A Lucky? Dude Journey

Chapter 59 - 55 - Deal with the Devil?

Chapter 55

"What a chef doing in this back alley away from people while looking at the sky with a sorrowful expression." I raised my eyebrow and asked.

"Just reminiscing how miserable I am..." Liu Maoxing said with a painful expression.

"Hmm, I guess it has a connection with your left hand?" I asked again. Naturally, I know asking this kind of thing is very rude. But at a time like this, I think a blunt question was better than pity. Besides, having a high charm help a little bit in this situation.

"*chuckled* You are so blunt, boy. Most people would hesitantly ask about that or just ignore it, but you asked about it straight away. And weirdly I don't feel bad about it. It's better than being looked with pity." Liu Maoxing answered.

"Most people also won't approach a guy in the back alley, you know." I jokingly said.

"Haha, that's true. I guess you two are weirds. At any rate, want to hear my tragic story?" Liu Maoxing laughed a bit then said with an expectant expression.

"*Chuckled* Well if you insist. You are fine with that right, Natsuki-chan?" I asked Natsuki beside me.

"Nn, that's fine." Natsuki nodded approvingly and said.

"It's like this, let's start from my childhood. My mom was a famous chef. She even has the title 'Fairy of Cuisine.' I grew up in the kitchen watching my mom cooking in her restaurant. Due to this, I learned my mother's cooking skills and also ended up with the same love for cooking my mother had.

At that time I didn't cook at all, so people just see me as the boy who likes to play around. But one day after my mom died, I decided to cook for the first time in the restaurant. And people like the meals I made.

I wanted to continue running my mother's restaurant at that time. But because I still lack experience in cooking, I decided to go on a journey around China to know many ways of cooking. My childhood friend, Mei Li also decided to come with me on my journey.

When I was sixteen, I become the youngest champion in the famous cooking tournament in the world. After that Mei Li and I decided to go back to our hometown and continue my mother's restaurant.

But the reality was cruel. When I arrived there, the restaurant doesn't exist anymore. It was replaced by a towering hotel. I asked the people about that, and they brought me to the owner of the hotel. Because I'm worried about Mei Li, I decided to go there alone.

The owner gave me money for the land. I was angry, but it seems the owner is the son of a high official so I can do nothing about that. Even if I bring this to the court, the results will be me losing my money and jailed.

For a week I sleep in Mei Li's family home thinking about what should I do. Then I decided to go to Japan because I have a friend who can help me build a new restaurant there with the money I got previously. When I told this to Mei Li, she who has been heartily supporting me all this time cheerfully said she would come with me.

It was the first time, my heart was boiling to something except cooking. Mei Li and I then went to Japan and directly rent a modest apartment just for two of us. My friend helped me to look for a building, and we safely build a restaurant called, Yang Spring Restaurant in Tokyo.

Years passed, I married Mei Li and our restaurant becomes very famous in Tokyo. With recipes and techniques I got from my experience on my journey the restaurant flourish.

Then it happens. It was in February this year. A group of people come to my house in the middle of the night and tried to kidnap Mei Li.

Naturally, I tried to fight, but the group of people was strong. I assumed they were a yakuza. They hit me in the head making me unconscious and brought Mei Li away.

When I woke up there is a letter beside me telling me to bring a doc.u.ment of every asset I had to a building in the harbor at the night. In a panic, I promptly collect every doc.u.ment I had from restaurant to house and went to the harbor.

When I arrived in the building, a man is wearing a full black mask sitting comfortably waiting for me with Mei Li gagged unconsciously behind him. Suddenly four people grabbed my hand from behind and seize me down.

The masked man casually approached me and opened his mask. At that time, I felt very angry and betrayed because the f*ker is my supposed to be my friend.

He said he was envious at me who was able to become rich in these past years. So he paid a group of people to help him with this.

I calmed myself and tell him I am fine even if he takes all my valuable asset as long as Mei Li is back. But he suddenly laughed and said Mei Li would be a present for a king who would come to Tokyo in the summer.

After taking all my assets and Mei Li, he told the guys who hold me down to cut my left hand. He threatened me if I reported this to other the police then Mei Li will be in danger since he can always replace her.

I was depressed and with the money I have left in my pocket I managed to rent a cramped apartment and live alone in a stressed mind.

And one day when I think I'm done with this life, I went outside and walk around to Tokyo for the last time. Because I planned to suicide in the Tokyo Bay when the night comes. Then you two come approached me." Liu Maoxing told the story with many expressions on his face while reminiscing his entire life.

"Hahahaha! A present for the King you said?" I laughed and said.

"Yeah... I don't know what kind of King, though." Maoxing smiled resignedly and said.

"What's the name of your friend?" I asked with a smile on my face behind the mask.

"His name is Teruo Nezumi, a half-Chinese and a consultant," Maoxing said with an expression of hatred when he said the name. When Natsuki heard the name, she raised her eyebrow and looked at me.

"Oh, Looks like it was just as I thought it would be, right?" I smirked and asked Natsuki.

"Indeed, your sense was frightening, Izumi." Natsuki weirdly looks at me and said.

"What are you two talking about?" Maoxing asked wonderingly.

"It's like this, Maoxing. How about a deal with the devil?" I take off my mask as there is no one beside us here and asked with a smirk.

"Can this devil do give me what I want?" Maoxing looked at me with a crazed glint in his eyes.

"I can bring your wife back, regrow your hand, and revenge that you want." I spread my hands and said.

"*Chuckled* What should I pay you with, my soul?" Maxing raised his eyebrow and asked.

"Your loyalty. I want you and your wife to work for me until the time you die." I said with a smile.

"...How can I know you aren't lying..." Maoxing said with a serious expression.

"Hahaha...Ho-" I laughed evilly but before I was able to continue what I said Natsuki gently hit me with her hand fan.

"Stop joking. An evil act didn't suit you at all." Natsuki gently said. Looking at our act, Maoxing is looking at us confusedly because my acting was perfect in his desperate eyes.

"*Chuckled* That's true. Regardless, it's not a complete lie. I want you to work for me. You see, I planned to build a new restaurant and look for someone to manage it. So I want you, and your wife becomes my employee for the rest of your life." I said with a smile.

"Are you joking?" Maoxing asked.

"Of course not. Who the heck can grow your missing hand back. 30% of the profit will be yours. But you will be the one who fully manages all of it. You just need to say yes, and I will show you the proof." I explained.

"Don't you afraid of me betraying you?" Maoxing said.

"Hahaha... that won't happen after you see the proof. So how about it?" I smirked and asked.

".... then okay. I accept the deal with the devil." Maoxing answered after thinking for a while. As expected, he was depressed enough to decide on suicide after all. He has nothing to lose, so any choice would do.

"Good! I welcome you, my employee. I guarantee from now on your life won't have any obstacle as long as you stay as my worker." As I said that, I activated healing magic.

The light started to surround Maoxing who looks shocked by the phenomenon. The left-arm that previously missing slowly growing back mystically. As the left arm was fully regrown, the light fade.

"..." Maoxing didn't say anything just looked at his left arm with a shocked and amazed expression.

"Happy cooperation!" I said with a delighted smile while offering him a handshake.

"...Yeah... Happy cooperation" With a determined face he takes my handshake and said.