A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 98: 8-eyed spider removal plan

With Dumbledore\'s return, the terrified and depressing atmosphere of the school suddenly disappeared.

The morning he showed up, he restored the bridge that had been blown up at the door.

All the students cheered loudly. The herd attacked the castle. It was so terrifying that everyone shivered in the auditorium last night.

Students will feel safe as long as Dumbledore is around!

In fact, the principal is not there, and the professors are also very well protected.

The professors cooperated tacitly and guarded the bridge, and no animal could break through the defense line.

After playing all night, Professor McGonagall reluctantly let those guardian sculptures return to the castle\'s original position.

She smacked her lips, and the aftertaste was endless.

Looking forward to the next time, I can also socialize with the small animals in the Forbidden Forest... Really thrilling and exciting!

Of course, the meat of those animals is also quite fragrant. Vice-Principal Mag, a small financial expert, quietly calculated a small account.

This wave can save a lot of food expenses for the school kitchen.

Of course, the money saved will be spent, and the money of taxpayers (school administrators) will not be spent in vain.

You can buy some precious alchemy materials, and she tinkers and makes a batch of small armor guards, which are placed in the common rooms of several colleges.

Similar to the large wizard chess that was placed in the restricted area on the fourth floor last year.

This way, if anyone tries to invade the common room next semester, they will be attacked by the guards!

Professor McGonagall was inexplicably happy again.

Sprout and Snape were equally happy.

Professor Sprout got a big flag from nowhere, with a honey badger on it, roaring wildly.

She waved her flag, stood on top of a pile of Potter\'s warthog corpses, and shouted, "Stick in hand, follow me!"

Sprout is going to take everyone into the Forbidden Forest for a big cleanup, completely turning the Forbidden Forest into a Grade 5A scenic spot.

Her dream for the rest of her life is that the herbs in the magical world will not be attacked by magical creatures.

The second wish is to turn the forbidden forest into a large-scale herbal breeding base.

Professor Snape is also excitedly organizing Slytherin\'s little snakes to search for the corpses of various magical animals for him.

Many are magic materials, the kind that can be used to make potions.

This is the real code of wizard wealth.

"Oh hoo, picking up a complete shapeshifting lizard corpse... Well done Malfoy, its scales are useful, five points for Slytherin!"

Professor Snape worked behind the scenes, preparing to swipe a wave of scores and secretly increase Slytherin\'s college score.

In the middle of the night last night, Shi Tucker set off fireworks outside the castle, woke up the professors, and prevented the attack of the herd... This is a bonus anyway.

Although Snape thought that they were wandering in the Forbidden Forest, not only could they not get extra points, but they had to deduct 100 points from each of them, but no one listened to him.

Coupled with Potter and Shit Tucker saving the "world" in the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore must shamelessly score the two.

Several colleges have bonus points, but not Slytherin!

There is a kind of pain, called the children of other people\'s colleges!

Wouldn\'t it be embarrassing to be pushed away by the third place if you don\'t take advantage of the fact that you are at the bottom of the list? !

Snape was a decent man and couldn\'t afford to lose face.

This shameless act was naturally opposed by the professors of other colleges.

Professor McGonagall even threatened to take everything away, which Snape reluctantly restrained.

The first-level official crushes people to death!

Snape decided to talk to Dumbledore nakedly about the promotion and salary increase.

He also wanted to be a vice-principal, or a senior secretary.

Professor Lockhart has become a missing person. Everyone has been looking for it for a long time, but they have not been found.

Some students saw that he secretly left the school when the beast swarm attacked.

When Dumbledore was in the auditorium announcing Lockhart\'s dismissal, the students burst into cheers when they heard the news, including several teachers.

William sighed, and Lockhart presumably became the second Quirrell, taken away by Tom.

How miserable!

However, no one asked him for a lot of shampoo that William deceived.

That\'s not bad news.

Lockhart\'s disappearance means that Dumbledore will once again put up small advertisements in the corner of telephone poles and small newspapers.

Don\'t know who will be the next unlucky one?

The person who dares to take over the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is either a dark wizard, or his brain is not good... Otherwise, he is extremely short of money.

I don\'t know what kind of person the new teacher will be!

In the afternoon, Hagrid returned from Azkaban. His face was full of tears, and he lost weight.

However, he is in good spirits. After all, he has been charged with 50 years of crimes and has been expelled.

William, Cedric, and Cho visit him.

Fangya was so excited that he finally didn\'t have to eat cold dog food every day and huddled in the pumpkin at the door to sleep.

Qiu Jiang told Hagrid last night.

Hagrid couldn\'t believe it, and murmured, "I didn\'t know Aragog would do such a thing. He clearly told me that it wouldn\'t hurt anyone!"

William comforted Hagrid on the surface, but behind his back he made a package plan to gradually eliminate the eight-eyed giant spider, and banned the forest for a long time!

Too many of that stuff is not a good thing.

Of course, the eight-eyed spider is full of treasures: its leg hair can be used to make magic wands, thick shells and venom are rare materials, spider silk can be added to potions, and it can be combined with unicorn hair to make gorgeous robe.

The thigh meat of the eight-eyed giant spider is delicate and nutritious, and can be supplied to the Hogwarts kitchen stably.

This is a complete industrial chain with broad market prospects and amazing profits!

If William can eat well, he can also reach a strategic partnership with Professor Snape.

The professor bought Venom at a high price with the money of the school (the school manager), and then the two secretly split the account between three and seven.

You can make some money selling maps, how can you make money from selling eight-eyed giant spiders!


William has a basilisk in his hand, Tom can threaten Aragog, can\'t he? !

In the words of the Far Eastern wizard Lu Shuren: "The monk can touch it, but I can\'t?"

In the future, when entering and leaving the Forbidden Forest, William will no longer walk, and will let the eight-eyed giant spider walk instead!

Hagrid still didn\'t know what kind of pain Aragog was going to suffer, and he said excitedly:

"My case has been cleared, and Professor Keitelborn has decided to retire at the end of this semester, and I can apply for the teacher who protects magical animals."

Hagrid rubbed his hands together.

"To be honest, I have thought of several good magical creatures, and when the time comes, it will be an eye-opener for you!"

William, Cedric, and Cho, the three exchanged uneasy glances.

Qiu Chengcheng suggested: "Hagrid, I think it\'s better to take it slowly.

Everyone is a little wizard, not suitable for teaching powerful magical animals from the beginning. "

"Of course~www.novelhall.com~ Hagrid said, "Am I going to teach you how to raise fire dragons?

Even if I wanted to, I don\'t have a dragon. "


Hagrid picked up his little silk flower handkerchief and couldn\'t help sobbing, thinking of his unborn child, the Norse Spinosaurus!

He sobbed: "My poor Norbert, who lost his mother when he was born, must be lonely..."

The three nodded numbly.

If Norbert was still there... William could keep pumping dragon blood; Cedric had the dragon nerve to make wands; Cho could show off the sautéing technique she learned at home.

From this point of view, it is indeed a sigh.



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