A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 108: Or the same kind is more delicious 1

Walking in the Room of Requirement, William strolled leisurely, as if in his own backyard.

It had come so many times that it was about to become the third property he and Hermione had bought.

Of course, William would not put the battle field where he usually brews potions, but chose this huge garbage dump.

The junkyard lives up to its name. Don\'t look at the house being so big, and it is full of items hidden by the little wizards of the past... In William\'s view, there are very few things that are really valuable.

That\'s the same with a lot of books. He is not the first time here, and he can be happy for several days when he picks up a few magic books.

Looking back now, it\'s really spicy, especially many books, in key places... there are missing pages.

William found several wizard comic books. Like the photos, these cartoons are dynamic.

But every time he reached the key place of the Eighteen Bans, he was torn apart inexplicably.

Immoral or not?

Did William want to see those bizarre coloring pages? He just wanted to keep the story coherent!

The magic books discarded by those students were nothing special. Compared with the forbidden area, they were not worth mentioning at all.

If nothing else, "Deciphering the Edge of Black Magic" must at least be standard, right?

The piles of magic items also lacked even a few decent ones, and as time passed, many lost their magic power.

William had found several large dung eggs in 1982. Has become a squib, completely ineffective.

So, the twins gathered up and prepared to drink for next year\'s new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Paulafi.

When Professor Lupin knew about this, he would probably feel a little bit sad and relieved.

It\'s not bad for him without making tea for him, but ah, why is it \'the new professor next year\'? Was his death sentence pronounced so soon?

He thought he could still be saved.

Think about it carefully, who can hide all valuables in this room?

How retarded?

Will the Dark Lord hide the Horcruxes here? !

That can\'t be!

Unless his head is clamped by the troll\'s salty armpit, he can\'t do such a stupid thing.

You know, there are so many things here, and it is obviously not the first time that they have been opened. Countless people have come in and left special traces.

What special hobby did Voldemort have to put the most important things in such a place?

In a place where you can hide things, the most basic requirement is that no one else can get in, but you can only go in by yourself.

For example, William\'s request: only the room that he and Hermione can enter is the real place to hide things.

As a Dark Lord, Voldemort\'s IQ should be online, right?

William thinks so. After all, the resurrected little Tom, his IQ seems to be very high.

William and Hermione are still looking for the dementors, they round a dumb robot t-800, and they meet \'Love\' around the corner.

Two lone dementors rushed towards them both.

Hermione\'s wand waved, and a silver bird emerged from the tip of her wand.

It was a proud swan.

Hermione\'s patron saint is a swan, William was not surprised at all, but found it very fitting.

The Patronus Charm is a reflection of a person\'s most positive emotions, and it usually takes the form of an animal with an affinity for it.

Of course, the patron saint is not static, and it is also related to feelings.

Needless to say, the arrogance of the swan is exactly the same as that of Hermione.

Its combat effectiveness is also surprisingly high, and it is a famous village tyrant.

The status of swans in Britain is sometimes higher than that of people. All swans in the UK are Queen\'s, protected by law, and each goose is numbered.

Bullying swans will be punished severely.

Therefore, the two dementors were very short-sighted, and were targeted by the patron saint of swans.

The silver swan slammed into it, and a Dementor was smashed into a scrapped nuclear warhead, making a thumping sound.

The force is so great that a large piece of dust is stirred up in the room.

The hills piled up all around suddenly sank a few meters down.

Such a big movement quickly attracted other Dementors.

More than 200 dementors surrounded them. Among them was the guy who had been imprisoned by William for months.

It had been hungry for so long and was now about as tall as a hobbit.

There are also tattered burn marks on his body, and he is caught in a pile of tall people, which looks out of place.

It did not participate in the battle, and was ready to run away when the situation turned bad. It\'s had enough of captivity.

The girl had nothing to do, so she used it as a sandbag to practice the Patronus Charm.

The boy is even more outrageous, using various magics on him to see which one works best.

Some time ago, I did not know where to find a flame and burn it inhumanely.

It almost burned to death.

No one knows better than it, the horror of the pair of Dark Lords in front of them.

The Dementors were careful, and William wanted to kill them all.

This is a good opportunity, William \'himself\' is in the auditorium with ample alibi.

No one saw him lead the dementors away, and now he can be hunted on a grand scale.

William couldn\'t afford so much, out of humanitarianism...he could only wipe out a large part.

