A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 108: Umbridge's Fear

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

early morning,

Lying on a bed in the small attic of the school hospital, Umbridge was woken up by a hardboard.

Although her body was uncomfortable, she felt very comfortable in her heart.

She exaggerated the problems at Hogwarts and asked Fudge for a lot of permissions, in combination with her attack by Peeves.

Fudge faced the enormous pressure, and it really gave her.

That\'s how those education orders came out.

Umbridge certainly knows why:

Investigators from the International Confederation of Wizards had already moved into the Ministry of Magic. Minister Fudge couldn\'t hold it any longer and began to seek medical treatment in a panic.

After such a long time of reporting, even Umbridge gradually believes that the mysterious man is really back.

Let alone other people?

Still unbelieving, probably only Fudge himself and his die-hard fans.

Power has completely fascinated his eyes.

Don\'t even think about the five-year contract, Umbridge seriously doubts that Fudge will not survive this Christmas.

But there is no doubt that in the election early next year, he will definitely not play.

Umbridge didn\'t feel too much remorse for pressing the wrong stock. After all, she used Fudge\'s power to get to where she is today.

But seeing that this broken ship was about to sink, she naturally wanted to disembark early and run away with a bucket.

Running is not so easy either... Once you get on the wrong boat again, it may be completely over.

Dumbledore, the big ship, will definitely not accommodate her.

Umbridge thought about it, only Mysterious Man\'s boat could let her cross the river.

Why choose the mysterious man?

the reason is simple.

Umbridge has kept Harry Potter in confinement many times, and has carefully observed the boy who survived.

This is a little wizard who does nothing but anger.

Not as brilliant as Stark, nor as smart as Granger.

The failure of the Dark Lord back then was probably just bad luck.

Umbridge doesn\'t think that the resurrection of the mysterious man will fall on Potter.

Next, it must be the age of the Dark Lord!

The more she targets Dumbledore and Stark, once the Dark Lord returns, even if Fudge falls, in the new era, she will be like a duck to water!

Umbridge is fine!

She felt that Fudge\'s downfall would not be allowed to spill over into her political career.

But wouldn\'t it be dangerous to do this backwards at Hogwarts?

There\'s definitely danger, like the bathroom last time...but it\'s not fatal.

Umbridge had seen through Dumbledore.

Dumbledore is a "saint", a "perfect man" and a "good man".

As long as you act within the scope of the rules, as long as you take Minister Fudge\'s order, go to the foxes and fake tigers... No matter what he does, this principal will not do anything to himself.

This is Dumbledore!

Otherwise, how could Fudge use his power and tricks to take down Dumbledore\'s position?

Dumbledore was the great wizard and possessed the greatest power... Umbridge admits it.

But this man has been self-disciplined all his life.

Umbridge had been up and down at the Ministry of Magic for so many years, and she believed she was right.

The only variable is Stark.

Is he self-disciplined like Dumbledore?

This education order is just a small test for her.

What will Stark do if the Ravenclaw Quidditch team is not formed?

Once he accepts it cowardly and doesn\'t let go of his bullshit, Umbridge will go a step further and become more profitable.

Of course, there should be some protection.

Umbridge had had the Aurors guarding the door day and night, and she didn\'t believe anyone could attack her at Hogwarts.

Reflecting on his recent actions, Umbridge found nothing wrong.

She opened her eyes, felt the pain in her waist, and wanted to turn over, but she heard the sound of the plate breaking.

Umbridge sat up in panic, looked down, and suddenly felt as if struck by lightning, his face was pale, and his body began to tremble violently involuntarily.

On the quilt lay her favorite plate.

Those flower plates, originally patterned with brightly colored big cats wearing bows, would dance and play.

But now, they have all turned into skeletons, bloodstained from the corners of their eyes, and looked at her with a hideous expression on their faces.

In addition to these, there is also a clipped newspaper inserted on the wooden door.

The content is about the education order for these days.

Simple and rude!

Umbridge\'s back was soaked in cold sweat in an instant.

The Auror is guarding at the door, and there is magic around to prevent Peeves from coming in!

Crucially, Umbridge recognized:

These plates are not the ones in the Defence Against the Dark Arts office, but the decorations she has placed in the Office of the Deputy Minister of Magic!

The last thing she liked was hidden in the heavily guarded Ministry of Magic, and it was placed on her bed unknowingly.

A naked threat!

Umbridge\'s fists were clenched, her fingernails were piercing her skin, but she forgot the pain, only fearful.

She didn\'t know who did it, but it must have been someone affected by the education order.

And those who have this ability and means can only be Stark and Granger.

Umbridge had always felt safe, and now it looked like he was wrong.

With the protection of the Auror, the other party can enter silently and kill her silently, what is it?

Umbridge\'s hands trembled.

It seems that if there is no certainty, it is better not to mess with that man for the time being.



After a day\'s delay, William went to Umbridge again, and she approved the formation of Quidditch.

Her attitude was also much more humble, as if William was her father.

Cho and Cedric are amazed.

So, still violence works.

William originally wanted to behead her owl and throw it on her bed.

But after thinking about it, let\'s use the decoration in her office.

William is a "cat lover" after all.

The Quidditch problem was solved, and William did not let his guard down.

Umbridge wouldn\'t just give up, she\'d still get into trouble, but if it wasn\'t a hit, she wouldn\'t have done it easily.

Akali\'s sprint class has long since moved underground, not as above and above the school year.

Don\'t worry about classroom problems.

Dumbledore gave him a few empty classrooms.

And William was outside the classroom, casting the wizard\'s exorcism spell.

This magic is still performed by Voldemort outside his Horcrux cave, similar to the "Muggle Repelling Charm".

But now it\'s William\'s.

William has learned so much from Voldemort!

What a nice guy.

Before that, he also had Hermione make a batch of protocols, all with curses in them.

He strictly told the students ~www.novelhall.com~ that once they entered the sprint class, they needed to sign an agreement.

Once you try to leak it to other people...you\'ll be damned.

With Hermione\'s current achievements in curses, there is no student who can crack it and then go to inform.

There were also students who were hesitant, but when they thought about Umbridge\'s course, they couldn\'t learn anything at all, and finally agreed.

Even because of Umbridge, there are a lot of students from other grades who want to go to cram schools.

They were all aimed at William.

But none of that mattered, because at the end of November, Hagrid finally came back.



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