A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 55: I will always protect you

In the middle of the night, William pushed open the oak door and walked out of the principal\'s office.

Snape stood alone in the doorway, waiting to go in and talk.

Seeing William coming out, he let out a cold snort from his nose, as if he was very dissatisfied. The principal talked to William first and left him outside.

William pouted and slandered maliciously: "Since you\'re so impatient, you can stay in Dumbledore\'s office for one night and come out with the wall tomorrow!"

Snape didn\'t know if he had this idea, he loosened his neckline, touched his greasy hair again, tidied up his hairstyle, and walked in eagerly.

William stepped on the spiral staircase, moving down slowly, like an escalator, then the wall cracked, and he stepped into the corridor on the third floor.

He walked towards the stairs, took a few steps, suddenly stopped, and was slightly lost.

William saw Hermione tucked her knees, sitting alone at the head of the stairs, waiting for him to come out.

The girl rested her head on her knees, her long fluffy brown hair spread out, as if she was about to fall asleep.

William approached quietly and patted Hermione on the shoulder lightly. She shivered violently and was taken aback.

"It\'s me, don\'t be afraid."

William helped Hermione, whose legs were numb, to stand up, and carefully patted the dust on her robe for her.

Hermione rubbed her eyes and asked sleepily, "William, are you out?"

William nodded. "Why are you here, didn\'t I let you go back first?"

Hermione lowered her eyelids and said softly, "I went back, but I was worried about you, so I sneaked out of the dormitory alone."

William was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his fingers and flicked her forehead. Seeing that she looked like a girl who made mistakes and was punished by harsh elders, he put his hands on her forehead, his eyes were never so gentle.

"Thank you for waiting for me, let\'s go, I\'ll accompany you back."

When Hermione came alone, she was very bold. On the way back, she was a little afraid of the darkness of the castle, and her hands were tightly wrapped around William\'s arms.

It seems that he is afraid of being attacked suddenly by someone.

Obviously, the Filch thing still frightened her.

"William, did Professor Dumbledore say anything?" Hermione glanced at the sides vigilantly, and then asked softly.

After leaving the school hospital, Dumbledore left only William and Snape, so naturally he had to explain something.

"The professor said...the attack will not stop, it will continue."

William picked up something to say and told Hermione, the girl was listening carefully.

He didn\'t tell Hermione that the ultimate goal of the man who opened the Chamber of Secrets was Harry.

The principal is not allowed to say, he has to hone the boy who survives the hardship again.

William was also surprised. Was Dumbledore not afraid that Harry would be cut off by the whetstone?

Big, thick, and tough are a minority after all, and not everyone is as talented as William.

Or, why is Harry so special... because he has Lily\'s magic flowing through him?

William didn\'t understand Dumbledore\'s motives. The Headmaster had his own plans, but he just didn\'t say it.

"Professor McGonagall explained that you are not allowed to tell anyone what happened tonight." Hermione sighed slightly.

Filch identified Harry as the attack, and Professor McGonagall wanted to hide the news.

None of the teachers thought Harry was really the attacker, obviously something went wrong.

But she would not have expected that there would be four more attacks in the future.

And every time, the attackers would identify Harry, until he changed from a boy who survived to a feared attacker.

The murderer is a guy who is very good at framing the blame and playing tricks on people\'s hearts, like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows.

This opponent is the most troublesome.

Dumbledore\'s intentions were also very clear, and while honing Harry\'s will, he was secretly investigating.

In the end, he guided Harry to find the attacker and made a shocking reversal.

Those students who doubted him and attacked him would be slapped in the face and shamed from the bottom of their hearts.

It can only be said that Dumbledore played a good abacus, but William did not think that everything would go as he wished.

"William, what is the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione finally asked when she was about to reach the Gryffindor lounge.

"The book \'A History of Hogwarts\' was forgotten in my house in St. Catchpole Village."

William thought for a while and explained it to her.

"So, the Chamber of Secrets was really left by Slytherin to attack us?"

"No, Dumbledore told me that Slytherin didn\'t build the secret room, not to purify the school, but for other purposes, but it was deliberately distorted by future generations."

Hermione nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, the two walked to the door of the lounge.

"Go back early, do you need me to take you?" Hermione said playfully with her hands behind her back.

"And then I\'ll send you back?" William smiled, "Send it around like this, probably tomorrow morning."

"That\'s fine too!" Hermione blinked.

"Go in, it\'s not safe recently, I\'ll take you to the door of the dormitory." William touched her head.

He said to the fat lady who was obviously reading gossip: "Honey-eating bird."

That\'s it...that\'s it? !

The fat lady opened the door slightly disappointed and let the two in.

She was here back then, witnessing the breakup between Professor Snape and Lily Evans.

Even if you don\'t break up, you can have some plots that are not suitable for children, right?

The Gryffindor common room was empty, and there was only the flame of the fireplace, still burning slowly.

Climbing the stairs, the two came to the door of the girls\' dormitory.

When parting, Hermione lowered her head, her hands and knuckles were white, and tightly grasped William\'s clothes, preventing him from leaving.

"What\'s wrong?" William asked softly.

Hermione was trembling all over, suppressing her crying and whispering:

"I\'ve been restless tonight, I don\'t understand... William, do those pure-blood families hate us Muggle-born wizards so much?"

William sighed slightly~www.novelhall.com~ No wonder Hermione was very strange along the way. It turned out that the impact on her tonight was not as plain as it seemed.

After all, before Dumbledore made a judgment, most people thought that Filch was killed.

The sense of fear brought by the dead is really terrifying!

"Hermione, there are good and bad blood wizards, and so are Muggles.

Not all kindness can be treated gently.

Some people don\'t like what ordinary people prefer, they just want to watch the world... burn it out! "

"But." William touched Hermione\'s head and said softly, "I will always protect you."

She raised her head with tears in her eyes, "Really?"

William\'s eyes were firm and he smiled: "Of course it\'s true! With me here, no one can hurt you."

Hermione looked at William... For no reason, she remembered the first time they met, the cauldron exploded, and the teenager stood in the front;

There is no reason to remember the back of Gringotts that day, the back that had been blocking the front and was unwilling to take a step back...

Hermione stared at William, dumbfounded for a while.

William stretched out his hand to help her wipe the tears from her cheeks, gently rolled her head, and placed it on his chest.

Hermione leaned against William\'s chest, feeling the beating of the boy\'s heart, and took a light breath.


finally warmed up,

trembling heart,

Also calm.

very nice!



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