A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 91: dead tom


Riddle\'s eyes suddenly filled with a dazzling green light. The hot light penetrated his body and made his soul feel hot.

Riddle felt himself torn apart.

Not the body, but the soul!

His soul was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, Riddle saw an even more frightening scene, a small piece of broken soul gushing out of his body.

This feeling is very familiar, he was split from Voldemort and made into a Horcrux!

Riddle was quick to ignore it, and an invisible force grabbed him too, trying to drag him out of his body.

Do not!


This is the body I just made, and it\'s not hot yet!

Riddle roared angrily, over and over again, powerfully, but in excruciating pain!

His soul was convulsing, his chest and neck were aching, torture-like pain. His throat was burning like fire.

He was finally pulled out of his body.

The cold wind poured into his lungs, and he felt like a newborn who was breathing for the first time. The world is so torturous. Riddle wanted nothing but to return to his body.

But this is impossible!

The body is dead.

In a trance, Riddle realized what had happened.

His death curse bounced back!

He was shot by Avadasso! !

How does it feel to be shot by Avadasso?

Few people can answer this question. Most of the wizards who were hit by this magic died.

Only Voldemort, relying on the little "means" he left behind, survived.

As a Horcrux fifty years ago, Riddle had long been separated from his body, and he was not blessed to enjoy that special service...

Enjoy it now.

It\'s not too late!

What Riddle wanted to do the most... was to find a corner where no one was there and cry.

He hates Potter!

He hates Stark!

He hates even more... Avada\'s life!

From William\'s point of view, there is not as much psychological process as Riddle.

All he saw was a green light from Riddle, hitting Harry\'s forehead like a mirror, bouncing back the way it came.

Then Riddle\'s body rose out of thin air, and his head seemed to be pierced by an arrow, almost touching the ground with his head in an upside down posture, and slumped to the ground.

The smile on William\'s face was extraordinarily lush, he hadn\'t been so happy for a long time... He almost died of laughter!

Dumbledore told him many times: when Lily was dying, she cast a magic - ancient mystery.

At the cost of his life, a protective charm was left on Harry. This spell will last until Harry reaches adulthood.

During this time, Voldemort was unable to kill Harry. Back then, because of this protection, the Death Curse rebounded.

Twelve years later, as the same soul, how could Riddle be able to kill Harry?

When he casts the death curse, he must be rebounded just like Voldemort back then.

Wizards can\'t be defeated twice with the same move, except Voldemort.

William\'s smile stopped suddenly, and he stared at Riddle\'s body.

Even though he was already dead, Riddle\'s body radiated magic.

Strange, are you going to become a ghost?

William frowned.

He soon discovered that something was wrong, and next to Riddle\'s body, another Riddle condensed.

It was a shadowy and vaporous being... vague, ethereal.

This is definitely not a ghost, but in the state, it is very similar to Voldemort who left Quirrell\'s body.

William was stunned: "Tom, are you dead?"

The shadow looked at William resentfully, and he sneered: "I said, I was resurrected and got a **. It\'s different from the simple soul fragments before, as long as the body does not die, I will never die.

I will be back for revenge! "

After Riddle said the harsh words, he immediately drifted towards the wall, and he passed through the wall like a ghost.

William seemed to remember something, his expression changed, and he hurried to the door... The door of the sanctuary of the secret room was still locked.

As Riddle said: "The door can only be opened by Parseltongue."

But William can\'t speak Parselmouth!

Damn, to be trapped here?



It was a messy, dusty house.

The wallpaper had come off the walls, the floors were stained, pieces of furniture were broken and seemed to have been broken, and the windows were all nailed up with planks.

A wizard in an elegant robe walked through the low dark passage, pushed open the door, and entered this room.

"Come out, Wormtail," said the wizard.

The sound was not spit out from his mouth, but more like it came from his body.

It\'s just that there is no movement in the room!

"Come on!" the wizard said coldly again.

Moments later, a mouse emerged from the hole in the wall.

It shook its head and observed it, and its body suddenly changed, becoming a man.

The man was very short, his thin pale hair was disheveled, and there was a large chunk of baldness on the top of his head.

His skin was filthy, almost like mouse fur, and his pointy nose and small watery eyes had the features of a mouse.

But the food seems to be good, the appearance of a pot belly, and it seems that he has not suffered from hunger.

The man rolled his eyes and asked in a shrill voice:

"Master, how did you become like this? Isn\'t this Lockhart?"

"There was something wrong with my resurrection, so I took over this guy\'s body first."

Lockhart turned his head and lifted his hat. On the back of his head is a young face.

—Tom Riddle.

Lockhart becomes the second Quirrell!

"Is the problem serious?" Pettigrew Peter shrank his head and looked at the door at the same time.

"It\'s not a big problem."

Don\'t talk about Wormtail, even Riddle doesn\'t believe it!

"I\'ll just say... just find some wizards to revive, there\'s no need to use Potter..." Wormtail muttered, a lot of sweat on his face, his whole face was sweaty.

"I actually succeeded, but it was an accident and was destroyed by Stark."

"Stark is very strong, I don\'t dare to appear in front of him, for fear of being discovered by that child." Wormtail said in fear.

"Okay, let\'s not talk about it, I\'m leaving for the time being," Riddle said. "Leave England."

"Master, where are you going?!"

"I\'m going to follow in Slytherin\'s footsteps, and he has left me with some guidance... It can make me stronger, stronger than the former \'Voldemort\', stronger than Dumbledore.

Would you like to come with me? \' Riddle stared at Wormtail.

"I need a good helper, a good subordinate now."

Riddle took control of Lockhart\'s body~www.novelhall.com~ and stretched out his hand in an inviting gesture.

Pettigrew did not speak, and rolled his eyes as if thinking about something.

"I know, I know...you\'re hesitating." Riddle had a charming smile on his face.

"My new master has become like this, and he has lost his power, just like Voldemort back then..."

"I didn\'t!" Pettigrew shrilled.

"Think clearly, Peter." Riddle whispered.

"It\'s time for you to stand and figure out who to serve.

Don\'t you want to make a break for your 12 years of hiding and embarrassment? "



(Thanks to the QQ reader "Sanskrit (Li for the reward)