A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 53: The dead are more likely to breed fear

Facing Dumbledore\'s inquiring gaze, Harry quickly said:

"Ron was taken away by Filch before the dinner started."

"Lock his position immediately."

Dumbledore looked at William and seemed to be asking for the Gothe map with his intelligent voice.

William took out a map of Hogwarts from the ring.

Lockhart stuck his head over, and William slightly blocked it, refusing to let him watch.

It is densely packed with the names of students, and there are various secret passages, which are not of the same grade as the ones he sold at school. How can they be shown to Lockhart.

"He\'s still in Filch\'s office." William glanced at the map. "alone."

"Professor McGonagall, please help me bring Mr. Weasley, I need to ask him something."

Professor McGonagall nodded and left the school hospital.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, can you help me get some potions? I think Mr. Filch will wake up soon, and I think he needs to replenish some strength." Dumbledore continued.

Madam Pomfrey turned and walked towards a room.

"Harry, you haven\'t eaten dinner yet?" Dumbledore asked concerned. "How about some fruit tarts?"

Harry wanted to say he had no appetite, but his stomach growled.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a fruit **** and a glass of hot milk appeared on the table not far away.

Okay... I\'m really hungry, so Harry will eat something with reluctance.

Harry was now waiting for Filch to wake up, clear his name, and then slap Lockhart and Snape who were suspicious of him in the face.

No attack, just no attack, you can\'t wrong honest people!

Harry had never been so eager to hear Filch speak.

Snape walked over to Filch.

William also stepped forward, "Principal, if you don\'t mind..."

"Of course." Dumbledore turned slightly.

Snape snorted and gave way to William.

William didn\'t check Filch\'s wound, he had already done it when he found Filch.

He collected the blood clot on Filch\'s body in a test tube, ready to go back to study it.

Filch\'s chest originally had a fatal wound, but the blood stopped unexpectedly... There is a special substance to help stop the bleeding.

Most importantly, those blood clots were all petrified... This feature is too rare.

As a potion master, William needs to go back to study and analyze what substance caused it.

Snape obviously thought so too, he moved faster than William.

People, as long as you have a word on it, no matter whether it is a dead fat house or a technical house, it will be scary.

In the distance, footsteps sounded.

Ron was brought by Professor McGonagall. He was dirty and smelled of thick mud.

"What\'s wrong, Headmaster?" Ron was a little scared and looked confused.

"Ron, what\'s wrong with you?" Dumbledore looked at him and asked gently.

"I fell into the black lake."

"How did you fall into the Black Lake?"

"Last year William and the others caught a mermaid, and I want to catch one too and give it to Harry as a Halloween present." Ron explained quickly.

These words fell in Harry\'s ears, and he only felt a warm current pouring into his body, from the outside to the inside, making him so excited that he was about to scream...

Sure enough, Ron is his best buddy!

Harry suddenly felt that the pure milk in his mouth was not so pure.

He took a bite of the fruit **** and sighed slightly.

I don\'t know what\'s going on, the two haven\'t whispered on the same bed for a long time, Harry thinks tonight is a good opportunity.

Ron didn\'t know that Harry was going to sleep with his feet tonight, and he continued: "I stepped on the mud, slipped my feet, and fell into the black lake.

Then, I went back to the castle and was caught by Filch.

He said I stained the floor and asked me to go to his office, so I followed. "

"Next, why did Mr. Filch leave the office?" Dumbledore asked.

"There was an unpleasant smell outside. He said it was Peeves\' prank, so he rushed out with a broom and left me in the office... By the way, Mr. Filch, what happened to him?"

"He was attacked."

"Who attacked?" Ron\'s face turned pale.

No one answered him.

Professor Snape glanced at Ron maliciously and asked, "You\'ve been in Filch\'s office for so long, won\'t you leave if he doesn\'t come back?

I don\'t think Weasleys are so honest. "

"I was asleep!" said Ron angrily.

Professor McGonagall said solemnly, "Mr. Weasley did fall asleep on the table when I went."

"You wouldn\'t doubt me, would you?" Ron growled, "Why would I attack Filch, just because I was in his office when he had an accident?!"

At this moment, a cough came from the hospital bed.

Filch finally woke up.

Madam Pomfrey hurriedly poured him the potion.

Filch, like a puppet, drank the potion.

"Felch, who attacked you?" Lockhart approached enthusiastically and asked.

Filch looked blank, as if thinking about how to... speak.

"Who is it, Argus?" Dumbledore asked again.

Filch straightened his upper body stiffly, his head turning mechanically, like a zombie.

His eyes slid over Ron, only paused for a moment, then turned sharply...Harry!

Filch\'s lips moved slightly, and his voice seemed to be forced out of his throat.

"Harry Potter!"

Filch\'s voice was low, echoing in the room where the candles flickered.

Everyone was silent.

Harry even spat out the milk in surprise.

People were stolen and identified by the victim... At that moment, Harry almost believed it.

"Could it be that I have schizophrenia, and the second personality did it?!"

If William knew what Harry was thinking, he would probably sneer.

"Child, don\'t say that you are mentally ill when something happens. This excuse is not easy to use in the magic world."



Principal\'s office,

Dumbledore sat down on the chair, his flowing silver hair and beard gleaming in the candlelight.

His two slender fingertips touched each other, his chin was just above the fingertips, his eyes looked at the ceiling above through the half-moon-shaped lens, as if he was lost in thought.

William sat opposite him and pondered, but he almost fell asleep.

William shook his head and asked:

"Professor, didn\'t you guess that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"Last semester, I already killed the basilisk. Are there other monsters in the secret room?" William asked suspiciously.

Dumbledore\'s face was particularly solemn~www.novelhall.com~ William, the basilisk was never important. Slytherin left that room for nearly a thousand years, and the basilisk never attacked the students.

I don\'t want to say it\'s harmless, but I have to point out, does it really matter if there are basilisks, or chambers?

Danger never comes from basilisks, but from people! "

William nodded convincingly, pondered for a moment, and said, "What do you think of tonight\'s events, who is lying?"

"What do you think?" Dumbledore asked rhetorically.

"Ron\'s explanation is reasonable, but Filch and Harry are strange."

"That\'s right." Dumbledore nodded, "Harry appeared where he shouldn\'t be, and Filch pointed out people he shouldn\'t."

"Felch\'s behavior is weird, could he be under the Imperius Curse?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "It\'s not the Imperius Curse... I can\'t tell right now, but I\'ve seen similar things before and need to investigate."

William nodded slightly.

Dumbledore is so mature, he\'s seen everything.

"Professor, I still have one thing that is very puzzling, and I need your explanation."

"The other party left a message that the secret room was opened, obviously to spread fear and tell us... the attack has begun, the game has begun.


Why didn\'t he kill Filch?

dead man,

Not more than a living person,

Is it easier to breed fear? "



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the big guy "Name was eaten by Yuan-devouring beast". )
