A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 36: Let go of that dementor and let me come!

Dementors appeared in France, and William knew it.

But the French Aurors have only found traces of these guys in the Strait of La Manche, the famous English Channel.

William\'s location is already in Biarritz, which is very close to Spain and far away from the English Channel.

Sirius Black did not return to England, but escaped to France, is he still going to go into exile all the way to Spain? !

good guy!

This looks like an organized and premeditated jailbreak activity. There is no strong team behind it. William doesn\'t believe it.

The other party may have planned a detailed escape route for Blake, otherwise there is no reason not to go to England, but to France.


Black would run away, and the Dementors were just as hardworking models.

Without the help of the British Aurors, they actually enforced the law across borders and pursued them across the sea.

A collective honor award for a touching British character, this is nothing to say!

But attacking Muggles like this is too much!

Although Muggles cannot see dementors, they can feel their presence.

The crowd on the beach has become riotous, and people feel that the surrounding air is suddenly cold.

I was still admiring the young lady happily just now, and then I moved away happily, directly bypassing the sage mode and entering the desperation link of cutting and perpetuating governance.

At this time, the dementors that passed over the Muggles had already formed an eagle-headed attack formation.

Yo! He actually did research on Quidditch, and it seems that he played a lot in Azkaban.

The head of the dementor, headed straight for William, was tall in a cloak, and its face was completely hidden under the hood.

Even if you close your eyes and don\'t look at them, you can feel a dead and cold breath, and there is no sense of experience at all.

You Qi led the dementor, with a hand sticking out of the cloak, shimmering, gray, thin, and scabbed, like something died and rotted in water.

It looks terrifying!

However, this outfit is a bit downbeat, and if you drag a woman\'s clothing such as Lolita, it will probably look more eerie.

At least it can make those criminals who fantasize about women\'s clothes all day make their three legs weak.

William took out his wand, took a step, and stopped in front of everyone.

Hermione put on her own clothes, pulled out her wand, and stood beside William.

Where are the troubles of previous girls!

Annie also pulled out her wand and vigilantly stood in front of Lyanna and the others.

Even the shivering dog was hidden behind her by her, covering its head with a few green banana leaves.

Fleur hesitated and asked, "William, are you waiting for the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic? Underage wizards can\'t use magic outside."

"Wait for the Aurors? Then we might all be killed by Dementors."

Before William could speak, an inexplicable smile appeared on Hermione\'s face.

She said quickly:

"Furthermore, under section 7 of the Reasonable Restraining of Underage Wizards and Wizards Act, magic in the presence of Muggles is permitted in exceptional circumstances.

Among those exceptional circumstances, the life of the wizard himself is threatened, or any other wizard or Muggle life is threatened..."

"I happen to know a few examples, like the Ilfracombe incident..."

Furong took a serious look at the disheveled girl, as if she had known her for the first time.

Fleur was indeed seeing Hermione for the first time, but at a glance she recognized who she was.

William mentioned it many times when he wrote letters, and recent newspapers have frequently reported on this \'youngest recipient of the Medal of Valor\'.

"Am I right, William?" Hermione said a lot in one breath, and finally asked lightly.

William glanced at Hermione with small eyes. Although the girl didn\'t smile, she couldn\'t hide the joy in her eyes.

Appeared, Hermione\'s most terrifying state - the black-bellied version of the white swan!

In this state, Hermione not only turned on the black-bellied attribute, but also showed her all-round talent in all aspects, trying to cause a mental shock to the opponent.

IQ plus 100, memory plus 100, EQ is basically reduced to negative.

However, Furong was silent for a while, without refuting, and took out her wand.

She had just been distracted, her ears filtering out Hermione\'s crap.

What\'s more, it is not wise to compare one\'s own shortcomings with others\' strengths.

From Furong\'s point of view, this little girl\'s film is still tender.

She asked, "William, do you know the Patronus Charm?"

"Yes." William stared at the Dementor in the distance.

This kind of advanced magic, he has long learned in the time loop.

William has learned too much magic, and after learning a lot, he lost it himself.

"That\'s great, I learned from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor last semester." Furong shook her hair and chuckled:

"However, I\'ve never used it in front of a dementor, and it may not be used for a while.

You might want to help me. "

She winked playfully.

William nodded.

"Miss Granger, can you do that too?" Fleur looked at Hermione and said softly in a simple, not overbearing tone, "I\'ll leave it to you then."

Hermione\'s face flushed immediately, she could... she could be a hammer.

She has learned a lot of magic from William, but she has never learned such advanced magic as the Patronus Charm.

"I\'m... still learning." Hermione stammered.

"Oh, that\'s it, then you have to study hard, you can ask me if you don\'t understand." Furong covered her mouth and smiled.

Hermione wrinkled her nose and snorted softly.

Between the two confrontation, the Dementor was already close at hand.

It is like a big smoker, taking a deep breath, long and slow, trying to absorb happiness from several people.

William felt a chill go through his body, he raised his wand, and said loudly: "God guard!"

A huge silver sea eagle spewed out from the tip of William\'s wand, stabbing its claws straight at where the Dementor\'s heart was.

The dementor was knocked back again and again, and fell to the ground, like a Tai Chi master who was killed in seconds.

Simply vulnerable!

Dementors **** happy memories, but they are completely irresistible, the patron saint spell that uses happiness as the source of strength.

The Dementor slid aside like a bat, left his companions behind, and hurried away.

Hermione used protection magic, but it didn\'t work at all, unable to stop the Dementors.

But Fleur, as she said... has never faced a Dementor.

Under the influence of that negative buff, she just sprayed out a large cloud of white mist, and the dementor\'s movements slowed down, but it didn\'t fully take effect.

William\'s wand waved in a large arc, and the sea eagle circled in the air, turning around and attacking the Dementors beside Hermione.

The Dementor was hit in the chest, it roared, turned into a glimmer of light, disappeared in the sky for a short time, and hurriedly disappeared among the clouds.

A large number of Aurors Apparated on the beach~www.novelhall.com~ Clegane angrily commanded the Aurors to fight off the damned Dementors.

The Aurors appeared, and William breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to give Clegane a compliment, as it is common sense that the Aurors should have arrived late after the fact, and then cleaned up the situation that was out of control.

I didn\'t expect this action to be so fast. It seems that the Paris nuclear crisis has made the Ministry of Magic a lot nervous recently.

At this moment, there was another coquettish cry from behind, and the white mist in front of Furong\'s wand disappeared.

William turned around, looked at the lonely Dementor, and suddenly had a bold idea.

He roared, "Let go of that girl, let me... ugh, let go of that dementor, let me come!"



(Kneeling and begging for the recommendation votes, the big guys)