A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 21: Notre Dame de Paris at the center of the nuclear explosion

In the dark night, three Aurors rode on old broomsticks and tried to run wildly in the direction of the disappearance of the horse-shaped water monster.

They flew for ten minutes without even seeing a shadow.

It feels like the fugitives have hit and run in a "Maserati", but they are sitting in a "walking tractor" and chasing wildly behind.

Although they all seem to be racing, one of the cars is over 200 mph, and the overwhelmed broom just wants to accelerate will remind with a creaking voice: "The speed is too fast, please slow down."

Really happy to hear, happy to see!

"Head, what should I do? Go back, this **** is too slow!"

"Yes, boss, let the director buy some Firebolts. Many Quidditch clubs are equipped with them."

The speakers were two young French Aurors, one black and the other black.

"Don\'t think about it, the budget of the Auror office is not enough this year," said the Auror known as the Boss.

"Don\'t talk about brooms, tonight\'s overtime pay, whether it can be paid on time is a problem!"

"No, it\'s only in July, and it\'s not enough? Head, is the money all taken by the minister, the director, and the director..." The black Auror winked.

"Shut up! Don\'t talk about state affairs, be careful Aurors check your owl, please come in and drink milk tea!" the boss shouted.

"Boss, we are not Aurors..." a black man said aggrieved.

"Oh, yeah...that\'s fine."

"Head, look, what is that!" one exclaimed.

The three of them squinted and looked at the UFO flying in the distance.

"It\'s Stark! They turned themselves in!"

It is impossible to surrender, William and the others just turned around and flew to Notre Dame Cathedral.

The two of them didn\'t even notice the Auror... Hermione was still untying the rope, while William closed his eyes and let the girl play with it, looking like he couldn\'t love him.

"Stop! This is Paris, and I will arrest you in the name of the French Ministry of Magic!" the boss yelled.

The horse-shaped water monster suddenly accelerated, and a gust of wind blew through, and the air seemed to be stunned.

The three brooms, like duckweed in the water, made a 720-degree spin in mid-air.

"Damn, too arrogant! The British are as nasty as the Germans!" The black Auror was incompetent and furious.

"Could they not understand noble French?" another wondered.

"How is it possible, Stark\'s French is more standard than you speak!" The boss rolled his eyes.

"Okay, hurry up, don\'t let him run away this time!"

The three of them started to chase after each other swayingly.

"Boss, look, what is that!"

Ten minutes later, something flew in the distance!

"Again? It\'s too much, I\'m going to fight with them!"

"No, it\'s not Stark...it\'s a fire dragon!" the boss roared. "Hurry up!"

The fire dragon slammed into the sky, and the three Aurors were so frightened that they lost their brooms and jumped from the sky.

The broom was directly knocked off, and the three Aurors fell into the Seine.

"Boss, is this a work-related injury? Is it reimbursed by the ministry?" the black man asked after swimming in the water for a while.

"Shut up, you won\'t be charged with destroying public property, it\'s not bad if you pay for the broom!" The boss played a fancy backstroke in the river.

"Hurry back to the Ministry of Magic and inform the Director that a fire dragon has appeared in Paris!"



"A fire dragon appeared over Paris!" Clegane\'s face was ugly and terrifying.

Numerous Aurors with wands surrounded Newt.

"Scamander, I want to know where that fire dragon came from. Couldn\'t it be from your box, right?"

"Mr. Clegane, I don\'t know where the fire dragon came from!" Newt thought for a while, saying he didn\'t know.

"But it must be innocent, it was controlled by Arya." Newt said.

"The priority is to stop Arya, her ultimate goal is Notre Dame."

"She has taken that dragon and damaged six buildings in Paris.

How do you know her ultimate goal is Notre Dame? \' Clegane narrowed his eyes.

"Because the atomic bomb is at Notre Dame!"

Clegane frowned. "How did you know that?"

"Nico made a prophecy." Newt\'s eyes were hidden in the thick bangs, and his voice was hurried: "Just a few minutes ago, otherwise I wouldn\'t have come to inform you."

"Mr. LeMay?" Clegane asked excitedly. "He\'s here too?"

