A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 147: Are you the Hogwarts Dragon Knight? !

The Office of Defense Against the Dark Arts, not only Professor Lupin, but also Harry.

The desk in the room has been moved to one side, making it look much more spacious.

In front of Harry, there was also a large wardrobe, and there was a crackling sound inside.

Interrupted by William, Harry was holding his wand high, his face full of tension, like a constipation patient for more than ten years.

"William, are you here?" Lupin stood up, his attitude extremely enthusiastic.

"Well, I\'m here to deliver medicine to you, Professor Dumbledore should have mentioned it to you?"

"Yes, thank you so much." Professor Lupin breathed a sigh of relief, "I\'m still wondering if I should remind you.

Did you just meet Professor Snape at the door? "

William nodded. "Yes, we didn\'t have a good time talking...but the professor should be quite pleasant."

Can you be unhappy? He changed hands and sold the wolf poison potion that no one was drinking to William.

It is indeed the first of the three evils at Hogwarts!

"Really? Snape was furious when he left the room." Lupin sighed.

Just now, Snape forced him to drink the potion, and it seemed that he would lose face if he didn\'t drink it.

The potion had a strong smell of stinky feet, and if Lupin didn\'t want to die young, he had to save face.

"That potion must be poisonous!" Harry couldn\'t help interjecting, he shouted, "We should speak to Professor Dumbledore, he may not know it yet."

Harry always felt that, if he hadn\'t been there, Lupin would have been pinched by Snape\'s chin and forcefully poured the potion into his mouth.

Harry moved away from the closet, hurried over, and looked down at the cup in William\'s hand.

He knew that Professor Lupin was not in good health. Before, Snape made the potion, and now he became William.

He couldn\'t help but ask curiously:

"William, what kind of potion is this?"

Lupin was nervous, afraid that William would leak his tongue.

"Harry, Professor Lupin wouldn\'t want you to know his little secret."

With a smile at the corner of William\'s mouth, he whispered, "The medicine for nourishing the kidneys."


Harry glanced at Lupin oddly, the professor was indeed pale... It turned out to be kidney deficiency!

and many more……

Snape made Lupin kidney-tonifying medicine, and he didn\'t like it if he didn\'t drink it? !

ah this...

Harry suddenly felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Lupin took the cup, sniffed, and a hint of satisfaction appeared on his face: "Familiar taste, I used to think it was unpleasant, but now it smells really good."

"William, I know you\'re busy, thank you for helping me cook.

I\'ve never been very good at potions, and Professor Slughorn didn\'t like me very much back then. "

"Professor Slughorn?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"The last Potions Professor retired for many years, and after he left, Professor Snape took over his class." William explained.

"You know Professor Slughorn?" Lupin was astonished.

"I heard Professor Dumbledore mention it." William\'s tone was flat.

After the Chamber of Secrets incident last semester, Dumbledore mentioned the old professor.

In the words of the headmaster: Slughorn used to be the head of Slytherin House, and he liked Tom the most, and the two had a close personal relationship.

Slughorn was ecstatic when Voldemort fell

Dumbledore suspects that Slughorn and Tom have shared some dark secrets.

The headmaster is now trying to get his words out of the way.

Lupin brought the potion to his mouth, took a sip, and started shaking.

After a cold sweat, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It\'s a pity that you can\'t add sugar. But William, your potion level is really good, you\'re only in the fourth grade!"

What has he been doing for four years?

With James and the others, they fly eagles and dogs all day, either for pranks or for night tours.

Oh, and have to help James with a plan to go after Lily and destroy her shaky friendship with Snape.

"Is it hard to cook?"

Harry looked at the glass, licked his lips, and seemed to want a taste of saltiness too.

He didn\'t care whether it was nourishing the kidney or not, the key was to taste the taste.

There is something wrong with him, he likes unpleasant potions!

"It\'s very difficult, only a few potion masters can make it." Lupin gave a positive answer.

"For my little problem, only this medicine can work. I\'m very lucky to meet two wizards who can brew this kind of potion in a row."

Lupin asked again curiously, "Oh, maybe Hermione can cook it too?"

"She\'s not good yet." William shook his head with a smile: "However, she can help me with many steps."

In second grade, Hermione was able to brew the compound decoction on her own. She is very talented, but she lacks experience.

It will take William to continue to patiently tune for a few years.

