A Magical Hogwarts

v5 Chapter 17: Lady driver!

The Color Island can be called the "fairytale island" of Venice, because all its houses are painted in various brilliant colors.

However, this fairy tale world was basically flooded with most of the rainstorm.

Residents have also moved towards higher ground that has not been submerged under the organization of the government.

Dozens of Aurors, riding flying lions, shuttled through the streets without any intention of concealing them.

There are no Muggles anyway, and there is no need to worry about being discovered.

"Kazik, pay attention to your right side." Captain Russell said loudly.

The Auror named Kha\'Zix quickly turned off the radio and unplugged his earplugs. "Sorry, Captain!"

He grinned apologetically.

"Kazik, how\'s the World Cup going?" a wizard couldn\'t help asking.

"It\'s almost a mess." Kha\'Zix said.

"I don\'t know who instigated it, there was a fight yesterday. The England fans beat the Bulgarian fans.

The Aurors then arrested the Bulgarian fans, but not the British. "

"That group of British guys are too arrogant!"

"Who said it wasn\'t. However, they were invincible in the scrims... England won the scrims against Iceland again, 250 to 30!"

"Hey, it\'s the Governor\'s possession. When I go back, I\'ll put all this month\'s wages on England.

Hope that when they officially play, Ye is so invincible. "

"Hey, we\'re on a mission!" Russell interrupted in dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Captain!"

Kha\'Zix put away the radio. He feels that he is really unlucky. He will have to get up and perform his tasks tomorrow.

This time, the International Conference of Wizards and Wizards should have a good discussion. During the World Cup, there will be a holiday!

Kha\'Zix seemed to remember something, took it out in his arms, took out the newspaper and said:

"Captain, this is the Doge of Venice this morning."

He pointed to the newspaper headlines and read:

"The Secretary-General claims that Stark and Granger are innocent of the criminals who have been caught stealing the Goblet of Fire.

Was it the witch who suddenly appeared in the middle of the night? "

"It\'s her," an Auror said excitedly. "I was there last night."

"Since Stark and Granger are innocent, why do we hunt them down... I heard that Stark is very powerful." Kha\'Zix dissatisfied.

Captain Russell shook his head: "I don\'t know, there may be other changes."


"Nothing but, this is the order of the Secretary-General!"

Kha\'Zix shut up.

But ah...

In this kind of weather, you should hide at home and listen to the tape recorder, and eat pasta by the way... Isn\'t it delicious?

As for the criminal... it\'s none of his business. When he went to be an Auror, didn\'t he just want this position to have less trouble and more money?

Aurors of the Italian Ministry of Magic, a few did not come in by relationship!

"Okay, let\'s go."

Russell looked at the note in his hand, which showed the location of the Secretary-General\'s transformation spell.

"I already know Stark\'s location, and pursue it immediately."

"Captain, how did the Secretary-General accurately locate Stark?" Kha\'Zix couldn\'t help asking.

"Who knows." Russell shook his head.

He pulled on the reins, and the wings of the flying lion under his crotch flapped rapidly.

The Secretary-General\'s order was simple: "Kill both of them."

Russell was also skeptical of the order.

But the secretary-general made a promise to do it well, the director of the Auror\'s office...

It\'s him!

the other side of the island,

A black gondola drifts with the waves on the sea.

According to the guidance of the **** of death:

The goblet of fire burns under the tomb.

But the tomb of the Doge of Venice is in Constantinople. The bones of Santa Lucia are distributed all over the world.

This thing went straight to the dead end.

Hermione noticed something in Sardinia by accident, and they decided to check it out first.

Sardinia is an island located in western Italy, deep in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to this distance and the bad weather at sea, the two have to float on the sea for two days.

At Hermione\'s suggestion, William also visited Color Island on the way.

Saving Venice and traveling are the same things... life is so delicate.

Before leaving the island, William discovered the sudden appearance of the Auror.

"How do they know where we are?" Hermione couldn\'t believe it, she frowned. "It\'s impossible."

There are traces of underage wizards, but the Ministry of Magic of other countries cannot trace them.

In Paris, this has been proven.

Russell rode the golden flying lion and said, "Stark, Granger, please go back and assist in the investigation.

Make no mistake! "

William ignored him, kicked the accelerator, and the gondola suddenly turned a large arc.

But the Aurors had already determined their location and laid out an encirclement.

More than a dozen magic spells shot out, smashing on the metal sign on the bow, splashing a burst of sparks.

"What?" Hermione took out her wand and said loudly, "I\'ll stop them."

"No!" William stared at the waterway in front of him and found that there were several more Aurors blocking the road.

He calmly said: "You come and sail!"

"Okay!" Hermione agreed, "but...you have to teach me...how to drive!"


Dragone was modified by Trine, and a cockpit was added, which is similar to the driver\'s seat of a car, with only one position.

Hermione had no place, so she got into William\'s arms and sat on his lap.

