A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 136: Scabbers is Peter? !

Dumbledore sat in his chair, brows furrowed.

The tips of his two slender fingers were habitually touching each other, and his chin rested on the tips of his fingers.

The blue eyes looked at the ceiling of the room through the half-moon lenses, as if lost in thought.

In front of him, there was a mirror, and the picture was very shadowy... William, Hermione, and Annie, who were huddled together, were trying to grab the mirror.

This is a pair of double-sided mirrors. Dumbledore\'s Christmas present to Anne when William was in first grade.

William cheated many times but failed to cheat. One of them was given to Dumbledore by Anne.

William is sour.

"An interesting inference, Hermione." Dumbledore finally recovered his senses and looked at the double-sided mirror.

"So, you think Black is an outlaw Animagus who keeps appearing as a black dog?"

"Professor, that\'s not an inference, it\'s a fact." Hermione\'s tone was firm, confident in her own judgment.

"Yes, I trust your judgment." Dumbledore approved.

"The unnoticed details are not a hindrance, but a clue.

Hermione, you\'ve been excellent at this.

But some more direct evidence is needed, and these details alone are not enough to convince our Secretary Fudge to take your word for it.

He is not as reasoning as you are, and can see the truth hidden in the details. "

"Then what?" Hermione said urgently, "unless we can catch Black..."

"Hermione, you ignored someone." William reminded him, "Professor Lupin was Black\'s best friend back then, he must know something."

"That\'s right." Dumbledore sighed, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and threw it into the distant fireplace.

An emerald green flame lit up, and soon a head appeared in the flame.

"Remus, I\'m sorry to delay your recovery. But I have something to ask you urgently."

"If it\'s convenient, please come, if it\'s not convenient... Please come too!"

"Uh..." Lupin hesitated for a few seconds before answering, "Oh, okay."

After a while, the fire in the fireplace skyrocketed, making a crisp sound, and Professor Lupin walked in wrapped in a small torn robe.

"What\'s the matter, Headmaster?" Lupin asked suspiciously. "What happened?"

"How are you?" Dumbledore motioned for Lupin to sit down.

"I\'m just a little weak. The potion that Professor Snape gave me made me keep having diarrhea." Professor Lupin sat down on the chair. "Other than that, everything is fine."

"I\'ll remind Severus."

Lupin smiled gratefully, glanced at the table, saw the double-sided mirror, and the three William in the mirror.

"Professor, is there anything urgent?" he asked again.

"Just a few. Miss Granger told me something interesting just now.

She said...Blake is an illegal Animagus.

I want to ask, Remus, about this... you know what? "

Dumbledore\'s sharp eyes stared at Lupin like an eagle.

Professor Lupin\'s face immediately turned bloodless, as if a layer of cream had been applied.

Needless to say, just look at the professor\'s face and you will know the answer.

Lupin lowered his head, as if he had made a mistake. He tried to cover up, but he was still a child who was discovered.

He clenched the handle of the chair, his fingers pale, and he said in a trembling voice, "Professor Dumbledore, I\'m... sorry.

I know about this, but I just kept it a secret..."

"Remus, you shouldn\'t apologize to me!" Dumbledore said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"You should apologise to Annie, William and Hermione, the three of whom lived a summer with a black dog.

Other than William, I don\'t think Hermione and Anne can handle a Death Eater. "

"Sorry, I really didn\'t know this would happen." Lupin blamed himself.

"Why didn\'t you say it?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Lupin was pale, and there was self-loathing in his voice.

"For the past six months, I have been fighting with myself, not sure whether to speak up. But I still didn\'t say it.


Because I am too cowardly.

Telling you means that I have betrayed your trust when I was a student; it means admitting that I have led other people and people like me on night tours.

Your trust is extremely important to me.

You accepted me in school when I was a kid, and I couldn\'t find a job anywhere as an adult, just because I was..."

Lupin stopped and glanced at his glasses.

"William and Hermione already knew you were a werewolf, and they\'ve been keeping a secret for you," Dumbledore said.

Lupin stared at the double-sided mirror in amazement, ashamed.

"Later, I convinced myself that Sirius was using the magic he learned from Voldemort to get into the school.

Has nothing to do with him being an illegal Animagus..."

Dumbledore squinted and tapped his fingers on the table in a strange rhythm.

"The four of you, besides Black, have anyone else learned Animagus?"

"All three of them have learned it!" Lupin said in pain, covering his head.

"After they found out that I was a werewolf, they didn\'t alienate me. Instead, they spent nearly three years learning Animagus secretly in fifth grade.

The first to learn is James, who has always been very talented in Transfiguration, and even Professor McGonagall is full of admiration.

Then there\'s Blake.

Peter needed a lot of help from Blake and James, and he got better at it. "

"What can they become?" Annie asked curiously.

"Jaime is a stag, so he\'s called Prong; Blake is a... **** dog, we call him Bigfoot.

Peter is a mouse, nicknamed Wormtail.

On full moon nights, it\'s James and Blake who keep me in check.

Peter is small enough to press down on the willow\'s scar easily, allowing us to enter the screaming shack through the tunnel..."

Wait... Pettigrew Peter\'s Animagus is a mouse?

William\'s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if he had missed a beat.

He thought flashingly of Tom\'s little insider.

After two incidents of the diary and the sale of Snape\'s women\'s clothes, William basically concluded that the inner ghost was beside Ron.

I knew him very well, even to the point of understanding Ron\'s inner thoughts.

There are very few such people, and William once thought that only Harry was the only one who qualified.

Now suddenly I have a new idea.

Because Scabbers are weird.

Crookshanks never attacked other animals, but only stared at Scabbers.

Scabbers was Percy\'s pet when William entered the school, and now, four years later, it\'s still alive and kicking.

Ordinary mice live only two or three years at most.

Even Blake can become Annie\'s pet Dahei, why can\'t the inner ghost be Peter?

Real rats can\'t be inside ghosts, but illegal Animagus can be!

In terms of knowing Ron and being able to control him without knowing it, who else can do it easily except Banban?

William was also taken aback by this thought.

Peter died thirteen years ago, if it was him, what would that mean?

Take the impossible out of the ~www.novelhall.com~ and what remains, no matter how unlikely, must be a fact.

William pushed his face, the non-existent black-rimmed glasses.

Dig up the new machine words, Mo Heduo!

After thinking for a long time, William finally raised his head and interrupted Professor Lupin.

After three minutes,

Dumbledore grabbed another handful of Floo powder.

"Minerva, please bring Mr. Ron Weasley at once! And his Scabbers!"

Dumbledore\'s voice became particularly serious.

He repeated: "Remember, be careful! Scabbers may be dead... Peter Pettigrew!"



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