A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 7: witch and python

The Ritz Hotel Paris.

in the safety table.

Hermione walked down the stairs and into this wondrous space expanded with the Traceless Stretching Charm.

The living room is very large, and it is actually the same as the house in the wizard village. The layout is exactly the same: furniture, kitchen, decoration, bonsai... all reveal a sense of familiarity.

Hermione was in a trance, as if she had returned to the village of San Cachipol.

She walked down the stairs and gently twisted the door handle.

William was busy, a huge cauldron, steaming constantly.

Hermione put on her work clothes, checked the potion brewing steps on the workbench, and started cooking the ingredients.

Everything is so ordinary.

"This time, the spider silk of the eight-eyed giant spider is added." William warned.

On the workbench, lay a large number of tangled spider silks, each of which was shimmering with crystal mucus.

Hermione put the spider silk in a vessel, squeezed it, and used a magic dropper to extract the mucus.

William poured into the crucible, and the blue liquid slowly turned light blue.

Still an improvement on Lockhart\'s shampoo, William has tried many materials, but none of them are satisfactory, unable to offset the explosive properties of the bird snake egg.

This time, the ingredients of bird and snake eggs were reduced, other mixed materials were added, and finally the mucus of eight-eyed giant spider silk was added.

The risk seems to be reduced quite a bit.

After the work was over, William took Hermione back to the living room.

Yesterday, Roy and the others left Paris and went to Lyon. William and Hermione are also starting to investigate.

"Go now?" Hermione asked.

William thought for a while, "Let\'s check the little pets Newt gave to see if they are useful."

Hermione nodded, took out the glass bottle, and unscrewed the cap.

The face of a bird snake appeared, it stuck out of the glass mouth curiously, looked around, found that Newt was not there, and was immediately ecstatic.

William was sure that he read this feeling from the ugly face of the bird snake.

William had a bad premonition.

The bird snake couldn\'t wait to get out of the bottle. The part in the bottle was still slender, but the upper body suddenly became larger.

It coiled round and round like a smoke ring, quickly occupying most of the living room.

William pulled Hermione back, and the two were squeezed into the corner.

Like Ultraman, the bird snake is getting bigger and bigger. Tables, sofas, murals... everything in the living room was crushed by it.

Grass! (a magical plant)

"Hurry up and change back for me." William said loudly.

But Newt\'s "cute" ignored William at all. It shook its tail arrogantly, changed direction, and crushed the living room again.

That\'s what Newt said, "Oobed cutie?"

William shouldn\'t believe in the evil of Mr. New!

A dark, furry little guy opened the mouth of the bird snake and drilled out of its teeth.

- Sniff!

The bird snake still meows in its mouth, hiding a sniff? !

Is there any place where Sniff can\'t hide?

It saw the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, its eyes glowed, and it jumped up, hanging from the chandelier, in a pendulum motion.

The chandelier crashed and fell, just hitting the bird snake\'s head.

The bird snake looks very powerful, but it is a coward with a restrained appearance. When it is frightened, it screams in its mouth.

tear it up!

It wasn\'t Parseltongue, more like the sound of a fingernail scratching on a blackboard.

William and Hermione quickly covered their ears.

Niu Niu was also terrified. As the culprit, it jumped into William\'s arms and shivered.

Shake your sister!

William grabbed Sniff\'s tail and threw it into the trash can in the corner.

Sniff closed the lid, revealing only a crack, and peeped there.

Bird Snake became manic, rampaged, and seemed to want to go to the second floor to destroy it.

William took out a piece of bread and tapped it with his wand, turning it into a giant unicorn.

The bird snake\'s body suddenly pressed down, and its two eyes squeezed into cross-eyed, staring at the unicorn.

Bird snakes like insects the most and are veritable foodies.

William threw the unicorn into the glass bottle, and the bird snake moved along with it, its body twisted and coiled in the living room, and at the same time, it quickly shrank, and its head drilled into the bottle.

Hermione quickly pressed the cap onto the bottle.

Sniff opened the trash can, got out, and looked around with a smirk.

It ran to the kitchen, and Hermione followed, gently covering it with a frying pan, which continued to move on the ground.

