A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 71: william being targeted by an old woman

In the morning, William woke up from his sleep.

Not awakened naturally, but awakened by pressure.

William raised his head and found that **cha\'s fat body, like a boulder, was firmly pressing on his chest.

Steady as a rock... This adjective fits perfectly on ** tea.

At this moment, he really wanted to have a chest-shattering tea!

William pulled the numb arm out of Hermione\'s arms, and changed the position for the tea, before successfully getting up from the sofa.

He got off the sofa and picked up the thick blanket that had fallen on the floor.

With the magic items made by William, the house was not cold at all, but it was snowing heavily outside, and the temperature was not so high that a blanket was not covered in the middle of the night.

But Hermione didn\'t sleep honestly at night, she was dazed and rolled the blanket away.

By the time he slept in the middle of the night, William was empty.

So, he woke up three or four times a night... Every time he took a new blanket, Hermione would be swept away and pressed under him.

Helpless, in the second half of the night, William had no choice but to pull the ** tea out of his own nest... Relying on the orange seat to suppress a corner, Hermione couldn\'t roll the blanket.

The price is: **cha ran to his chest for some reason, and it felt like a ghost pressing on the bed.

William walked out lightly, and after washing up, he started to make breakfast.

By the time breakfast was ready, Hermione had already woken up, and she had tidy up the living room, and happily unpacked Christmas presents with William.

As many gifts as Hermione could have, she didn\'t have many friends... So after opening the pitiful box, she helped William open the gifts.

The chocolate was directly ignored by her, and no one dared to eat it anyway. Last year, Ron was recruited because of the love agent in it.

Of course, it\'s not just because of the love agent, even if it doesn\'t contain any additives, it is also beneficial to growth and development, so William would not dare to eat it.

Are you trying to eat one?

Three legs are broken for you!

Cedric gave a wand... a batting willow, a basilisk horn wand core, eleven and two-thirds inches, good flexibility!

William waved his wand, and the wand thumped like a pistol fire, and a flock of birds fluttered out of the wand head and into the snow through the open window.


It\'s much easier than the unicorn wand he made before, both in terms of comfort and power.

It\'s definitely not comparable to Ollivander\'s, but it\'s good enough as a backup wand.

What bike do you want!

To thank Cedric for his wand, William also gave him a big surprise.

Cedric would have liked it, after all, the outer packaging of the gift was marked with something like "Computer Accessories".

William worked part-time in a courier service in his previous life. When he saw this kind of package, he would handle it with care and caution.

Occasionally when I meet the pick-up person, I will exchange a vague look with the other party, revealing the comforting smile of the old driver.

Fleur sent a wooden model of the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to familiarize him with the structure of the school.

William likes to fight this thing the most. He used to fight the Eiffel Tower and the Golden Gate Bridge. After finishing the fight, he stepped on it and enjoyed the violent aesthetics of that moment.

Both of these buildings are known to be background panels for destruction.

What William gave Furong was the sound transmission snail he made himself, so that he could learn foreign languages ​​without writing letters in the future.

Save paper, right?

After opening a few friends\' presents, William was drawn to Annie\'s present.

Her package is the largest.

Sure enough, Annie still hurts people and knows how to give the most precious gift to her brother!

I don\'t care about this sister in vain.

William dismantled a box and found another box inside.

"..." What about the nesting doll? !

William had a bad idea. He dismantled seven or eight, and finally picked up a small card inside.

There is only one short line on the card.

Merry Christmas.

Anne Stark.


Hermione smiled and bent over, waving Annie\'s gift. It was a DIY album with photos taken during the summer vacation.

There is a group photo of three people.

Hermione gave Anne a giant nesting bear.

Why? !

William decided to send Anne the cheapest greeting card next year too.

He began to unwrap Dumbledore\'s present again, the most anticipated thing of the year.

Since the headmaster had hinted, William of course gave him a wool hat...Imported from France, pure white, warm and comfortable.

William opened the box and found a picture frame, and the picture frame was strange and nothing.

William knew what it was.

Sure enough, after a while, Dumbledore appeared in the frame.

Each principal would keep the portrait by his side and tune it up until it hangs in the principal\'s office after his death.

Dumbledore had begun to tune the portrait, and he sent William a frame.

William had nothing to do, and he could ask Dumbledore questions through the portrait, which made it easier for the two sides to communicate.

It\'s a nice gift.

William decided to put the picture frame in his study on the third floor.

After giving Snape a Christmas present for three consecutive years, the professor was probably moved, and this year finally returned the gift... It was no longer a bezoar, but two drops of Flux.

This is in line with Snape\'s identity as a potion master.

But it\'s too shabby!

Not to mention a large tank, at least a small bottle, the amount for a day, right?

William suspected that the few drops of Flux in the hose would last for a few minutes at most and be useless.

William searched for a long time, but found no gift from Hermione.

Annie sent a card, Hermione didn\'t send a gift at all?

"I gave it!" Hermione insisted.

"When did you send it?"

"Yesterday...night." Hermione blushed to the neck, her voice was like a mosquito.

"What did you send?"

"I won\'t tell you, I sent it anyway!"

Hermione insisted that she had given it, but just didn\'t say what it was.

This made William bewildered.

Could it be... carbon dioxide?

William gave Hermione a golden watch with three hands representing William, Hermione and Anne.

The dial marks the dormitory, auditorium, classroom, library, security, home...

This is the magic-modified safety bell, which can determine whether other people are safe.

On the side of the strap, the space is also expanded with a traceless stretching spell; inside the watch ~www.novelhall.com~ there is also Nico\'s sound transmission screw, which can realize long-distance contact at any time.

It was a hassle for William to make this watch, and he did it almost entirely under the guidance of Nicole.

Only three pieces have been made so far, and they were given to Hermione and Annie, and then kept one for themselves.

It was planned to be sold before, but now it seems that it cannot be sold in a short time.

With his current level of alchemy, mass production is still impossible.

William was still explaining the functions of the watch to Hermione when there was a knock at the door.

- Luna!

Holding a small umbrella, Luna rode her unicorn upside down, swaying through the snow to visit.

After entering the house, Luna handed over a basket.

"This is the pastry I made, a Christmas present for you."

Not to mention Luna\'s craftsmanship, she also made the cakes into cartoon heads.

Aside from being in a trance, Luna is really versatile.

"By the way, a woman named Rita Kist came to my house today," Luna said.

"Here comes Rita Kist?" William frowned.

"Is she going to trouble your father?" Hermione asked.

During the summer, Lovegood wrote an article about Rita and Lockhart.

"No." Luna shook her head and said meaningfully.

"She\'s here to inquire about William."

William raised his eyebrows. Rita, a woman who didn\'t pay attention to Newt\'s love and hatred, really turned her attention to him?

The taste has become really fast, and it has changed from heavy to small and fresh in such a short time.

Grandpa Newt cried and fainted in the toilet!



(Thanks to "Hellcat", "Fengling Fifteen", "Leaving the Dog Slayer", "Konjac", "Field Torch", "Meng Zaizai 626", and several big bosses for their rewards.)