A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 3: Tom Riddle's Diary

A group of people walked towards Malfoy Manor.

The wrought iron gate blocked their way, but no one really stopped, but Apparated and went straight through, as if the black gate didn\'t exist.

The yew hedge made everyone\'s footsteps sound a little dull.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound somewhere on the right, and a wizard instantly drew his wand and raised it over his companion\'s head.

The wizard looked so strange, his hair was gray, and his eyes were completely different, one black and the other a vivid bright blue.

Arthur Weasley raised his hand and comforted: "Relax Alastor, it\'s just a white peacock."

Mad-Eye\'s magic eyes turned a few times, and he was sure that it was really just a peacock, not some kind of wizard, so he put down his wand and stuffed it back into the cloak.

"This Malfoy is always so fancy, Peacock... It\'s really similar to their smug-loving character." Mad-Eye snorted.

He said rudely: "I don\'t know if the white peacock will taste delicious if it is stewed!"

Arthur was speechless for a moment, and he began to worry about whether it was a wrong decision to bring Mad-Eye.

There were four of them in total.

In addition to Arthur, the director of the Office for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Objects, there was a clerk named Perkins.

Perkins was an old wizard, Arthur\'s colleague and subordinate, with floppy gray hair, who was about to retire soon.

In addition to the two of them, there are members of the Magical Law Enforcement Scout Team.

The Magical Law Enforcement Scout, formerly known as the Magical Law Enforcement Team, is a division responsible for general law enforcement.

Finally, add an Auror Mad-Eye Moody, who is about to retire, to form this four-person assault team.

At the end of the straight road, a very decent mansion appeared in front of several people.

They crunched on the gravel road and walked towards the main door. As soon as they got there, they were about to knock on the door when the door was opened.

Lucius came out, he stood at the door, his eyes were immediately attracted to Arthur at the front.

He looked at Arthur and said arrogantly, "Why are you here?!"

"A raid in the ministry." Arthur smiled smugly.

"The inspection of the Ministry... Even so, you should have notified me first when you came to my house, right?" Lucius said with a gloomy face, remembering the "Muggle Protection Act" he had seen before.

I didn\'t expect that I was still worried before, but now the other party came to the door.

"This is private territory, you just walked in so struttingly, I can think that I can take self-defense actions at any time..." Lucius threatened.

"Come on!" Mad-Eye took out his wand, and he limped toward Lucius, making a loud thud every time his right foot landed, bang, bang.

"If you have the ability, you can attack the Auror, try it, who\'s spell is faster!"

There was an eerie silence all around. No one dared to move except Moody.

Moody\'s face was very terrifying at this time. His normal eye was looking at Lucius, and the other eye was drilled into his head, watching other directions vigilantly.

It seems to be attacked from other directions at any time.

"Mad-Eye...why are you here?" Lucius took two steps back in fear, "It\'s just a check of black magic items, can you still use Aurors?"

Lucius was right, this raid was led by Arthur Weasley\'s department, just for black magic items.

He has brought the people from the Magical Law Enforcement Investigation Team.

Detective teams function similarly to Muggle police and are generally responsible for routine law enforcement duties.

The Auror Office is responsible for handling high-risk or special magical crimes.

Mad-Eye\'s arrival is a bit of a fuss. It\'s like you\'re drinking tea at home when the FBI kicks the door and yells, "Openthedoor!"

For you, you are also nervous!

What\'s more, Mad-Eye is not an ordinary Auror. He is known for his fierce style, and he has personally killed a lot of... Death Eaters!

Arthur pulled Mad-Eye back a bit and said as gently as possible, "Malfoy, it\'s none of your business who came to check.

We are a joint department operation, and this is the order of Mr. Amelia Burns, Director of the Division of Magical Law Enforcement!

Completely reasonable and legal, please get out of the way! "

Arthur shook a piece of paper.

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is one of the seven departments that make up the Ministry of Magic. It is responsible for the enforcement of justice and law and is the largest department of the Ministry of Magic.

These include the Division for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Magic, the Auror Office and the Division for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Objects.

Arthur and the others all belong to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It is said that it is a joint investigation, and there is no problem.

Lucius had a sullen face, Amelia Burns was the one Dumbledore pushed up...to kill him sooner or later.

But Lucius didn\'t move away and was still blocking the door.

"Why, don\'t you dare let us in?" Mad-Eye sneered, "Afraid that my eyes will find your master\'s things?"

"What do you mean?!" Lucius took two steps back guiltily, "I\'m afraid I don\'t understand what you mean, Moody."

Lucius tried his best to sound contemptuous, as if he was dismissive of Moody\'s words at all, but his hands betrayed his heart, and they involuntarily clenched into fists.

