A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 19: prison Break!

Prison robbery is a technical job, especially breaking into the Ministry of Magic and robbing people, it is even more frenzied and out of vulgarity.

But when the suffix is ​​added with a French... hiss! Everything is different.

The difficulty was suddenly lowered by n levels, and the courage buff was also burning like a Gryffindor **** of war.

But Gryffindor alone is not enough, too reckless results will only die miserably!

So, as two students who perfectly inherited the spirit of Hogwarts, William and Hermione gave full play to their Ravenclaw and made a detailed plan:

Let the enemy take the initiative to bring Newt out of the cell.

The prison of the Ministry of Magic is located deep underground, surrounded by powerful magic protection and a large-scale security force.

He rushed in in a stunned manner. It is very likely that Newt was not rescued, and he was trapped in it.

Hermione took on this responsibility, she was going to Clegane\'s office and asked him to bring Newt out.

But Hermione\'s right to speak is not equal, Clegane won\'t talk to her... And William is going to jail, so the girl can only use the compound decoction to turn into William and talk for him.

It also gave Clegane an illusion to attract his attention.

The plan is simply perfect.

But to pretend to be William, you have to understand him, or you will be exposed without a few words... Hermione can do it perfectly!

In her words: "No one knows William better than I do."

The two also simulated many conversations in the safety table.

Hermione\'s role-playing is so impressive that William\'s eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new world.

William\'s mission is to rescue Newt, who uses Potion Potion to transform into Clegane, who is talking to "William" in his office.

The whole plan was executed perfectly, the only flaw was that Hermione was a little early, or William was a little slower, which caused the defense mechanism of the Ministry of Magic to activate.

And William now needs to face four Aurors.

He was holding his wand, and his eyes were full of sneer, three-point coldness, four-point indifference... as if he drank fake wine mixed with water.

The wizard on the far right was the first to launch a spell, and William deftly picked it up, and the red light hit the wall.

He turned slightly to the side, dodged the second spell again, raised his wand, and was thrown heavily into a high chair that had been conjured up.

With his hands tied, he sat back in a chair and flew into the elevator, making close contact with the wall.

William\'s wand spun, and a transparent color barrier formed in front of him.

Several magic spells collided with it, and immediately curved out a breathtaking arc.

William twisted his hands, and the blue light, like a full moon, bounced into the air, hitting the barrier as well.

The blue light not only shattered the shield, but also smashed the spells of the three Aurors in one go!

The sky is full of light, lasing all around, mixed with the magic of abundant magical power, and piercing countless potholes after landing.

William smiled coldly, Peiran\'s magic power spread out suddenly, and the wand was aimed at the air, pulling all the liquid in the spray.

The water in the sky bounced off in one breath and turned into countless spears. Following William\'s wand, this moment was like a huge wave spurting, shooting at the three people overwhelmingly.

"Armor and body protection!" The three of them hurriedly used the Iron Armor Spell.

A row of spears shot on the invisible wall and immediately bounced back, but the second row of spears had already arrived, and after shattering the spears, they landed on the armor spell again.

After three rounds of attacks, after breaking the Iron Armor Charm, William waved his wand and the water spear exploded.

He was only here to rob prison, not to kill Aurors, his nature was completely different.

William waved his wand again, and threw an Auror against the wall. With another wave, an Auror was picked up in the air, and then was tightly bound by a rope made of water, like a silkworm chrysalis.

He threw it like a slingshot, then bounced back, knocking out the third Auror.

There were several criss-crossing ravines in the corridor that was only a dozen or so meters away, and Newt, who was hanging in the air in the distance, was stunned.

He couldn\'t help muttering in his heart: "When I was young, it was a little bit worse than this, right?"

William walked over to Newt, undid the magic from him, and returned a wand to him.

Newt\'s wand has always been hidden in Sniff\'s belly, so people really want to escape from prison at first, so there is still a chance.

You can escape, but you don\'t have to!

After all, as he gets older, his legs and feet are not as good as before, and his body bones are not as good as before.

Fantastic animal smuggling still has to be smuggled, but it is better to leave it to young people to do things like bringing disaster to other cities.

This is inheritance!

William quickly explained what was going on outside.

Grandpa Newt was also stunned. He had only come in for a few days. He managed to avoid Dumbledore and Tina for a while, and enjoyed a good fortune for a while... Paris is about to suffer a nuclear attack?

This is too...magic abstraction, isn\'t it?

The two did not use the elevator and took the stairs directly. William has already made an appointment with Hermione, see you at the stairs.

Only when he reached the third floor, William heard Hermione\'s voice.

Hermione also changed back from the compound decoction state, her whole body was wet.

William was a tall man, and the dress he wore on the girl came down to the knee, like a scotch skirt.

Hermione shouted and jumped off the head of the bird snake excitedly. William caught it and hugged the girl tightly in his arms.

When the bird snake saw Newt, it also whimpered excitedly. It rushed down and flew into Newt\'s arms.

The huge body directly hit the old man to the ground and pressed him under him.

Bird Snake turned his head in confusion, looking for Newt\'s figure?

Hermione put her arms around William\'s neck and said excitedly, "I did a good job, right?"

"Not bad." William wiped the water off her face.

He joked: "You didn\'t use my body to do something that would damage my image, did you?"

Hermione smiled brightly, stared at those dark green eyes, blinked, and lied: "Absolutely not!"

William stretched out a finger and stroked Hermione\'s brown hair, which was hanging down from her brows.

He waved his wand, and the girl was steaming, and the water on her clothes evaporated.

There was a slight cry for help from the bird snake, and Newt shouted: "Come on, my... old waist... is broken."

The two forgot that Newt was still there, and Hermione hurriedly left William\'s arms.

They drag Newt out from under the bird snake.

"How do we go," Hermione said. "There\'s a bunch of civet cats above, blocking the road."

"Civet?" William said softly, "That\'s a little troublesome."

The civet is the guardian animal of the French Ministry of Magic, and as long as it is attacked, it will continue to divide.

"Don\'t worry!" Old Man Newt supported his waist, shook his heavy bangs, and said calmly, "No one knows how to escape from the French Ministry of Magic better than me."

He opened his box, threw the bird snake inside, and shouted, "Kazik, come out quickly!"

After a while, a roar roared.

A huge, half-ghost-like horse rushed out.

——Horse-shaped water monster!

The horse-shaped water monster is a shape-shifting water monster. Although they can change into a variety of shapes, the most common one is that of a horse.

The three jumped on top of the monster, grabbing at its mane adorned with broadleaf cattail.

William and Hermione aimed their wands at the wall at the same time, blasting a huge hole.

Under the control of the water monster Newt, he jumped suddenly and flew towards it.

A group of civet cats swooped in, a black mass of terrifying claws and fangs.

The horse-shaped water monster roared loudly, erected its body, and flashed its mane, and launched a fierce attack on the civet cat that was surging like a tide.

The horse-shaped water monster ran out of the room, followed by the civet cats, leaving behind a group of injured and defeated civet cats.

It carved a path in the Ministry of Magic~www.novelhall.com~ and finally leaped, broke through the glass roof, and flew out.

The three civet cats that chased out found that there were no companions around. They roared a few times and began to shrink.

They shrunk to the size of a house cat in the Muggle world, meowing pitifully.

William and Hermione looked at each other and quickly caught the three civet cats.

Tsk tsk...the housekeeping dog, there is!



(Thanks to "Ying Miao" for the reward)


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