A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 27: Don't be too Stark

The day after the press conference, Mr. Newt waved his sleeves and was about to leave Paris with only a suitcase.


Since Nico\'s 665th birthday, he has been out in all kinds of waves.


Counting the time, I haven\'t been home for almost two years. If I don\'t go back, my grandson won\'t know him anymore!


Newt is very experienced in this kind of thing. After he got married, he went out alone for two years. When he came back, he found that his son would run away, and he didn\'t even know who he was.


Even so, it can\'t stop him from running around. It seems that the silly badgers all have a wild heart!


William and Hermione took Newt to the airport for a flight back to England.


Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport,


William explained the boarding process to Newt in detail, and wrote the process down on paper to prevent him from forgetting.


Hermione carefully checked the plane ticket and various other documents, put it in a bag, and handed it to Newt.


After the old man put it away, he smiled easily: "I\'m going to rest at home for a while, I\'m too tired recently."


"What about America, to whom did Professor Dumbledore leave it to him?" William asked.


Newt won\'t go to America for the time being, and there must be someone else watching Tom.


"Bablin, she\'s been in America all this time," Newt said.


"Professor Babbling..." William was taken aback for a moment.


Babelin is an ancient Rune professor at Hogwarts, and William learned a lot of strange things from her during the time loop.


Unexpectedly, this wicked woman would follow Dumbledore\'s order and go to the United States to spy on Tom.


William thought she was just hanging around at Hogwarts and waiting to die.


Sure enough, the professors at Hogwarts were all Dumbledore\'s tools, and there was nothing he couldn\'t command.


If there is... it means that the person is not far from death!


Such as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in recent years.


So, being liked or hated by Dumbledore is not a particularly comfortable thing.


If Dumbledore likes someone, he will let him continue to take risks; if he hates someone, he will let him come to Hogwarts as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.


Both are life-threatening, simple, crude and efficient!


"Goodbye, little guy." William touched the head of the bird snake. "I will miss you."


Having been together for so long, William quite likes this bird and snake.


But after all, when it\'s time to use bird and snake eggs to make Fuling agent and improve shampoo, William won\'t hesitate at all!


The Sniff also got out of Newt\'s box, grabbed his collar, and kept waving goodbye.


On its paw, there is an IOU that will never be cashed.


After the leprechaun\'s gold disappeared, Niu Niu became noisy again, and William couldn\'t stand it any longer, so he wrote a bad check to it.


It had his and Hermione\'s signatures on it, as well as Sniff\'s paw prints.


Duplicate copies, one for William and Hermione, and one for Sniff.


"What about Nagini?" Hermione asked concerned.


"If she wants to, she will live in my box, if not, I will find a forest in England to put it in." Newt said.


William and Hermione nodded.


Dumbledore couldn\'t save Nagini, and they didn\'t have the ability.


"Goodbye then." The old man picked up his suitcase, turned and walked into the airport.


Hermione leaned on William\'s shoulder, and the two stood there, watching Old Man Newt\'s back gradually disappear.


A few minutes later, Hermione took William\'s arm and left, and they walked aimlessly along the road of the airport.


At this moment, a beetle sneaked over.


It flew in the air for a while, trying to stick to William\'s clothes.


The sharp-eyed Hermione immediately took out an electric mosquito swatter from the safety watch.


She waved, making a tennis racket, and the racket made a beeping electric sound.


——Hogwarts special mosquito swatter, a copycat swatter is a cow!


The beetle hurried away from the evil Hermione and fell back to the ground, becoming Rita.


"Is this a Muggle weapon of mass destruction?!" Rita patted her chest hypocritically and said with lingering fears.


"It\'s amazing, no wonder it can destroy Paris, it\'s really dangerous."




"Why are you here?" Hermione raised her eyebrows and said bluntly. "Follow us both?!"


"Miss Perfection makes me sad. I thought we were good friends."


Rita calmed down, took out the mirror from her crocodile leather bag, and calmly touched up the heavy makeup.


"Tell me, what\'s the matter with the two of us?" William asked.


"Long time no see, since I\'m in Paris and you are here, of course you have to say hello."


