A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 132: crown that cannot be repaired

A tall obelisk stands on the ground, like the pointer of a sundial.

The buildings of the entire manor are centered on this stone tablet and radiate in all directions.

On one side of the obelisk, there is a beautiful cubic building, which is still brightly lit at night.

Chopin\'s nocturnes echoed in the room, the rhythm was slow and the melody was melancholy.

Niko wore a dragonskin apron and white gloves woven from eight-eyed giant spider silk. He hunched his waist and stared at the Ravenclaw crown floating on the experimental table.

William, who had been at the manor for a few days, also wore a similar outfit.

He stood by, taking the role of the house-elf Hercules, temporarily serving as Nico\'s experimental assistant.

William\'s role is not very big, so he passes some strange tools from time to time:

Pliers, tweezers, test tubes, a golden compass, and even an electric welder and a laser pointer.

By the way, learn some real technique.

This research has been going on for a whole day.

Nico\'s expression is sometimes excited, sometimes depressed, sometimes angry, sometimes desperate.

William is no stranger to that look. He had it in his previous life... Well, when he was doing math papers!

I have to describe it as: I can\'t do this question, it\'s too difficult! !

"This melody doesn\'t work, it\'s so depressing that it makes me want to commit suicide." Nico said without looking up.

"William, some upbeat music!"

William nodded and snapped his fingers.

Chopin in the mirror stand reluctantly left and was replaced by a young Richard Clayderman.

Clayderman sat at a piano and played "Adirina by the Water."

"That\'s right." Niko stretched out.

He lowered his hands, suspended in the mid-air crown, and rotated it gently.

From William\'s point of view, the famous Ravenclaw line on the crown can be seen:

Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind!

On the four walls of the room, surrounded by six portraits of Nico, they all ignored their images, holding binoculars or monocles, trying to peep.

As the night fell, Niko finally completed all the inspections.

"How?" William asked impatiently. "Can the crown be repaired?"

Ravenclaw\'s crown is rusted, worn on the head, and has no ability to increase wisdom.

Completely different from the legend.

It seems to be completely useless.

"With my current ability, it is difficult to repair." Nico shook his head regretfully.

He took off the black-rimmed glasses made from the horns of the horned camel beast, and as soon as he put them down, the glasses flew towards the shelf.

William is a little hard to accept, will the Deathly Hallows also be scrapped?

Although it is very scientific, it is not magical, right?

"Is it because Voldemort made it into a Horcrux?" William guessed.

Should not be ah.

Even the diary is intact, there is no reason for the crown to rust because of it.

"Voldemort\'s Horcrux?" There was a contempt in Nicole\'s tone.

"William, it has nothing to do with that... There are traces of prehistoric meaning on the crown."

"Prehistoric mystery?" William said in surprise.

"That\'s right." Nico sighed softly, "I deconstructed the entire process of crown destruction, take a look."

The old man hooked his hand, a delicate silver instrument with four legs, like a crab, rushing from the corner.

Nico tapped the silver instrument with the tip of his wand.

The instrument immediately went into operation, making a rhythmic \'beep\' sound.

From the small silver tube at the top, wisps of pale white smoke spewed out, converging in the air.

A few seconds later, a few wisps of smoke turned into a steady stream of smoke, thicker and thicker, swirling in the air...a Ravenclaw crown.

The crown is bright and beautiful, especially the row of fonts, which is even more shining.

"It\'s a crown under normal circumstances."

Nico calmly raised his hand and stroked his sleeve, the breeze swept up the smoke. It flows slowly, like a babbling stream.

"Next, it\'s the whole process of change."

William has been staring intently, but thirty seconds later, the crown still hasn\'t changed at all.

He thought it was a still picture, and just as he was about to remind him, the dazzling luster of the crown suddenly dimmed.

As if someone was driving eight times the speed, the crown slowly dimmed in a strange way.

In the slow process, a natural rusting process occurs.

The whole evolution lasted a minute.

In the end, it was exactly the same as the crown on the stage.

"What\'s going on?" William was taken aback.

"The power of time."

Nico raised his dry arm and said in a calm tone, "Time can destroy everything. Look at my hands, they are already as old as tree bark.

William, I have lived more than six hundred years and my body has aged six hundred years. "

"I said, flesh and blood... mortal bodies don\'t last forever.

With my current situation, even if I refine a few more magic stones, I can only live to be a thousand years old at most. "

Nico smiled softly: "This body can\'t support me to see more scenery, my final ending... may only be returning to the arms of death."

Niko\'s tone was relaxed, and he didn\'t feel much annoyance.

William has long known that the Philosopher\'s Stone cannot live forever.

The magic stone can only prolong life, but the body is constantly aging.

This is an irreversible process!

Nico searched for the other two Deathly Hallows in order to completely unlock the alchemy book.

In the content of the latter two volumes, there may be the way he wants to extend his life.

"Time can destroy me, and it can destroy anything, including Ravenclaw\'s crown of course," Nico continued.

William thought for a moment, then doubtfully said: "But after Ravenclaw lost his crown, it\'s only a thousand years from now.

The crown can\'t be rusted so quickly, can it? "

The Ravenclaw ring, that\'s still intact. Nico\'s alchemy book, there is no trace of damage.

Niko laughed. "Who told you it was a thousand years?"

William frowned, staring at the crown.

"This crown has at least been weathered for tens of thousands of years."

Around the test bench, Nico paced, "Ravenclaw, one of the four giants, is proficient in the prehistoric mysteries of time.

She casts powerful time magic on the crown. Let it go through thousands of years of baptism within a thousand years to become what it is now. "

"So..." He stopped, turning suddenly to William, "When Voldemort found the Ravenclaw Crown, it must have been useless.

He probably found that unlike the legend, the crown could not increase wisdom, so he made it into a Horcrux. "

"Ravenclaw...why did she do such a thing?" William was very puzzled. "Why use this method to destroy a Deathly Hallows?"

This is totally unreasonable!

"This can only be asked of Ravenclaw himself." Nico shook his head, and seemed rather puzzled.

"Ravenclaw may have discovered something, but we don\'t know."

"Is there no possibility of repairing it?" William didn\'t give up.

"Of course there is!" Nicole waved the ~www.novelhall.com~ Book of Abraham and appeared in William\'s hands.

William gently opened the alchemy book, which was divided into three groups.

"When I found the alchemy book, the original owner, Abraham, left a parchment scroll." Nicole said.

"The first set of content contains all the alchemy items that have appeared in the magic world.

The second set of content has the method of making the Deathly Hallows.

In the third set of content, there will be alchemy items that have not appeared in the magic world. "

"As long as the second set of content is unlocked, the Ravenclaw crown will probably be repaired."

"So... still get Slytherin\'s wand." William muttered to himself.



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