A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 19: The art of haggling

Knockturn Alley is another magical business district in London besides Diagon Alley.

There are many shops related to black magic, and many hard-to-find items can be found here.

If you walk in this ancient alley, you will be able to find some good items. Of course, you must have a pair of eyes, otherwise you will be easily deceived.

This is a place where fakes and treasures coexist, comparable to the Panjiayuan Market in the imperial capital.

Not long after William left, he entered a shop.

- Borkin-Bock store.

It specializes in buying and selling magical items with strange properties.

He walked straight to the counter, where a man appeared bent over, repeatedly combing the oily hair that was hanging down his face with his hands.

"Mr. Stark, we meet again." Mr. Borgin\'s voice and his hair were greasy and oily, like salted duck eggs.

In this regard, even Professor Snape is resigned.

William is a regular customer here. During his summer vacation, he made a lot of bizarre alchemy items, and the other party bought them all.

"Have I found the safety bell I wanted?" he asked.

"Of course." Old Borgin smiled. "I found a lot of places to find such a safety bell in a \'hidden place\', but the price is not low."

The other party showed a row of yellow teeth.

The \'Hidden Place\' is a wizard street in Paris, France, accessible via a magical bronze statue. The street functions in Paris similar to Diagon Alley in London.

Borgin quickly pulled out an eight-bell gilt-bronze ebony clock from the counter.

The dial of that clock was also engraved with things like home, the Ministry of Magic, the vault, but it was broken.

"This clock cost me a lot, two thousand Galleons," Bogin boasted.

William was noncommittal and checked it carefully.

"Mr. Borgin, you\'re not being honest. Look at the base, it\'s reinforced with two screws to prevent it from falling off.

You may not know what this is, it\'s a Muggle item.

There\'s a little kid\'s graffiti underneath, in French, and I happen to know some French... You got it from Muggles, right? "

Borgin shut up. It was indeed found in the Muggle junk market. In fact, it only cost him a hundred francs to find it as scrap.

William checked the clock, shook his head and said, "The dial inside is broken, and there are signs of Muggle disassembly. You know, this kind of thing is worthless."

"Eight hundred Galleons." Borgin stepped back.

"This kind of garbage, I can pay up to fifty Galleons."

The corner of Bo Jin\'s mouth twitched. He really dared to bargain. Young people these days, don\'t even know the old rule of cutting in half?

"Five hundred Galleons." Borgin gritted his teeth. "I made a special trip to Paris to find this clock."

"You didn\'t run for me, I heard that the French Auror intercepted a shipment of yours?" William smiled politely.

Tonks did not participate in this joint operation, her level is not enough, but she can still inquire.

It\'s good to have someone inside.

Borgin\'s attitude changed again, and the folds on his face laughed: "Mr. Stark is well-informed?"

"Well, I have a personal relationship with Mr. Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and you know, I dealt with him when I was awarded the Merlin.

He is such a good man! "

William\'s face was not blushing and his heart was not beating.

"Eighty Galleons, Mr. Stark, I\'d love to be your friend."

An item has value only if someone buys it, and it\'s just scrap if no one buys it, especially a broken safety clock.

Bogin still knows this kind of thing. Anyway, he only spent 100 francs, and he made it anyway.

"make a deal."

William took out a packet of gold Galleons from the ring and threw it away.

Bo Jin was about to take it away when William touched the bag and said with a smile, "Wait, I still have something to sell."

William took out another piece of glass from the ring, a blue glass speculum.

Bo Jin took a deep breath and said in disbelief, "Have you repaired it?"

"It\'s simple, isn\'t it?" William smiled.

This looking glass is not a protective looking glass, but a looking glass that can know what other people think.

The effect is basically equivalent to the weakened version of Legilimency.

Originally, the sight glass was broken, bought by William Fifty Galleons from the Borgin store, and he changed hands to fix it.

Of course William couldn\'t fix it easily, he did it all with the help of Nicole.

The core items of this mirror are the eyes and nerves of the cat leopard.

The cat and leopard is a magical animal that is similar in size and appearance to a cougar and is native to the Appalachian Mountains.

It can walk upright, run faster than an arrow, and its eyes have the power to hypnotize and legitimize.

So its eyes are very expensive in the black market.

In fact, many mirrors that can penetrate other people\'s hearts contain cat leopard eyes.

Like the famous Mirror of Erised.

After a wave of bargaining, the two parties finally settled at a price of 2,000 Galleons.

William was only fifty Galleons when he bought it, and even with the cost of restoration, he made a fortune.

Sure enough... extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind.

Bo Jin\'s attitude became better and better, he tentatively said: "Mr. Stark, who did you learn alchemy from?"

"Professor Babbling." William wanted to talk about Dumbledore, but in a blink of an eye he threw out that beautiful and outrageous ancient Rune professor.

It would be better if someone could trouble Babeling, who made her such a bad character.

"Mr. Stark, if you are interested, come to our shop for an internship after graduation." Bo Jin invited.

"I know that at your level, you don\'t look down on our store.

But here I can see all kinds of magical items from all over the world, which are not available anywhere else. "

William chuckled, can there be more magical items in Nicole May\'s manor?

"I think I need to think about it." William didn\'t refuse, after all, he would have to ask the old man to help him in the future.

Borgin was not too disappointed either, looking at Stark, he almost immediately thought of a young wizard more than half a century ago.

—Tom Riddle.

That handsome young man~www.novelhall.com~ obviously can rely on his face to eat, but he has amazing talent.

Not only did he have excellent academic performance, but he was also a prefect and president of the student council in the school, and received special awards from the school.

In the end, didn\'t you still come to the Borkin store to work as a clerk for a while?

Borkin was trying to seduce the boy with his knowledge.

It\'s a pity that the other party later resigned, and Bogin never heard Tom Riddle\'s name again.

It\'s a pity... maybe he\'s already dead.

William packed his things and was about to leave when the door opened again.

It was acquaintances who walked in this time - Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone)