A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 64: Be a person in the next life, Banban!

After leaving the gate, the carriage drove all the way to the front of the castle, before crunching to a stop.

Following the flow of people, William, Hermione and Anne walked towards the castle gate.

Unexpectedly, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick stood at the door together, like two door gods.

Professor Flitwick smiled, and it seemed that the summer vacation had been very nourishing.

After he saw William, he waved his hand even more, preparing to borrow the Medal of Valor and wander around in front of Snape.

Having worked with Snape for many years, in terms of yin and yang weirdness, he was also nurtured by his hands, but he had to make the Slytherin head sour.

After all, in those years, Snape sneered at Ravenclaw, saying that the Kitty Hawks couldn\'t win Quidditch and the House Cup.

In the past few years, Ravenclaw has only turned the offensive!

Professor McGonagall\'s hair was combed into a tight bun, and his sharp eyes scanned the crowd like a laser pointer.

The students who were noisy at first fell silent in an instant, as if someone pressed the mute button.

Even colder than the weather is Professor McGonagall\'s aura.

Professor McGonagall could have a domineering and loud title: Frost Witch!

Percy spent the afternoon in the toilet, and now his calf is a little soft, walking slowly with the twins\' support.

The two are very concerned about Percy and want to buy him supplements, which makes Percy inexplicably moved.

Percy had suspected that two stinky younger brothers had drugged him, and now he felt so ashamed that he had thought that way.

Will he ask for supplements?

Is he that kind of person?

So as soon as Percy opened his mouth, he picked the most expensive brand.

The twins looked at Percy Killer Bee\'s eyes, a little scared, and hurriedly agreed: buy it!

It seems that Percy is not so good.

Sure enough, Ron was the only one who was really stupid in their family.

Percy quickly saw Professor McGonagall, he immediately pushed the two away, straightened his waist, straightened the badge on his chest, tossed his hair, and raised his proud head.

But the ground was so slippery that he stumbled and nearly knocked Ron over.

Ron\'s Scabbers detached from his hand, knelt and slid seven or eight meters on the marble floor, and fell into a puddle.

Ron felt that his heart was about to break. His lovely Scabbers had been suffering from pain that should not be endured at his age...

At this moment, Ron wanted to give this old and unwell pet some potion to euthanize him, so that he could walk peacefully and not feel so uncomfortable.

Be a person in the next life, Banban!

Anne trotted to Professor McGonagall, and took out the Sorting Hat from the safety sheet.

The Sorting Hat is still very old, but a closer look reveals that it is much cleaner than ever.

Annie took more than an hour to wash and changed six or seven basins of water before washing off the dust accumulated in the hat.

Inexplicably, there is a sense of sight that half a catty of soot has been poured out of the keyboard.

On top of the hat, a vegan iris garland is also wrapped around in a arrogant manner.

This is a bouquet given to William and Hermione by the French Ministry of Magic. According to Clegane, it has performed special magic and will never fade.

Anne stole a few bouquets, weaved them into garlands, and wrapped them around the Sorting Hat.

This made Hermione very angry. Those flowers that she wanted to keep in the living room vase forever... are of great commemorative value!

Looking at the clean hat, a rare smile appeared on Professor McGonagall\'s face.

When she entered school that year, she thought about washing the hat for decades.

She thought she would have a chance when she became the principal, but she didn\'t expect it to be clean.

One more item is missing from her wish list:

Play the Hogwarts Guardian Stone once and you\'re done!

Give the Sorting Hat a bath, (pseudo)done!

Not every item on her wish list can be fulfilled, such as England winning the Quidditch World Cup... that\'s something that will never come true.

Professor Flitwick took the hat from Professor McGonagall and led Annie down the hall, where he was to place the hat on the triangle stool.

"Stark! Granger! Potter! You three come here!" Professor McGonagall\'s voice sounded again.

The three broke away from the crowd and walked towards the professor.