William sucked in a breath of cold air and said, "Hermione...you crushed me...! It hurts!"

"Oh, sorry." Hermione twisted her waist hastily.

"Okay, okay, don\'t move... that\'s it!" William stopped.

He grabbed Hermione\'s hand and put her on the steering wheel.

"See the throttle?"


"Have you held the steering wheel?"


"Stay on the accelerator, take control of the steering wheel... it\'s that simple."


"Don\'t slow down! Don\'t hit things, the boat crashed and we both have to pay Terenei.

Do we still have money? "


William nodded in satisfaction and released the steering wheel.

"Hey, don\'t let go?!" Hermione\'s face turned pale with fright, and she closed her eyes.

The bow of the boat suddenly slammed to one side, William didn\'t care, just stretched out his hand and hugged Hermione\'s slender waist that could be grasped in one hand.

"I\'m about to hit it...you\'re going to lose money," he reminded.

Hermione suddenly opened her eyes, clenched the steering wheel, turned sharply to the right, and slammed the steering wheel.

The gondola made a thrilling turn, swiping across a wall.

William whistled, "Very well, Hermione, you\'ve learned how to drive."

He leaned close to her ear, sniffed the fragrance of her hair, and said softly:

"Don\'t be afraid, with me there, nothing will happen!"

Hermione nodded vigorously.

The girl stood up, and William left his position and walked out of the cabin.

The smile in his eyes gradually disappeared and became cold.

Picking up a spell, William stared at Russell not far away.

He sneered: "Really courting death?"

Russell\'s heart skipped a beat. There are very few wizards now who have never heard the name of the boy in front of him.

Three years ago, Stark became the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin...and his reputation was only a little bigger in the British Isles.

Outside the UK, almost no one recognizes it.

But last year\'s Paris incident, Clegane took the Auror wanted for several days, but did not catch him.

Stark also managed to stop Arya Grindelwald.

The battle at Notre Dame de Paris, witnessed even more wizards.

Few dared to ignore the young wizard anymore.

Russell is no exception.

All he relies on is his own multitude. Stark didn\'t want to actually hurt people.

Looking at it now, Stark has been thoroughly provoked.

William was indeed provoked, did he really think he was pinch?

He and Hermione were well-mannered to travel at public expense, and by the way... to attend a joint meeting.

Came to Venice, but encountered this kind of thing, and was hunted down inexplicably?

Who\'s to make sense of this?

Save Venice?

Save your sister!

If it wasn\'t for the Holy Grail, William would just ignore the matter and Apparate to Florence with Hermione.

Do you really think other people are harmless?

The werewolves killed in France would not agree with this!

William closed the door of the boat, rested one hand on the railing, jumped up, and stood alone on the top of the boat.

He turned sideways, dodging the summoned arrows.

William kept moving in his hand, holding the wand with one hand, the tip of the wand pointing downwards, and the void touched the sea.

The sea was suddenly filled with fog and became more and more dense, and the sky and the earth were white, obscuring the sight.

William, who was in the fog, twirled his wand between his fingers, and the rain in the air all floated.

Under the control of powerful magic power, the rain was twisted into two silver threads like real blades.

William waved his wand in a wide arc.

The silver thread disturbed the fog on the sea, and splashed water on the surrounding Aurors.

Russell looked up, and two silver lines cut through the sea and swept to the front at high speed.

The spell seemed to be powerful, but he didn\'t dare to take it lightly.

"Armor protection!"

All Aurors stretched their arms forward, at the tip of their wand, forming an invisible wall.

The silver thread kept piercing the retaining wall like fine needles drilled into thin snow.

William\'s wand flicked again, the silver thread was instantly shattered, and countless tiny potholes exploded on the wall.

The water droplets continued to float, and many Aurors fled in fear and jumped into the water.

"Fractured!" Russell organized another wave of counterattacks.

William quickly chanted the spell, and the boat pulled up a few meters from the water, avoiding a dozen rays of light.

As the gondola fell, he clicked his wand, and a black light slashed into the sky.

The flying lion running behind him was like a trapped beast, its wings were strangled by the curse, and the blood column spurted out.

Russell\'s body was bounced to the surface of the water, causing countless splashes.

William\'s wand shook, and the water was turbulent in an instant, rolling like a boil, like a big tide hitting the shore, rolling up towards the Aurors in the water.

Precarious ~www.novelhall.com~ William sat safely on the top of the boat with his legs hanging in the air.

"Stop chasing, or I\'ll really \'miss\' and kill!"

The fog came over again, covering the Dragon\'s hull.

Russell slapped the water angrily, but said nothing.

Away from the Aurors, William got up, ready to jump back into the boat.

Hermione turned abruptly and threw him out unexpectedly.

William, who fell into the water, looked at the speeding boat, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing:

"Female driver!"



(Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.

Thank you "Xixiazi" for the reward. )