Rita put away the mirror and gave a professional smirk. "After all, yesterday\'s press conference, I didn\'t have time to talk to you two."


"Should we change to a secret place?" Rita glanced around.


"Now wizard reporters from all over the world are looking for you all over Paris.


Only I guessed, you are going to send Scamander away, so you came here. "


"Let\'s go then." William Apparated with Hermione.


Rita followed.


on the banks of the Seine,


Cafe on the Left Bank.


The waiter left after delivering a few cups of coffee.


Rita held the cup, blew hot air, and said straight to the point:


"William, I know you\'re worried about what happened yesterday. So many reporters took pictures, and all of a sudden you\'re playing with people\'s feelings..."


"He didn\'t!" Hermione argued loudly.


"Of course I don\'t know." Rita glanced at Hermione and said meaningfully, "It\'s just one of Clegane\'s tricks, I\'m all too familiar with it."


"What do you mean?" Hermione asked immediately.


"Clegane definitely did it on purpose. He asked the girl named Costa to send you flowers, and his purpose was not pure at all.


Even hitting William might have been his secret message. \' Rita said eloquently.


"How is this possible?" Hermione narrowed her eyes.


"Why is it impossible." Rita chuckled lightly, "Young innocent lady, you are still too immature.


Think about it, so much has happened in Paris, and the French Ministry of Magic is eager for other news to break out, so as to divert everyone\'s attention. "


"To put it bluntly, wizards in other countries don\'t care if Paris is almost destroyed, and they don\'t care if the French flag is a white flag with two colored stripes painted on it.


My British readers are more concerned about whether the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal, and the youngest recipient of the Medal of Valor, are… a couple. "


Rita dragged a long tone and glanced at the two in front of her.


"They are more concerned about whether Mr. Stark is a scumbag, or whether he played with the feelings of one or more French girls in Paris.


They will also fight against the winner of the Medal of Valor! "


"Now is the era of entertainment to death."


Rita said disdainfully: "This is the purpose of the French Ministry of Magic, directing and acting, throwing hot spots, and changing the subject... This kind of method, I played the leftovers ten years ago!"


"What are you trying to say?" William asked with a frown.


"William, accept my interview. I will help you fight a public opinion war, tell the readers the truth, and help you prove your innocence." Rita excitedly said.


The purpose of her coming today is for this. William and Hermione saved Paris, growing in fame and an absolute treasure!


"Forget it, I don\'t believe you even more." William decisively refused.


"But..." Rita didn\'t give up.


"My relationship with William is not a tool for you to make money!" Hermione said angrily.


"Of course," Rita put down her glass and gave Hermione a stern look, "change the subject and tell me about your deal with the French Ministry of Magic?


Or, in this case of Paris, their stupid role. "


"Didn\'t you say that everyone is not interested in these news?" Hermione questioned.


"That\'s relatively speaking. The UK has always been the base of milk law, and there are readers as broad as the English Channel."


"I\'m sorry, I can\'t tell." William shook his head.


The two of them got the hush money, so they must have professionalism and can\'t do things like two or five boys.


William will have to deal with the French Ministry of Magic in the future, so he cannot completely offend others.


"Then you have to provide me with some interesting information, right?" Rita said angrily:


"I have given you a lot of things, you can\'t eat me up without paying at all, can you?


Don\'t be too Stark! "




"The most important thing..." Rita smiled slightly and continued: "You two don\'t want the whole summer vacation, all the newspapers in the UK are covering your affairs, right?


Since you want to keep a low profile, you have to learn from the French Ministry of Magic to transfer the heat. "


This is true.


William thought for a moment: "I do have a piece of information here, and only a few people know about it at the moment."


"What?" Rita grabbed her crocodile bag.


"Sirius Black has escaped from prison."


"Who?" Rita hesitated, "Impossible, I didn\'t get the news!"


"The reason why intelligence is intelligence is because few people know it, otherwise it would not be intelligence, but outdated news."


William took a calm sip of coffee.


"I happen to be one of the few who know."




(Thanks to Fengling Fifteen for the reward.)

