'s heart started to feel cold and cold.

Trap... Fudge feels like he\'s been trapped by Umbridge.

Wouldn\'t this guy have betrayed himself long ago and boarded the big ship leading to a new era?

Otherwise, how could two witnesses be found, and they all turned against the water in person.

Umbridge also realized the delicate situation, she hurriedly shouted:

"It doesn\'t matter, I have other evidence...physical evidence!

I found a list in the classroom that said \'D.A\' and had the signatures of many students. "

Fudge wanted to leave, but when he heard "D.A", his ears froze again, and the last glimmer of hope ignited in his heart.

Umbridge handed the parchment to Minister Fudge.

After Fudge took it, a smile broke out on his face, and he gave it directly to Percy.

"Percy, read it out loud!"

Percy held the parchment, glanced at the contents, then widened his eyes with a look of embarrassment.

He hesitantly said, "Minister..."

Fudge thought that Percy also wanted to go against the water, stared directly at him, and said solemnly: "I will let you read it immediately!"

Percy was helpless and had to read the parchment.

It begins with the explosive "Initiated by Her Royal Highness Umbridge, the World\'s No. 1 Princess", and the inscription is your "Fudge, Your Always Loyal Merlin Knights".

The content of the letter is very simple:

Fudge told Umbridge to drive Dumbledore and William out of Hogwarts as soon as possible.

William has been asking the house-elves to intercept Umbridge\'s letters. This kind of thing uses the copy spell, and a lot of it is left behind.

Tonight, he left a letter in the classroom and used Transfiguration to change the content.

When Umbridge looked at it, it was indeed a D.A list, but after the magic disappeared, it changed back to a letter.

Without Umbridge to take it, Fudge was already roaring.

"A false accusation! A blatant false accusation! This is a false letter!"

Fudge tried to grab the parchment, but William snapped his fingers and the letter floated in mid-air.

He said calmly: "It seems obvious, Minister Fudge.

You have no witnesses and no physical evidence. Some are just harassment and malicious slander.

I will sue Wizengamore for your defamation.

Of course, there\'s also Umbridge\'s alleged abuse of students..."

Fudge shouted: "I am a minister, and now I have ministerial immunity, and Wizengamore has no right to try me..."

"Not anymore." Dumbledore stood up and looked at Fudge, as if he was looking at a clown.

"When you came to Hogwarts, there was an emergency meeting in Wizengamore.

The second impeachment has been passed, and you have been impeached and removed from office. "

Fudge\'s lips were blue with anger, he waved his arms and said, "You guys deliberately brought me here from the Ministry of Magic?!"

"Almost, I would like to thank Professor Umbridge for his divine assist." William laughed. "Without her, you certainly wouldn\'t come."

Fudge\'s legs were weak, and he walked to Dumbledore\'s desk, his voice trembling:

"Albus, I have helped you more than once... forgive me, I don\'t want to be imprisoned.

I am willing to not be a minister, and I am willing to give this position to you..."

"Help me? Let the Death Eaters ignore me, deliberately slander me, and send Umbridge to Hogwarts. Is this also help?" Dumbledore said in disgust.

"I was scared, I was too scared!" Fudge defended.

"I\'m not as strong as you. It\'s very difficult to believe that the mysterious man has been resurrected..."

Dumbledore looked at Fudge without the slightest pity.

"Tough things and things that have to be done~www.novelhall.com~ are often the same thing.

All meaningful things are not easy. There is no easy word in adult life. "

Fudge looked bleak: "If we can talk privately...I can explain it."

"Stay in the courtroom in Wizengamore, that\'s the best place for you to defend yourself."

Fudge\'s lips trembled, choked softly, and ran towards Kingsley again.

"I am the Minister of Magic, and I order you to **** me safely back to the Ministry now!"

Kingsley was uncharacteristically, he shook his head and said forcefully:

"I don\'t think so, Mr. Minister... You should stay here obediently."

"Kingsley...you?!" Fudge was surprised.

"Minister... I\'m a good person!" Kingsley said calmly. "I am a member of the Order of the Phoenix!"


Fudge looked at William again, and suddenly knelt down with a thud.

"William, I beg you... I beg you!"

"When the desire is satisfied, it is the moment of repayment." William looked at Fudge and said softly:

"You chose your own path, and it\'s time to repay."



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