William lifted the pan, lifted Sniff\'s paw, and threw it into the trash again, waving his wand to seal the lid.

Merlin\'s! Eagles don\'t show their power, do you think I\'m a silly badger? !

William asked Hermione to go to the basement to fetch the box, while he waved his wand and kept casting the Restoration Charm to restore the living room to its original state.

Hermione came with a magic box.

William opened the box, and there was a basilisk more than three meters long lying in it, but it was blindfolded.

The basilisk grows very fast, and as long as there is food, it can shed its skin once every two weeks.

William took a spider, placed it in front of the basilisk, and removed its blindfold.

The spider dies instantly.

Basilisks are currently immature, ordinary animals will die when they see its eyes, but large magical creatures can only be petrified.

But this is enough to kill the chicken and warn the monkeys.

William shook the bottle and threatened: "If you don\'t listen, I\'ll put you and the basilisk together and kill you!"

The bird snake suddenly felt that the food in its mouth was not fragrant, and it nodded honestly.

"And you!" William pulled out Sniff from the trash can. It covered its eyes and dared not look at the basilisk.

Half an hour later, a man and a woman left the Ritz Hotel, aboveboard and without hindrance.

The French Aurors who were watching around the hotel did not respond, and were still watching vigilantly. They took a picture of William and followed the boy as soon as he came out.

But William and Hermione, already using the potion, turned into two Muggles, and left easily.

Magic makes crime easier, especially when they feel contempt in their hearts, thinking that their opponents are just two underage wizards.

Contempt comes at a price.

Going to a corner, William and Hermione entered the room of the safety table again, took the compound potion, and turned into Clegane and Costa.



Inside a building somewhere in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

A man and a woman pushed open the door and walked in. They entered the hall, pointed to a certain location, and retracted the safety table.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the far end of the hall as the door was slammed open, and a rush of footsteps passed through the hall towards them.

"Sir!" a voice shouted angrily. "This place has been blocked by the Ministry of Magic, and no one can enter!"

William turned around and saw a witch walking towards him.

She is petite and has short brown hair that matches her ears.

She trotted toward them both, aggressively, and pulled out her wand.

When she got close and met Clegane\'s eyes, she immediately froze and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Mr. Clegane!" she cried, looking embarrassed. "I\'m so sorry! I didn\'t know it was you."

"Well." William recalled Clegane\'s way of speaking and said sternly, "I need to re-examine the scene where Newt was attacked."

"Huh?" The witch asked suspiciously, "Didn\'t you already check it and explain that no one should approach it."

"It\'s a bit of a surprise." Clegane said solemnly.

"The day before yesterday, Stark, on behalf of Wizengamore, visited Scamander. Scamander told Stark how to find the box."

Clegane gestured to Hermione.

"Miss Costa has some words from Stark, I need her to recheck the details."

\'Scotta\' nodded nervously and said softly, "Stark is obviously a little lecherous."

William: "..."

This sentence was definitely not said during the drill!

The witch looked at Scotta, then turned her eager eyes to Clegane.

Obviously want to show in front of the boss.

"Am I taking you there?"

Clegane shook his head. "The two of us just go. I know the location. You are guarding the gate, and no one is allowed to come in."

The witch was a little disappointed, looked at Scotta jealously, and forced a smile: "I see."

William blinked and led Hermione towards the room.

Sniff drilled out from the outside and pointed to a corner.

William\'s wand waved. "Traces appear."

The wand spewed out a golden smoke that revealed traces of recent magical activity in the hallway.

Sniff jumped to the ground, carefully looking for Newt\'s trail.

It quickly found traces.

William and Hermione saw Newt\'s vision~www.novelhall.com~ Newt collapsed on the ground, a woman appeared, and a three- or four-meter-long giant python emerged from under her robe.

The python wrapped around the box and delivered it to the woman.

"Thank you, Nagini."

There was another noise in the distance.

William waved his wand, and the golden smoke disappeared.

He grabbed Hermione\'s hand and led her to Apparate directly.

A group of Aurors rushed in. There was nothing in the room, only a faint magic wave.



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Thanks to the "Feng Ling 15" boss for the reward. )