A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 41: Free prostitution at 1 o'clock

As class time came, Lockhart walked into the classroom.

This time he didn\'t bring the elf, nor any other magical creatures.

Lockhart knew that he still had it, especially after the first lesson.

His goal now is to hang out for a year and then leave the school with a decent amount of Lockhart and Hogwarts he\'s writing.

The main content of the book, of course, is how he taught the famous boy, and the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal.

By the way, he blacked out other professors, to set off his wise and powerful, tall and mighty.

Finally, there will be dramas of "Dumbledore\'s orphan in bed" and "Lockhart\'s three rejections of the principal position".

It\'s another bestseller.

As for whether Dumbledore will come to the door...

Don\'t be afraid, anyway, the leeks in the UK are about to be cut, and he should go across the ocean to save the American people who are in dire straits.

A Squib named Trump, a fan of his books, wrote enthusiastically last week, asking if there was some magic that would keep him flying safely to the sun at breakneck speed!

How can Squibs learn magic, Lockhart casually recommends Muggle cannons.

He is now going to find the other party and make another round of fooling around.

Of course, the professionalism of teachers is still there, and Lockhart did not want to be exposed by the students, so he started his own performance.

I saw him standing on the podium, shaking his head in disappointment.

He sighed and said softly, "Children, on Monday, I gave a little wizard in the second grade a simple quiz.

It\'s a pity that everyone has not read my book very well, and has not grasped much knowledge..."

"So, I used the elf to test everyone\'s actual combat level... To be honest, I\'m very disappointed with the quality of the school\'s teaching!"

Lockhart walked up and down the classroom with a heartbroken look.

"Can I—Lockhart, best-selling British author, world-class Master of Defense Against the Dark Arts, 3rd Class of the Order of Merlin—can\'t take care of those goblins?"

"I just want to create a real environment to test everyone.

After all, in the days of fighting with werewolves and banshees, I experienced life-and-death battles, **** hand-to-hand combat, and I have long since become low-key. "

"It\'s a pity... Of course, it\'s not your fault... I heard the stories of the first two professors, so you don\'t understand anything."

Lockhart rammed and threw the blame on Quirrell and Tywin, and began to pick up his Twilight Wolf of Wall Street and read it to everyone.

"After subduing the werewolves with the \'Werewolf Suppression Curse\' that I uniquely created, they finally have repentance.

I gave the signed version of "Parade with the Werewolves" to the werewolves, and they said they would read it carefully. "

Behind Lockhart, there were several Slytherin students, dressed in werewolf dolls, performing expressionlessly.

The students sitting below burst into laughter and applaud.

Lockhart\'s stage play is still very good, and he has the potential to be an actor.

"That Sunday, I called the werewolf chief Jacob and the vampire Edward together and had a drink at the bar.

Edward took out a collection of dragon blood and asked me to taste it. Oh my gosh, I actually dislike dragon blood, it makes my stomach turn... Of course, they don\'t know I like aged whisky! "

"I persuaded the two guys to reconcile and stop being angry with Bella, the green tea **** who stepped on two boats.

—By the way, Bella is pretty. "

"I said my wish was \'the people who are magical and the people who are not magical can live in peace.\'

They laughed, and I said don\'t laugh, you\'ve seen my "Bed with Giants" and you\'ll know why.

So, I got them both drunk and sneaked into Bella\'s room... subdued her! "

William smacked his lips, feeling a little pity. The previous content can be omitted, and this part of the content can be described in more detail.

Soon, the get out of class was over, and everyone left with no end in sight.

Lockhart has recaptured the hearts of the students, but in terms of performance.

All students treat Lockhart\'s class as entertainment.

When everyone left, William waited for Lockhart alone.

"What\'s the matter, William, is there something you don\'t understand?" Lockhart put his arm around William\'s shoulder eagerly.

"No, my hair is a little greasy lately, and I want to ask for a few bottles of the shampoo you invented... The kind that was given to Professor Snape on the day of the separation."

"Have a vision, boy!" Lockhart led William towards his office.

"No wonder you are the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, if I had your vision, I would have been Minister of Magic."

"Is one bottle enough?"

Lockhart pushed open the door and walked in with William, taking a bottle of shampoo from the shelf.

"I\'m afraid not enough..." William said weakly.

"Ah? What are you taking it for?" Lockhart wondered. "Giving it to a female fan? If this is the case, as a past person, I have to criticize you, teacher.

I\'ve always just accepted gifts and then wrote a thank you note..."

"No, I have a few friends, and I want to keep my hair shiny like you." William laughed.

Lockhart was silent.

This shampoo is very expensive, after all, he put a lot of bird and snake eggs in it.

But suffering from too expensive, too dangerous, and poor sales, which made him sad all the time.

He suddenly discovered a business opportunity, a brand new business opportunity.

Lockhart put his arms around William\'s shoulders eagerly, and said with a smile: "William, I heard that you opened a mysterious shop in Akali? Selling a lot of expensive alchemy items?"

"Yes, there are connections to the shops in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade."

William wondered why Lockhart brought this up.

"It\'s just selling gadgets, how would the professor know?"

"It\'s not a gadget, \'The alchemy items sold in the Akali Mystery Shop are all high-quality goods\', even I have heard this sentence.

You can sell such expensive alchemy items. You must have a wide network of contacts, right? "

William raised his eyebrows and seemed to understand something. He smiled and said, "It\'s true."

"Can you help me with that? You know, my secret ambition to teach me is to rid the world of evil, and to sell my own line of conditioners."

William\'s smile grew brighter.

"Sure, but I need to give the shampoo to some friends, let them use it, and have them promote it by the way.

They are all my loyal customers.

For example, Mr. Fudge, Minister of Magic, my best brother, Lucius Malfoy, and I\'m a fan of my head, Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge..."

"Of course, the PR is a must, just send it." Lockhart was very excited. "How many bottles are needed?"

"Ten bottles?" William Merlin opened his mouth.


"The eight bottles."

"Thirty bottles, don\'t be polite to me, or I\'ll be in a hurry with you!"

William quickly refused to offer money. He took out his empty pockets several times, and was severely criticized by Lockhart. In the end, he had no choice but to accept the shampoo.

Well, the bird and snake eggs are in place, and William can happily make the phlegm again.

Sure enough ~www.novelhall.com~ prostitutes are cool for a while, and prostitutes have been fun all the time.

William put the shampoo in the ring and walked out.

He heard Lockhart\'s excited singing from the office, as if celebrating the upcoming shampoo sale.

"Yellow shampoo, fluffy hair.

Take my hand and watch the newly earned Galleons..."

"It\'s just a dream, I\'m still very moved after waking up for a long time..."



(Thanks to "Fengling Fifteen", "Sighing", "Benbang Paella" for their rewards)

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