A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 5: happy cohabitation life

On the whole, some things in the magic world are too backward, and some things are extremely convenient.

For example, dishwashing, the dishwashing machine is not cheap, and it is not necessarily clean, but a cleaning magic can easily solve these trivial matters.

The only thing William couldn\'t bear was that the wizard didn\'t need electricity, not to mention all kinds of electrical appliances, not even the most basic lights.

Rows of candles and oil lamps are also often lit at Hogwarts.

The atmosphere is there,


Do your eyes get dry after using it for a long time?

Fortunately, there are Muggles in the village, stealing electricity... ahem, connecting the circuit without permission... it\'s still very convenient!

William won\'t do it, and he is more likely to be electrocuted by touching the high-voltage line.

Fortunately, Nico can help. His family has trained various types of house elves, including a group of electrician elves.

The old man keeps pace with the times and likes to enjoy Muggle items, otherwise the long life will be too boring.

In his huge estate, there are even several wind farms, which can be self-sufficient.

Using magic as a windmill drive is a genius idea!

And it is completely clean and convenient, which William envies very much. In the future, he will also set up a set of generators at home, and now he has to use the country\'s electricity.

So, magic and technology are never exclusive, and living together will only make life more comfortable.

And most wizards don\'t realize this. On the contrary, Nicole May, an old man who had lived for 600 years, could see more clearly.

The design of the entire building is also done by Nico\'s house-elves.

However, the other party seemed to be stealing from Master Bei Luming and was thinking of building a glass pyramid in front of William\'s small building.

Do you think I am the Louvre? !

Apart from the small shortcomings that the other party always wants to do a big project, William is still very satisfied with the overall decoration design.

At the bottom was the basement, where he made refining items and brewed potions; the first floor was the living room; the second floor was the room; the third floor was the study, which was filled with books that William used in his daily studies.

The house also built bathrooms, wine cellars, pantries, wardrobes, kitchen and dining rooms and more.

Of course there is a large fireplace, already connected to the Floo network.

These renovations cost William a lot of Galleons. Fortunately, he is really not short of money now, otherwise he really can\'t afford it.

The huge balcony on the second floor also overlooks the garden and the grass outside the garden sloping towards the river.

Simply perfect.

William took Hermione and Anne around, and they started arguing again.

Just for such a boring thing whose room looks better.

William ignored the two of them. The game console "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" he bought downstairs had not been cleared yet.

Nintendo spent so much money developing games just to please him.

Isn\'t it fragrant? !




In the morning, the chirping of birds came from outside the window.

The cooler brought the temperature of the room down to the right level.

This is a new alchemy item developed by William. It is similar to an air conditioner, but it does not require power consumption and does not produce polluting gases.

The core is a stone inscribed with ancient Rune script of the Frozen Charm.

Of course, it was far more cumbersome to make than it sounded, and it took William over two weeks.

He has already begun to distribute goods in the storefront in Diagon Alley, and the price is not expensive, only six hundred Galleons.

William is now making alchemical items that are very popular in Diagon Alley.

He himself has gone through a time cycle, coupled with the teaching of the master Nicole Mei, the level is already very high.

When a wizard of his level wants to make money, it\'s not too easy.

The cool wind blew open the curtains, and the sunlight penetrated into the room through the gap.

Probably because he slept too late last night, when William woke up, it was past nine o\'clock.

Yesterday, the three of them huddled on the sofa to watch a horror movie and saw it after one o\'clock in the morning.

In the end, Hermione and Annie couldn\'t stand it anymore and fell asleep on the sofa. It was William who carried them back to their respective rooms.

William was about to turn over and go back to sleep again... An impatient voice rang out, and then his wet uvula licked his cheek.

The description is naturally fragrant and charming, but from the feel of the barb on his tongue, William knew that it must be...** tea.

Speaking of **tea, it\'s a mess at school!

At night, he slipped out and fooled around with Mrs. Norris, and William often heard portraits complaining that the tea was disturbing their sleep.

But back home during the summer vacation, it maintains a good schedule, going to bed at 9:00 every night and getting up at 6:20 in the morning.

