A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 4: Wizengamore UK Youth Representative

"Shock! Famous magical zoologist Newt Scamander was arrested in Paris recently! 》

"Call for a Blacklist of Wizards: Completely Ban Scamander!" 》

"He\'s coming, he\'s coming, he\'s coming with his black box! 》

In the early morning, people come and go outside Furstenberg Square.

Many wizards read the "Parisian Daily" in their hands while walking, and the group of titles that shocked the real biography really attracted attention.

Two apparently little wizards appeared in the crowd. They were mixed in with office workers and seemed out of place.

As the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic, its entrance is on Place Furstenberg in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

William pulled Hermione and stopped by a tree near the fountain. The roots of the tree suddenly came out of the ground, forming a birdcage elevator around them.

Hermione was a little nervous. It was her first time at the Ministry of Magic, and it was the French Ministry of Magic.

The girl\'s palms were sweating, and William tapped the back of her hand with his fingers, signaling to relax.

The elevator slowly descended to the ground, and the two followed the crowd and stepped into the lobby of the Ministry of Magic.

This is an art-style hall with a large number of constellations painted on the vaulted ceiling.

Because it was morning, there was an endless stream of office workers, and wizards continued to come to the Ministry of Magic through the fireplace.

William and Hermione walked to the front desk.

The receptionist was a very young witch, with thick wine-colored hair that fell naturally over her shoulders, who looked like she had just graduated from school.

Otherwise, it will not come to the front desk.

Seeing William approaching, her eyes lit up, and she asked gently in French, "I\'m Costa, the receptionist. Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. What kind of business do you handle?"

"I want to visit the prison," said William fluently in French. "To visit Mr. Newt Scamander."

Costa raised an eyebrow, and she also read the newspaper, knowing that Scamander had been arrested.

——The old **** who brought the crisis of destruction to the major cities over and over again!

Her tone was still gentle: "Sorry, he\'s a criminal from the Ministry of Magic... If you need it, you can ask your parents to come..."

She frowned suddenly and said in surprise, "I\'m sorry, are you not French?"

"No." William froze for a moment, then said strangely, "Can you tell from my accent that I\'m not French?"

No, Furong clearly said that his accent is very authentic, a standard Parisian accent!

"No." Costa covered his mouth and smiled, "I just graduated from Beauxbatons, if you are a student of Beauxbatons, I have no reason not to be impressed.

Your appearance is the kind that makes people unforgettable once they have seen you. "

William was suddenly speechless, it turned out that his excellent appearance exposed him.

It seems handsome, not so happy, and occasionally mixed with small troubles that are not too annoying.


"I really wasn\'t a Beauxbatons student, I went to Hogwarts," explained William.

"Hogwarts?" Costa was stunned for a moment. "Then your French is amazing! I rarely see English people who speak such authentic French... How old are you?"

Miss and sister have been at the front desk for a long time, idle and bored, chattering, more talkative than Bertha.

William endured for two seconds, had to interrupt, and repeated: "Miss Costa, I need to go to the prison to see Mr. Newt Scamander."

"But... no." Costa insisted: "Scamander is a prisoner now, and no one can visit. You two are not adults, let alone..."

"Actually, he can!" Hermione retorted in slurred French.

William learned French, and Hermione learned some from him, and some of the simplest daily routines could still be spoken.

In fact, many well-educated British children can say something like that.

After all, French has a great influence on Britain. The Duke of Norman conquered Britain.

Until now, French is still an important language of the British royal family and a symbol of high society. Not only the state banquet menu is written in French, but even the national emblem has French.

"William is the representative of British youth in Wizengamore." Hermione said seriously.

This passage was so fluent in French that Hermione had apparently practiced it privately.

"He has the right to visit Scamander!"

Scotta was taken aback. As a clerk at the Ministry of Magic, she still knew about Wizengamot.

How old is this boy in front of him? Is it the representative of the British Wizengamore youth?

Every country has Wizengamot youth representatives. Generally over the age of sixteen, one-third of the wizards in Wizengamore are required to agree to pass the review.

The highly respected wizards are very critical, and the youth representatives are mostly vacant positions.

Dumbledore was his youth representative at the time. As a recipient of the Merlin Medal, William lacks in age, but he can still approve it.

During the summer vacation of the first grade, Fudge said that he wanted to apply for him, and then there was no following. It was only now that he passed the examination with the help of Dumbledore.

"I am indeed the representative of the Wizengamore British Youth." Seeing that the other party didn\'t believe it, William gestured to Hermione.

Hermione immediately pulled a badge with the letter W from her pocket, and other things that identified him.

"According to Article 73 of the International Secrecy Law, the wizard management agency of each country needs to be responsible for hiding the magical world in its own jurisdiction..."

William only looked at the information temporarily, so he was slightly stuck.

Hermione, who had a strong memory, stuck to his back and reminded in a low voice.

William immediately said: "Well... Violators will be punished by the law of the governing body.

Whatever Scamander did in Paris, we have the legal right to extradite him back. "

"Then a fair English Wizengamore will put him on a strict trial." Hermione echoed. "Send him to Azkaban!"

This paragraph is French again.

When the two sang together, the young lady was dumbfounded. She was only a counter clerk. Do you want to be so serious?

"You two are right, child." A stern voice sounded behind several people.

A wizard in a purple robe walked over from the door. He was probably in his sixties, with a small goatee on his face.

"Mr. Clegane," Scott said quickly and respectfully.

"Hmm." Clegane nodded, then stared at William, who held out his hand.

"Mr. Stark... the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal, I\'ve heard of you.

I\'m the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement...and I gave the order to arrest Scamander. "

William shook hands with each other.

"When did you become the Wizengamore UK Youth Representative?"

"Yesterday." William said softly, "It\'s just a small matter, and I just received a notification."

"Dumbledore is fast... We have only captured Scamander for a day." Clegane sneered.

"But you\'re just a teen representative, unlike the Wizengamore members.

According to the Wizengamore Charter of Rights, you have the right to be heard...and only the right to hear, but not to vote, let alone the right to extradite prisoners back home. "

The youth representative is different from the Wizengamot members, and the symbolic meaning is far greater than the actual meaning. This is a very famous honorary title.

In other words, if there is a trial in the UK, he has the right to observe, study, and even express his opinion, no matter how much more useful it is.

Wizengamore will not let a teenage representative vote.

"But I have Dumbledore\'s authorization. He is the chief magician of Wizengamore in the United Kingdom and the president of the International Federation." William said.

Hermione took a piece of paper out of her pocket, and it was covered in golden squiggles.

The International Confederation of Wizards is an intergovernmental organization in the wizarding world, roughly equivalent to the United Nations in the Muggle world, headed by the President of the International Confederation of Wizards.

However, unlike the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the Muggle world, the International Federation of Wizards is a real authority and can interfere with the sovereignty of countries to a certain extent.

William originally had no rights~www.novelhall.com~ If Dumbledore\'s authorization, coupled with his own representative identity, suddenly ceased to be symbolic.

"It\'s Dumbledore\'s handwriting." Clegane checked.

"However, the International Magical Law Office has not informed us that even if Dumbledore is the president of the Wizarding Union, this letter cannot overstep the rank to direct me to release someone.

Strictly speaking, I am not under the jurisdiction of an Englishman! "

"I understand," William said with a smile, "so, back to our original application.

I need to visit and hear Scamander\'s confession!

By the order of the president of the International Confederation of Wizards, on behalf of Wizengamore, England, to exercise power in France... I think, you will not object, right? "

Clegane took a step back, squinting and examining the young man in front of him.