Professor McGonagall said to Harry, "Mr. Potter, go to my office, Pomfrey is waiting for you there. All right, let\'s go."

"But...I\'m fine," Harry said.

"Are you sure you\'re all right, Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked sternly, frowning.

Harry hesitated for a moment, his body was indeed fine, but he kept dreaming of William and Riddle, and he felt that there might be something wrong with his brain.

"Professor Lupin sent me a letter saying that the Dementors want to give you a kiss and you passed out?"

Malfoy turned his ears sideways, trying to overhear Professor McGonagall.

Harry blushed, but he\'d rather people believe it.

Fighting a dementor to exhaustion and being unconscious, and being in a coma because of fear without contact... These are two different concepts.

"Professor McGonagall, I\'m really fine. I drank the potion William gave, and Professor Lupin said I was fine," said Harry.

"Well then... you go to the auditorium first." Professor McGonagall said.

Harry had just walked up to Ron when Malfoy leaned over immediately and asked, "Potter, are you really fainting?"

Yo! Sure enough, the one who cares most about Harry is always Malfoy.

This is probably true love.

Professor McGonagall looked at William again and said solemnly: "Mr. Stark, Professor Dumbledore asked me to tell you that after the dinner, go to his office."

William nodded, even if Dumbledore didn\'t look for him, he had to look for the Headmaster.

Thunderbird is a distant relative of Phoenix, and I wonder if Fox can talk to its relatives and stop pestering him.

Hermione followed Professor McGonagall towards her office.

After they walked a few steps, Hermione turned her head and said to William silently, "Wait for me!"

McGonagall turned her face sideways, Hermione seemed to have eyes behind her, and turned back instantly, as if nothing had happened.

Professor McGonagall turned back, Hermione turned her head again, and stuck out her tongue playfully when William stopped.

Who knew that Professor McGonagall suddenly stopped, and Hermione slammed into her without noticing.


A group of first-year wizards came and went, and were taken to the little dark room by Professor Flitwick.

William looked at these children, they were all future clients.

This year, the Sorting Hat switched to yodelling, with plenty of half-baked French in it, for its new song.

A look that is in line with international standards.

This novel performance won applause from the audience... Anyway, everyone couldn\'t understand it, and there was an inexplicable entertainment effect.

William waited for five minutes, and Hermione ran out of the stairs excitedly, already holding a golden object in her hand.

"Got it, time-turner," said Hermione.

She quickly put the time-turner in her pocket again, because Professor McGonagall also came down the stairs.

The three walked into the auditorium.

"Oh," said Hermione softly, "we missed the sorting ceremony."

Professor McGonagall walked to her vacant seat in the faculty chair, while William and Hermione each walked towards their own house.

Qiu and Luna had already reserved a place for William, and next to the two girls, three cats squatted.

They squatted on their chairs, their tails dropped, and they swept lightly.

The frequency is exactly the same!

The biggest one is an orange cat, and there are two kittens next to it: one orange and one tortoiseshell.

The big orange is about four or five times the size of a kitten, and it is not too much to describe it as a tiger with a back and a waist.

So, William has seen the future of Annie\'s orange cat named Pineapple Head.

It\'s also an orange pig!

Bobo tea suddenly turned his head and caught a glimpse of William, it jumped up and jumped into William\'s arms.

William only felt his hands sink.

"You\'ve become a fat tiger, Bobo tea, it\'s time to lose weight."

Bobo Tea gave William a light bite.

Soon, Dumbledore stood up, and the noise in the auditorium gradually ceased.

The principal is wearing a gorgeous robe~www.novelhall.com~ Although he is very old, he gives people a feeling of fierceness.

His hair and beard were several feet long, and he had semi-circular glasses that rested on the bridge of his broken nose.

"Welcome!" said Professor Dumbledore.

The light of the candle made his beard gleam as if it had been waxed.

"Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year! Before the dinner, I have only three things to say:

"Safe, safe, still safe!"



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