A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 24: The relationship is broken

Hearing McGonagall\'s doubts, Dumbledore raised his head.

"Minerva, I don\'t like him either."

"Then you still..."

"Have you read Lockhart\'s book?" Dumbledore took out a copy of "Wandering with the Werewolf" from the bookshelf.

"I\'ve seen it, the content is really good, especially he used a high-end magic of \'Recovery Humanoid Charm\'."

The Restoring Humanoid Charm is a spell that can temporarily turn a wolf-shaped werewolf back into a humanoid form.

"Yes, yes, outstanding magical talent," Dumbledore said calmly. "To be honest, I was surprised when I first saw the contents of this book."

Professor McGonagall raised his eyebrows, would Dumbledore be surprised by such a thing?

"Minerva, I\'m really surprised. Because, I happen to know an old Armenian wizard who also used this magic to defeat the Wagga Wagga werewolf."

"Maybe... just a coincidence?" McGonagall was uncertain.

"I thought so too. What if Lockhart did the same thing? How could I wrong an innocent and brilliant wizard at will?" Dumbledore nodded.

"So I found the old wizard, but he\'s lost a lot of memory, especially the werewolf part."

Professor McGonagall\'s eyes widened, as if listening to an absurd story.

"Since then, I have been paying attention to Lockhart, buying his various books and learning about his whereabouts."

"As you get older, that\'s the advantage of knowing more wizards and hearing more uncommon stories." Dumbledore\'s slender fingers slid across the row of bookshelves.

"In his books, I see more and more stories that I happen to know.

But none of the masters of those stories is Lockhart! "

After listening to Dumbledore\'s words, Professor McGonagall couldn\'t believe it. She said angrily: "Merlin, this is a fraud, a crime, and Lockhart should go to Azkaban!"

"But we have no proof," Dumbledore said in distress.

"So, you let him come to school?"

"Yes, I believe that as long as Lockhart is put into a normal school life, his deception will be exposed." Dumbledore said seriously.

Mag was silent for a moment, and then asked again: "But, what can our students learn from this vain, fame-seeker?"

It\'s a whole year, and it\'s still such an important course in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"A lot." Dumbledore said calmly: "Students can learn a lot from a bad teacher: what not to do, what not to be.

I think educating students how to behave is also a very important thing. "

Professor McGonagall nodded thoughtfully.

Time flies, and in the last week of summer vacation, the three of William left one home and returned to two others in London.

Before leaving, William cast a lot of guardian magic around the yard.

There are many types of guardian magic: expelling Muggle spells, guarding peace, protecting them all... But the most useful one is the Faithful Loyalty Charm.

The Faithful Charm is an extremely complex spell that uses magic to keep someone\'s secrets forever in the soul of a living person.

That secret is kept in the heart of the chosen person - the keeper, and therefore never discovered - unless the keeper voluntarily divulges it, of course.

Even if the thieves put their noses on the glass of their living room, they won\'t be seen as long as the keepers don\'t reveal it.

William also cast this magic, he himself is still a secret person, and only Hermione, Anne, Dumbledore and Nicole can enter the house.

After the summer vacation, the three of them, William, only came back once on Christmas or weekends, and spent most of the time at school.

There is indeed a need for secrecy here to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

Soon, summer vacation is over.

Roy drove William and Anne to the station, where they waited for a while on platform 9? Hermione arrived.

The three entered the train together.

They walked down the corridor, looking for empty carriages.

Annie glanced at a certain box and said, "There is still a place here, and Luna is the only one."

She opened the door and walked into the box with the tea in her arms, and William and Hermione followed.

"Hello, Luna," said Anne, "are you alone here?"

Luna nodded and said in a trance: "It seems like this, many students just glanced and left."

Luna put her wand behind her left ear and wore a necklace of Butterbeer corks.

Plus, when she read The Quibbler, she turned the magazine upside down.

It\'s understandable that people don\'t dare to come in.

**Tea jumped out of Annie\'s arms, found the warmest place, and lay down.

Luna watched them from the upside-down magazine.

"After you left, the house disappeared." Luna tilted her head.

"That\'s because I lost it with magic." William quickly wrote an address on the parchment.

"Remember, you can see the house when you go back."

Luna looked down at the piece of paper, and after a while, the parchment turned into a bird, hovered over the carriage, and burned.

At this time, a very beautiful girl with long black and shiny hair was standing at the door of the box.

A boy followed behind her.

— Autumn and Cedric.

The two are arguing fiercely.

This is not common.

Cedric usually doesn\'t interrupt when Cho speaks.

After the two came in, neither of them sat together, Qiu sat next to Hermione, and Cedric sat on William\'s side.

They were arguing fiercely across William and Hermione.

"I think Lockhart would be a good professor, you read in his book..."

"That\'s what he said!" Cedric exclaimed. "Lockhart is just a useless little white face."

Well, the comments of "useless little white face" are generally made by some Gryffindor boys, commenting on Cedric.

And those who say that are generally ugly.

In the first grade, William heard someone say this about himself, and was taught a lesson by him.

"But Dumbledore invited him to teach us..."

"Although I respect the principal, but his vision is not good. Look at the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that he has found for us in the past few years. It is far worse than what William usually taught us."

"What happened to the two of them?" Hermione whispered in William\'s ear.

"The relationship is broken..."

Before the words were finished, the two of them fixed their eyes on William and Hermione.

Hermione and William quickly shut up, UU reading www.uukanshu. com squeezed in the middle and shivered.

Luna burst into laughter, and she let out a series of wild laughter, which startled the **** tea by the window.

**Cha, fried all over, jumped on William, hissing.

Luna laughed so hard that the magazine in her hand fell off her lap and onto the floor.

William glanced at the magazine on the ground, suddenly noticed something, and reached out to pick it up.

It turned out to be an exaggerated Lockhart cartoon.

Lockhart was wearing a lady\'s robe, and beside him stood a witch in the same robe, with a quill and a piece of parchment in her hand.

The caption on the comic reads: Is it a male or a female? Lockhart and Rita Skeeter\'s Big Secret!