William took out a bottle and threw it in a heap of **** that Hermione had cleared out.

The red-gold flame quickly burned an alien specimen.

This is the flame of Phoenix Fox, which William got from the last time he went to the principal\'s office, and was specially made into a "Molotov cocktail".

Similar to the devil\'s flame, the phoenix\'s flame is also a devil\'s flame.

As if laughter could destroy the Boggart, the flame of the phoenix has a similar warm power.

It is more aggressive than the Patronus, and has a special miraculous effect in dealing with dark creatures.

This is the only magic that William has found so far that can cause substantial damage to Dementors other than the Patronus Charm.

He had experimented with that Dementor over and over again.

No one has discovered it before, and the reason is simple. First you have to have a Phoenix, second you have to have a Dementor for you to study.

Since the Dementor was incorporated into the British Ministry of Magic\'s civil service, only William has perfectly met this condition.

From a certain point of view, the phoenix is ​​really full of treasures.

Tears can sterilize, flames can sterilize, flesh can resist injuries, and you can add a magic buff.

When there is a shortage of food, it can also rely on the passive \'resurrection\' to permanently provide chicken legs.

It is simply a hundred favorites, the first on the list!

The flames blazed and soon turned into a huge bonfire.

William\'s wand poked three times in a row, and a silver giant bow appeared in front of him.

A long rainbow of arrows pierced the sun, the white light was dazzling, and in the flying dust, it shot at the Dementor.

On the arrow, it was also artificially enchanted, stained with red-golden flames.

The arrow shot straight, and the leading Dementor wanted to force a wave, but he quickly weighed it, and the arrow broke through the air, and the momentum could be called thunderous.

It didn\'t dare to hold back its edge and drifted past in embarrassment. But the younger brother behind him was not so lucky.

The magic arrows were useless against the Dementors, but the flames dripped on them, like dripping on oil, and they suddenly burned with a crackle.

A rancid odor spread throughout the room.

William turned into an archer, shaking his hands with a series of arrows, and both arrows were fired, one after the other.

The trajectory seems to be shaky, but under the precise guidance of magic, it is like a spiritual creature, extremely tricky.

Hermione\'s wand waved, and the silver swan swept back, knocking the dementor that was sneaking behind her into the air.

William was bubbling with magic power, he exhaled a long breath, and held the staff in his right hand, the tip of the staff pointed directly at the flames.

The wand drew a half-arc, and the flames were drawn in, arranged in seven layers, and the layers were quickly spread out like a fan.


Arrows rained down on the face, like fish swimming on the tide, shooting at the first dementors who charged.

Wherever the magic arrows went, magnificent sparks bloomed one after another.

Hundreds of Dementors in front of him, and Hermione behind him.

William was motionless.

Even if the number of Dementors is doubled, it is only a situation where two people surround them!

far away,

Dementors who wanted to add chicken thighs, but couldn\'t.

Its dry arms, trembling, gently held up the dark rust crown.

"Yes, fine, take it," whispered hoarsely, twitching in the Dementor\'s ear.

It hesitated for a long time, and finally put the crown on its head.

Another dementor was attracted and wanted to **** it, but it grabbed it and pressed it to the ground.

"Kill it." The hoarse whisper sounded again.

The Dementor opened his "cherry mouth" and kissed his companion forcibly.

The dementor struggled for a moment, its breath fading, then a plume of black smoke.

Killing his comrade, the Dementor did not feel much guilt, but felt an unprecedented satisfaction and pleasure.

turn out to be,

Or even more delicious.

It touched its belly and said hoarsely, "I\'m hungry."



Dumbledore, who was standing by the corridor, looked out at the dark night sky through the glass.

At the knuckle of his right hand, he tapped lightly on one side of the window sill, sending out a strange rhythm.

William and Hermione in the house have used the time switch to go back to the past.

If all goes well, it should be back.

Dumbledore counted dozens in his heart...

The countdown is over~www.novelhall.com~ but on the other side of the corridor,

William and Hermione did not appear.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the "Benbang Vegetable Rice" boss.

ps, in the original book Hermione\'s patron saint is Minase, Rowling likes Minase, and the second point is to correspond to Ron\'s patron saint Jack Russell Hound. This hunting dog was trained to chase small animals like water wrasses.

But the patron saint is not static, it is impossible to still be a water wrasse here, so it has become a swan. I think Hermione is still more like a swan. )

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