A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 11: William? Hermione here for a tour!

Hermione\'s words left William at a loss.


He didn\'t know if Newt\'s suitcase was in the Louvre or not, but Hermione was even less likely to know.


Because the two have always been inseparable, never separated.


But he didn\'t object.


With his understanding and trust in Hermione, William knew that the girl must have found something he didn\'t notice.


"Then what are you waiting for, let\'s go to the Louvre to find the box now." William cooperated with Hermione\'s performance in French.


Hermione laughed, took William\'s hand and stood up.


"We\'ve changed our minds!" Hermione shouted to Apache. "Stop right in front, we\'re going to the Louvre!"


"The Louvre?" Apache asked back, sounding very nervous. "Why, not going to Lyon Avenue?"


"No!" William shook his head. "Let\'s go to the Louvre, now!"


The driver Russell braked suddenly, and the Rune Horse drifted rapidly and stopped in the square in front of the Louvre.


William took the money out of his pocket, threw it to Apache, and led Hermione to the famous glass pyramid in the Louvre.


Hermione excitedly said something to William again, talking aloud about the box.


Apache hurried back to the fireplace, stuck his head inside, and said quickly, "Mr. Auror, the two of them got out of the car and entered the Louvre."


"What\'s the situation?" Odom said seriously, "You exposed?"


"No, I didn\'t say anything. The girl suddenly proposed to go to the Louvre. She told the boy that something was in the Louvre... By the way, it looks like a box!"


"They mentioned boxes?" Odom asked nervously.


"Well...yes." Apache hesitated and asked curiously, "What\'s in the box, a black magic item, or a Muggle...bomb?"


"Where are they now, have they entered the Louvre?" Clegane suddenly said.


The driver, Russell, stood at the window to visit, "There are a lot of tourists, they are queuing up and ready to enter the glass pyramid..."


Clegane roared: "Recall all the Aurors going to the Avenue de Lyon immediately, now surround the Louvre, we\'re going to catch them! We\'re going to find the chest!


Act now! "


"Sir, I remember that the Louvre has an anti-apparition spell..." Odom said.


In order to prevent those works of art from being stolen by wizards, the French Ministry of Magic has set up various protection magics in major famous scenic spots.


Among them is the Anti-Apparition Charm.


"That\'s right, so as long as the two of them go in, there is no possibility of escape!" Clegane\'s eyes lit up.


"Block there immediately, we are only one step away from success!"


Odom turned to leave, to gather the Aurors who had left.


Five minutes later, fifty Aurors kept Apparating in a block a little further from the Louvre.


They used the fastest speed to completely block this block.


Clegane walked towards the glass pyramid with a dozen people.


A pyramid was built in front of the Louvre. This bold idea was opposed by most of the French at the beginning of the design proposal.


But French President Mitterrand chose this plan against all disapproval.


And this building, which was only completed a few years ago, has now become the mouth of most French people... Really fragrant!


Clegane wasn\'t in the mood to admire the building, and he didn\'t queue, so he let the Aurors disperse the tourists.


He crossed the revolving door and walked towards several security guards.


"I\'m Clegane, director of the French Foreign Security Directorate."


Clegane took out his wand, waved it gently, then held up a blank document and handed it to the captain of the security team.


The captain of the security team was dazed for a moment. He took the certificate and checked it.


The French Directorate-General for Foreign Security, also known as the Seventh Bureau, the French Directorate-General for Foreign Security, is equivalent to the CIA and the British MI6.


The problem is, Clegane is really a nominal staff member of the seventh inning.


The Ministry of Magic and the President are in constant contact. A high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic like him is more or less on a temporary basis among Muggles, so that it is convenient to do things outside.


It\'s just that he never had his Muggle ID on him... A Confusion Charm was solved, so why bring that thing?


"Yes, the documents are real. Mr. Clegane, what\'s the matter with you?" the captain of the security team asked respectfully.


"Ten minutes ago, two British spies entered here. I need you to find them immediately." Clegane handed over the photo.


The security captain immediately sent someone to take the photos to compare and monitor.


The Louvre is too big, and a thorough search would be impossible within a few days. Fortunately, there are complete monitoring equipment here, the kind without dead ends.


Three minutes later, the monitor locked the suspect\'s location, and then told the security captain through \'Big Brother\'.


"They went to Denon Hall... No, this is a picture from five minutes ago, into the large gallery, and now in the bathroom at the end of the gallery!


Report to the captain, the man and the woman entered the women\'s bathroom together! "


Clegane was in a trance, is Newt\'s trunk there?


"Are there any other exits there?" Clegane asked.


"No, that bathroom is closed, there is no other exit." said the captain of the security team.


"Okay, take us there immediately."


Five minutes later, a group of senior security guards with guns stood guard at the door of the women\'s bathroom.


"You stay outside." Clegane instructed, then took the four Aurors and walked towards the women\'s bathroom.


The door was locked from the inside. Clegane was not in the mood to wait for the key, so he kicked the wooden door and walked in.


An Auror backhanded the door and several people raised their wands.


Stark and Granger have been in the women\'s toilet for fifteen minutes!


Although I don\'t know what the two of them are doing here, Clegane knows that they must be there.


The Louvre was unable to Apparate. After the two entered the toilet, they locked the door and never opened it again. It was impossible to use the Disillusionment Charm to leave!


There are no other exits here either!


The perfect secret room!


The corner of Clegane\'s mouth showed a victorious smile, and he said softly, "Stark, you are already surrounded, hurry up and hand over Scamander\'s box, and I can revoke the pursuit order and restore your reputation.


Don\'t be fearless resistance, we don\'t want to hurt you and your girlfriend! "


In the toilet with the smell of disinfectant, no one answered him, only the water rushing.


Clegane gave him a look.


Odom stepped forward immediately, carefully pushing open the door of the first compartment.


no one!


The second Auror followed... soon, the third, the fourth...


Finally, a group of Aurors gathered around the door of the innermost compartment. Everyone held sticks and stared vigilantly at the wooden door.


Another anti-lock!


"Araho Caves open!" Clegane\'s wand waved.


the door was opened,






On the toilet seat, there is a suitcase.


Clegane knew that the Scamander leather case had been enlarged a lot with the Unmarked Stretching Charm, and it could even hold a small half of Beauxbatons.


Are the two hiding inside?


Clegane raised his wand slightly, opened the box, and his pupils shrank suddenly.


It was just an ordinary suitcase, with a piece of parchment on it, with a line of beautiful cursive English written on it:


William Hermione is here!


Clegane was stunned for ten seconds, looking at the parchment with a strong sarcasm, cursing softly in his mouth.




Clegane was furious. When did he start being led around by the nose by two little wizards?


What the **** did they both go to!


"Sir, all exits of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com are closed," Odom insisted, "the only possibility is that they are still in the Louvre and it is impossible to leave.


I propose to intensify the search and bring everyone in. "


Sounds logical, but Clegane has an ominous feeling that Stark and Granger have escaped.


"Immediately send someone to the Elysee Palace and tell French President Mitterrand that he will be looking for Stark and Granger in the Muggle world!"


In the women\'s bathroom, Clegane roared in exasperation.




(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.


Thanks for the rewards from "Hellcat" and "End Knight". )