Lucius didn\'t dare to face Mad-Eye, and turned his eyes to Arthur, who was getting more and more bald.

"I also take issue with your actions, and we all know that Moody\'s night is going to be a waste if he doesn\'t find seven people trying to murder him before dinner."

Lucius protested loudly, "He has severe hypochondriasis, I am a private house here, in case he doesn\'t control himself..."

"What, I\'m paranoid?" Moody growled. "My job is to deal with dark wizards—you shouldn\'t forget..."

"Alastor!" Arthur stopped. "Don\'t tell him, he\'s stalling, he should have passed the fireplace and sent a letter to the ministry just now."

Lucius looked at Arthur angrily.

The four stopped paying attention to Lucius and walked in.

Lucius stared at them sullenly.

Fifteen minutes later, Umbridge arrived with Fudge\'s order to terminate the investigation.

Arthur Weasley and the others just searched the front hall and found some prohibited items and more rooms, and they didn\'t have time to search.

After the officials from the Ministry of Magic left, Lucius hurried into the study.

Draco had left, and the coffee had been cleaned from the carpet.

"What should I do?" Narcissa worried. "Or else send it to the vault?"

"It\'s all black magic items, why send them to the vault?" Lucius thought for a while and said, "Let\'s sell them to Knockturn Alley in batches."

"Dear, what do you think of this?" Narcissa wondered, "How dare Weasley and the others dare to search our house behind the back of the Minister of Magic?"

"How could Fudge not know!" said Lucius annoyed, "he must know, he just pretended not to know, and waited for me to write to him!

Then, he pinpointed the time, waited for ten minutes, and sent Umbridge.

Not only can I check some things and give Weasleys some face, but it will not hurt me and sell me some face.

Last but not least, knock us out and let me donate some more Kim Galleon to curry favor with him!

Fudge, he took advantage of the struggles between me and Weasley, the balance was well played! "

Lucius stood up tiredly, "Okay, I\'ll go in and find out some illegal items, and I\'ll go to the Borgin Kee store to sell them in a few days.

That stingy old guy must be very happy! "

He turned abruptly and walked to the far side. It was an eight-foot portrait of William I.

As Lucius casts his magic, the portrait on the wall opens like a door, revealing the entrance to a real tunnel.

He walked in, about two minutes, into a slightly smaller room full of debris.

Some are precious magic items, but most are dark magic items.

Of course, the really valuable things are in the Gringotts vault.

Lucius rummaged through the shelves and threw a roll of parchment and a few heads into the box.

He quickly reached the end of the shelf, where only a thick, dusty diary lay.

Lucius picked up the diary.

The faded date on the cover indicated that it was fifty years old.

When he opened it, on the first page, only one name could be recognized in indistinct ink: Tom Riddle.

This diary is the most important item for Lucius to deal with, because it was given to him by Voldemort!

It used to be glory, but now it is a hot potato.

If Weasley found it, it would be enough to get him a one-way ticket to Azkaban and live with Bella, the beautiful sister-in-law.

Lucius quickly flipped through the diary, it was blank and there was nothing.

Since it is an item rewarded by the Dark Lord, it naturally has a special purpose.

But he has researched many times and found nothing.

In fact, Lucius once asked his father, Abraxas Malfoy.

The diary was fifty years ago, and his father was at Hogwarts at the time, and should have known something.

But his father only told him that the diary might be able to open the Chamber of Secrets and clean up the Muggle students at Hogwarts.

He wouldn\'t say any more, and he was very secretive about the vague name of Tom Riddle.

and many more……

Since this diary is so powerful, why not secretly throw it to Weasley\'s children?

Come to think of it, Weasley, the man who made the Muggle Protection Act, has his children attacking Muggle-born students at Hogwarts.

Weasley\'s reputation would be tarnished, and maybe he would be disqualified from making laws, so time could be stalled.

If there were too many dead, Dumbledore could be kicked out of Hogwarts.

The most important thing is to get rid of this very easy to cause physical evidence.

It\'s like killing three birds with one stone... Lucius admires his own brain, how can he be so smart!

Even if these are unsuccessful ~www.novelhall.com~ there is nothing to lose.

Lucius really didn\'t report much hope.

After all, Riddle... sounds like a mudblood\'s surname, and his diary can really open the secret room?

By Riddle?

Ha ha……

A diary writer?

Serious people who keep a diary?

In front of Riddle, Lucius dared to curse like this:




(3,000-word chapter, please recommend votes, everyone.

Thanks to "Feng Ling Fifteen", "Fellow Daoist, please stay here" for the rewards. )