A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 106: Weasley our king!

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

William was indeed prevented by Hermione.

The original high hit rate, without adjusting the posture, you can enter.

This time, he shot three times in a row, all of which were non-stick.

The most outrageous one, hitting Ron in the head, was called a technical foul by Mrs. Hodge.

Ron... it\'s really a face.

It is rare for William to be so hard, and he was obviously throwing crookedly. He was far away from the frame Wu Mi, and he could hit it with an iron head.

William squeezed the Quaffle, this **** touch...!

Are you used to soft, hard? !

He prefers to grasp with both hands, and both hands must be hard.

But Angelina has also played for many years and has a strong ability to seize opportunities.

Finding that William was not feeling well, she immediately changed her tactics and played three defensive counterattacks in a row.

Anne rode the Firebolt, she was the fastest.

After receiving Angelina\'s super long ball, just accelerating, it tore Ravenclaw\'s defense line, and no one stopped it.


Tianhu start!

Angelina clenched her fists, facing the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, she has never fought such a rich battle in her eight lives!

If this can\'t be won, then it\'s good to disband.

"Oh, Merlin\'s Quaffle!" Lee yelled, "Without touching the ball for a year and a half, William\'s hit rate has dropped a lot."

"And Anne Stark passed on two shots. It seems that Stark\'s glory will be inherited by her..."

"Hooho, another ball! What a beautiful girl, the most beautiful flower in Gryffindor.

I\'ve said it for years and Annie still won\'t date me—"

The audience booed at Li, and many students took big dung **** and smashed them at him.

Anne Stark was only in fourth grade...you said it for several years, didn\'t you start thinking about peaches when you were in first grade?

We all just dare to think about it, you dare to say it!

Beast! !

"Stop hitting, don\'t hit! Everyone is stupid!" Li avoided the big shit.

"Angelina passed it on to Annie again... wait... where did William come from!"

Anne caught the Quaffle, passed the Ravenclaw batter, and was about to pitch when she felt a whistling sound behind her.

Snapped! !

William appeared behind Annie, chasing his hat vigorously, and kicked the Quaffle.

Annie didn\'t react at all, and was blocked by William.

"Fuck your Quidditch dreams!" William winked at his sister.

Bradley caught the Quaffle and passed it to him.

William flicked the broom, and Annie chased after him angrily, not close to her body, but placed it three meters away.

An expression of brother, hurry up and vote.

William is very experienced. He has played Quidditch for more than ten years and has more experience than most professional players.

Although the little blacksmith of Milan once said:

"I\'d rather be 0-for-30 than 0-for-9..."

But William will not unreasonably make a strong shot. After all, there is no difference between two points and three points in Quidditch, only ten points!

Besides, it would be too embarrassing to be on the Hogwarts history iron list.

Therefore, since the hit rate is not high, it is enough to break into the inside line.

But for a moment when Annie was entangled, Angelina quickly switched defenses, blocking his breakthrough route, and the twins caught up from behind to form a double-team.

"The defense of Gryffindor today was so tight!

But William\'s stubborn chaos, Angelina couldn\'t stand it at all. "

Lee Jordan\'s commentary echoed on the court.

"William got close to Ron, this is Ron\'s first time on the court, we\'ve seen Wood\'s big defender, hope Ron can too... oh, Shet!"

Ron prejudged the wrong position, William rushed towards the left frame, but he went to the right, revealing a large space.

No matter how bad William feels, he can still shoot into such a big hole with ease!


Lee lamented: "Ravenclaw finally broke the scoring drought, Ron is going to work harder... jeez, what was he thinking?

William was a feint again, Ron was in a hurry, and William scored ten points easily. "

Li hurriedly blew again.

"So, don\'t look at William likes to shoot indiscriminately from the outside, but at critical moments, he is really not soft, really hard, really dare to shoot!

This is superstar moment! "

With two goals in a row, Ravenclaw\'s morale has stabilized.

William no longer floats on the perimeter. He doesn\'t feel good in his hand, so he just slams in.

When this state encounters Wood, it may be educated, but Ron...William is not rampant yet, asking for anything.

It\'s like entering your own restricted area.

Gryffindor was tackled three more times by Willian.

Annie has learned from William for so long, and her skills are really good, and her hit rate is also high.

But the new lineup of Gryffindor, the run-in is still almost.

However, the twins were not soft at all. Seeing that William was holding the ball again, they went straight to the bludger.

Li excitedly said:

"Fred Weasley played a nice Bludger, no, it was George Weasley.

Cough, who cares, it\'s one of them anyway. "

The Bludger smashed towards William, and William turned over, grabbed the broom with one arm, and smashed the Quaffle hard.

The Bludger changed direction and smashed towards Harry in midair.

He was tangling with the ball, and this hit relieved Qiu from his troubles.

William took the pass, got on his broom again, and charged towards the penalty area.

Angelina bumped into William.

"Oh, bad, Mrs. Hodge called her a foul." Li cursed. "She didn\'t foul just now, no..."

"Lee Jordan!" shouted Professor McGonagall. "Don\'t be partial..."

"I didn\'t." Li explained: "Angelina really didn\'t use her elbow to elbow William, she clearly used her shoulder..."


William made a free throw and made a light throw.

The score is already tied at 70:70.

William organized the attack again, Ron finally blocked a ball, he was about to throw to Angelina, but suddenly stopped.

"Listen to this voice, what are they singing?" Li also noticed, and the singing sounded loudly from the silver and green sea of ​​Slytherins in the stands:

That little fool Weasley,

He won\'t block a single ball,

The Slytherins sang,

Weasley is our king.

Weasley was born in a dumpster,

He always puts the ball in the door,

Weasley Paul Eagle won this game,

Weasley is our king.

Ron blushed, absentmindedly passing the Quaffle to Angelina, but throwing it directly to William.

William was also very confused, how did he pass it on to him.

"Alas, Ron\'s big mistake!" Li screamed:

"William passed Angelina, diddge George - Fred hit a nice Bludger and flew to William\'s head

But he was dodged. "

"Looks like he\'s only a goalie to deal with! Ron, don\'t be in a daze! What are you thinking?

Thinking if this is your last game? ! "

Weasley is our king,

He always puts the ball in the door,

The singing started again, Ron froze in place, and the ball entered easily.

"Ah, Ravenclaw is overkill!"

There was wailing from the Gryffindor auditorium.

Harry couldn\'t control himself, he didn\'t care about finding the Snitch, let alone Autumn, and turned to look at Ron.

The cheers broke out again - Ron flung his arms open ~www.novelhall.com~ The Quaffle flew under his arm and went straight into the goal ring in the middle.

"Ron gives too much opportunity, Ravenclaw relies too much on Ron!" Lee roared in dissatisfaction.

The Slytherins sang even more excitedly:

Weasley was born in a dumpster,

He always puts the ball in the door...

"Harry, what are you doing?" Angelina screamed.

"Go chase Qiu, don\'t be dumbfounded there, get moving!"

But it was too late... Qiu discovered the Golden Snitch, and she was riding the Star Whisker, no slower than the Firebolt.

Qiu reaches out and catches the Golden Snitch!



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