Nicole Lemay is the pride of French wizards.

"He didn\'t come, but I promise it\'s true," Newt said. "He showed us the prophecy that an atomic bomb exploded at Notre Dame."

"Now, William and Hermione have rushed there, looking for the atomic bomb."

"In this case, all Aurors obey orders!" Clegane thought for a while, and finally made up his mind, and ordered: "Stop tracking Arya Grindelwald, everyone is dispatched to Notre Dame!"

The Aurors took the lead and immediately began to Apparate.



"Ah, slow down, slow down, William!" Hermione screamed as she wrapped her arms around the boy\'s waist and closed her eyes.

William felt the sharp shout from his eardrum, and tried to pull the reins of the horse\'s head cage in his hand, but the speed of the water monster continued unabated.

It directly smashed the large rose-shaped round window of Notre Dame de Paris and rushed into the church hall.

"Oh, shit!" Hermione screamed again. "The glass is broken."

No wonder she was so excited, the giant window, built in the 13th century, depicts **** Christ blessing surrounded by virgins.

Not to mention art and religious beliefs, a word is very... expensive!

Expensive that go bankrupt.

"Don\'t worry about this broken window, it will be broken," William said indifferently.

Find a nuke, fix anything with magic, can\'t find it... not even in Paris, who cares about a window?

In his previous life, William had even seen the burning Notre Dame Cathedral, this little scene... drizzle!

Of course, Willian had the opportunity to be involved in a huge project worth a billion euros.

However, he seriously rejected the French government\'s online begging behavior, and used all the money to buy scratch-off music.

As a result, William won the lottery, was torn apart, and traveled to the UK!

Sure enough, it has its own nose in the dark!

There were many people in Notre Dame, and a tour guide dressed as a priest was holding the Koran and telling everyone the love story of **** and Mary Magdalene.

This old priest must be a heretic.

"Hurry up, the German atomic bomb is about to hit!" William said casually.

But no one ran away. It was natural to watch the fun. Everyone was watching, staring at the horse-shaped water monster and exclaiming, and there was a lot of discussion.

There are even people who are busy taking pictures of the scene, and their emotions are getting more and more excited.

"The devil is here, Lord, hurry up and show your spirit!" The old priest waved the Koran, and his mouth was the old Fahai: "Great Power Heavenly Dragon, Prajna Buddhas, World Honored Ksitigarbha, Prajnapa, let\'s coax!"


a christian,

take the quran,

Speaking is the Dharma...

Is this the legendary master of the three religions in one?

"Atomic bomb!" William ignored the Muggles, swung his wand and cast the Flying Charm.

The horse-shaped water monster flew fast in the church, and William continued to cast magic.

But after a few laps, there was no response, nothing came flying.


According to the scene in the prophecy ball: Arya stood on the head of the fire dragon, and a mushroom cloud suddenly appeared above her head.

William didn\'t see the atomic bomb beside Arya, she must have placed it in the church ahead of time... and now it\'s not available.

After ten minutes of searching, I still found nothing!

Niko\'s prophecy bought them some time, and now nothing has been found.

The nuclear explosion cannot be stopped!

At this time, roars continued to come from outside the church, and the magical impact around them became more and more intense.

"It should be the Auror here, fighting Arya," Hermione said hastily.

William looked up at the burning church. At this point, he could only give up looking for the nuclear bomb, even if he was very unwilling!

As soon as William pulled the reins, he drove the horse up, the horse\'s hooves slammed violently on a wall, and with a bang, they flew out of the church!

William was in a trance for a moment~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t know when outside the church, the wind and rain were already dark, lightning and thunder. The torrential rain poured down and splashed on the heads of the two of them.

Fire dragons danced in the air, smoke billowed from Notre Dame Cathedral, and the towering spire collapsed under the flames.

A red-haired woman stood proudly on the head of the fire dragon, dressed in a white robe, swaying in the wind.

Above her head, a magnificent mushroom cloud appeared, like a splendid firework, suddenly rising in the vast night sky.

Exactly the same as the prophecy!

and many more,

This is... a nuclear explosion?



(Thanks to all the book friends for your reward and comfort... I\'m really sorry for taking so long.)