Go to the toilet, step on milk, take a walk, get a set of procedures, and then go to eat.

Now that it\'s obviously past the meal time, the angry cats have come to see William, the **** shoveling officer.

**Tea almost does not eat cat food. Although it claims to be nutritionally balanced, it is equivalent to the compressed biscuits that people have been eating with reasonable meals.

No matter how rich the nutrition is, the taste can be imagined.

Are you willing to eat three meals a day with reasonable meals but bad taste nutrient solution, or Haidilao, stir-frying, barbecue, roast duck, beer fried chicken without repetition?

Even the latter ones contain a lot of carcinogens?

Even if the nutrient solution can guarantee you to live for another ten years, you may not want to eat that thing all your life.

It\'s true that cats can\'t eat high-salt human food. William made some light diets for ** tea, boiled fish, chicken breast and the like.

**Cha also has a cabinet of pet treats, and all kinds of canned cat food are his favorites every day.

Otherwise, I wouldn\'t be so fat now.

After William finished washing up, he made breakfast for ** tea, and then started to prepare breakfast for Hermione and Annie.

The house really lacked a house-elf, and William seemed to need one from Nicole.

Nico\'s house is the place with the most house-elves outside of Hogwarts.

The elves in his family are also divided into categories, chefs, beauty salons, auto repairs, water and electric welding, excavators... The elves have learned all the professions Lan Xiang can find.

On the kitchen mantelpiece were three layers of books: Fantastic Beasts in the Pot, The Magic of Baking Gluten, Conjuring a Feast, and so on—all magic books.

William had never cooked with magic, and this was the first time.

Soon, Hermione ran down from the second floor sleepy, still wearing pink pajamas and her hair tousled.

A look like he just woke up.

William was no stranger to this appearance. The girl stayed at William\'s house for a while last summer.

Lyanna likes Hermione very much, and she dislikes Anne\'s mischievous all kinds of things, and raises Hermione as a half-daughter.

Hermione\'s parents were very busy, unlike Lyanna, a college professor, and summer vacations. Ailes and the others were also happy to have their daughter go to their good friend\'s house.

This time I came to live in William\'s new house, and it was also an excuse to say that they were training and studying... Well, they really came to study, although they had a crazy time last night.

Hermione picked up **Tea, forbid it to eat, then leaned her head on **Tea\'s head, curled up on the sofa like a cat, and watched William cook with magic.

**Tea was so wronged, it only took a bite!

Hermione stared blankly at William.

In the past, she had seen her mother cooking in the kitchen, and she was watching and couldn\'t help much; now, she couldn\'t help much either.

Hermione couldn\'t understand, this boy of her age knew so much.

Good grades, strong magic, and...cooking.

It never occurred to her that one day she would leave home and live with a boy in a place far away from people.

In fact, thousands of miles away, no one knows them, this feeling is also very good.

Wait...is this cohabitation?

Well, certainly not, after all, there is an eyesore Annie.

No, plus a fat ** tea.

Hermione rubbed the **tea and set it up in other ways.

The girl was in a daze for a while, and finally came back to her senses, and eagerly said: "Otherwise, I will cook tomorrow?"

"Would you?" William asked.

"No, I studied with my mother for a few days at home." Hermione blushed, "I\'ve never cooked with magic."

"You can use magic at will here."

In a wizarding family, the Ministry of Magic cannot detect the use of magic by children, and it is entirely supervised by parents. There is a large number of wizards living here, and the Ministry of Magic cannot detect it.

That\'s why William moved here, just in order not to receive a warning letter from the Ministry of Magic~www.novelhall.com~ William carefully placed six fried eggs in three dishes before turning his head and said, "Go wash up quickly. Well, I\'ll teach you Transfiguration in the morning, according to a pre-planned schedule.

By the way, call Annie up. "

Hermione nodded happily, then hesitated again.

"Annie, doesn\'t she want to get up?"

"Just add two thick quilts to her, and turn off the cooler by the way. When the bed is hot, she will naturally get up."

Hermione looked at William convincingly, still he had a way.

William waved his wand and the plate floated to the table.

He is about to start a happy cohabitation life!



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