Harry was stunned slightly, he knew that William and Hermione were very powerful, but he didn\'t expect it to be so... powerful!

Usually too familiar, no feeling.

But if you think about what the two have done, you will find that... the gap between him and the two is greater than that between dogs and people.

I can\'t fall with Ron again in the future. I have to copy homework every day. I have to smear the wall with shit!

If William knew what Harry was thinking, he would only sigh at him...toona?ve!

There are only zero and countless times of copying homework.

It\'s an addictive habit: before you do it, you\'re in a rush; when you\'re done, you\'re full of guilt and swear there will be no next time.

"What are you doing?" William looked at the shaking wardrobe, which shook even more.

"Practicing the Patronus Charm?"

"That\'s right." Lupin motioned for Harry to continue practicing.

Harry left reluctantly, now more interested in potions than Patronus charms.

"Have a cup of tea?" Lupin said.

He tapped the kettle with his wand, and a burst of steam burst out from the spout.

William nodded and glanced at the office.

The room layout is not much different from Halloween, but there are many more magical creatures.

In the distance, in a large water tank, a sickly green guy with sharp little horns pressed his face against the glass and grimaced at William.

Lupin handed over the teacup and said, "Fantastic Beasts Grindylow, I\'m going to hand it over to the third graders, they\'re too far behind."

"Well, yes. We\'ve been in the first year...taught by Professor Tywin."

"Tywin, I remember him. He had a good relationship with James back then, but he was also a Death Eater."

William raised his eyebrows.

Lupin probably didn\'t know that the relationship between the two was not just good... Tywin also wanted to be Lupin\'s \'sister-in-law\'.

It\'s just that his childhood sweetheart series is no match for Lily, the Heavenly Descendant series.

And Snape, the childhood sweetheart series, is no match for the James series.

This is really a tragedy.

Professor Lupin said slightly bitterly:

"The world is changing too fast, and people who seemed good at the time will always become unpredictable in the end."

"You still insist that Pettigrew Peter is alive?" He glanced at William and couldn\'t help asking.

"Yes, I believe the judgment I got after thinking." William said calmly.

"Do you believe it, Professor?"

"I\'m...not sure." Lupin sighed, his eyes wandering, looking into the distance in deep thought.

For the past ten years, he has lived day after day, neither very happy nor sad.

It\'s just that occasionally when I\'m alone, I think of the predator unconsciously, and a trace of loss flashes in my heart.

Now suddenly tell him that Peter may still be alive, and that there may be a secret behind what happened back then...

Merlin, if Sirius was really wronged, how did he spend so many years in Azkaban?

Lupin felt extremely ashamed, because all these years, he never wanted to go and investigate the events of that year.

Just foolishly chose to accept and escape.

At this moment, an owl suddenly flew from a distance, passed through the window, and landed on William\'s hand.

He took down the letter and looked carefully.

Not far away, Harry\'s full attention was on Boggart.

Boggart, who turned into a dementor, attacked him frantically.

Harry\'s eyes were firm, his bangs twitched, his right hand turned over, and a wand appeared in his hand.

Close your eyes and try to recall happy memories.

Harry\'s mind came to mind: the first time to talk to Qiu, the first time to say hello, the first time to dream of Qiu...

He opened his eyes suddenly, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Harry shook his robes and pointed his wand at the Dementor, indescribably dashing and wanton.

"God Guard!!" He said confidently!

A thin white mist spewed out, and Harry struggled for only 0.5 seconds before falling to the ground, twitching all over.

At this point, Lupin was still reminiscing about the past and had completely forgotten about Harry.

William was reading the letter, not paying attention to Harry.

The \'Dementor\' looked left and right ~www.novelhall.com~ and found that no one was stopping it, so he opened his robe, opened his small cherry mouth, pressed it close to Harry\'s mouth, and tried to **** it up.

The letter is from Bertha Jorkins, her own No. 1 spy.

She reminded William that Ludo Bagman, Director of Sports at the Ministry of Magic, was coming to Hogwarts.

Ludo Bagman?

After William finished reading the letter, he looked up and saw that Boggart, who had turned into a \'Dementor\', was trying to kiss Harry deeply.

What the hell!

Are you the Hogwarts Dragon Knight Yi Zhiping? !

You beast!

William touched his pocket... my wand... no, where\'s the camera? !



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