A Lucky? Dude Journey

Chapter 114 - 106 - New Quest

Chapter 106

In a very dark cave located in somewhere in Europe. There is a man sitting in seiza with his eyes closed in front of a stone tomb.

If Shinomiya Gan'an was here, he would definitely know who this man is as this man is the one he called 'Master'. However, the man right now doesn't have a baleful aura and blood-red eyes like when Gan'an meets him.

In fact, he was very calm and serene as if the baleful aura that he showed to Gan'an was fake. From the posture of his seiza, it can be seen that the man was relatively tall. He has a quite handsome face and long black hair tied neatly.

Suddenly, the stone tomb moved and slowly opened causing the man to open his eyes to see the opened tomb in front of him. Obviously the man knew that the tomb would open by itself.

Then, another man rose from the tomb. He sits calmly while looking at the surrounding ignoring the gaze from the other man. The man who rose from the tomb has tanned skin, white hair, and a pair of golden eyes.

"I see...So, it's near..." The tanned man said without any expression on his face.

"Indeed...The seal will weaken in 3-4 years." The black-haired man answered causing the tanned man to look at him.

"Looks like that baleful creature is sleeping right now..." The tanned man said after inspecting the black-haired man.

"But we still unable to free from it." The black-haired man said without any expression on his face as if he already resigned to his fate.

"I know... How about the other one?" The tanned man closed his eyes and asked.

"She is quite fortunate as the soul of the body she takes refuge in is the soul of a saint of the past. Although if only the saint, there is no way she can be free. It just the body has a bit of connection to the prophecy's Campione." The black-haired man calmly answered, but the tanned man knows that the black-haired man and himself envied the girl they're talking about.

"Good for her... She is the only one who was able to almost free herself from the clutch of that baleful creature before. Too bad she died in the process. Still, looks like she got what she wants in the end." The tanned man for the first time smiled and said.

The black-haired man didn't say anything but both of them understand and albeit envied, happy that their comrades were able to free herself.

"Is he powerful?" The tanned man asked again.

"He is very powerful." The black-haired man answered.

"But...Can he grant our wish?" The tanned man asked with an expectant expression.

"Truthfully, I don't know... But, I believe he can. Because he was a half-disciple of mine. Besides, the prophecy only stated that God will awaken. It means there is a chance it could be killed." The black-haired man said.

"That's true. But..." The tanned man nodded and said.

"How about you test him? I got information that he was in London right now. And a Hime-Miko who could use divine possession will be near him." The black-haired man said.

"Indeed I could forcefully make that God who lends his power to that Hime-Miko become a heretic god. I will just do that then. I hope that baleful creature won't wake up soon and take over my body." The tanned man nodded and said before he went out of the cave leaving the black-haired man alone.

"Good, with this he will hate us more granting our wish... Waiting for three more years isn't that long after all this time." The black-haired man said with a hopeful yet sad expression.

"Still, this time finally... we can leave the world and end this misery. That's why, please kill us, Kitahara Izumi."


Alice and I standing right in front of the door of the celebration room in Alice's mansion. A day has passed since my date with Alice and right now it was the time for the official celebration and meeting with all important members of Witenagamot.

"Are you ready, my Princess?" I offered my hand and said.

"Always, my King." Alice took my hand and said with a smile. Hearing that, the maids opened the door and we went inside the room.

The room was bigger than the room in the Sayanomiya Family's mansion that I previously entered also for this kind of celebration.

All of the people in the room lowered their heads as I walk to the center of the room where there is a Throne for me to sit. All of them looking at me with respect, admiration, and hope. None of them showing their fear.

I am sure they were still afraid but nonetheless none of them coming here because they're afraid which means Alice and the other Hime-Miko's work was a big success. I calmly sit on the throne with Alice standing beside me.

"Raise your head." I calmly said, but my voice can be heard by everyone in the room. As they raised their heads, I could see a few people that I knew such as Oscar, Theo, and Teresa.

I looked at each of them who anticipated this time to arrive. It is understandable for them to anticipate this moment when they got a ruler who can protect them.

With this kind of dangerous world where a heretic god can suddenly appear in your country and a tyrant like Voban or idiot like Doni exists, I am sure most people who know this fact would feel anxious.

Although Doni isn't a bad person, he sometimes did anything at his whim. That's why who knows when he suddenly wants to awaken a heretic god. That was probably what people thought about him.

"I don't like to say many things in this kind of time. But let's see, I don't know what Alice told all of you about me. I don't think I am a good person who will save anyone in front of me. You also didn't know how powerful I was, right?

But let me tell you if there is a heretic god suddenly appeared in our territory, don't be afraid. Because I will be there to kill it. In exchange, I want your absolute loyalty. I don't want to see any betrayal here, understand?" I calmly said.


"Besides that, don't worry, I won't order you to do something weird. And for now, let's just enjoy the party." I smiled and said.

With a relieved smile and the sounds of clapping, the party started.


Naturally, there will be a time for the guests to greet me one by one. And the first one is the Royal Family of Britain which I knew some of their members.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Kitahara. My name is Charles Pendragon, and this is my wife Christine Pendragon. Also, I think you already know my son and brother, Theodore Pendragon and Oscar Pendragon." Charles lowered his head a bit and said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Kitahara." Charles's wife, Christine lowered her head and said.

"Nice to meet you too, Charles and Christine." I smiled and said.

"Teacher, long time no see!" Theo joyfully said.

"Indeed, long time no see, Lord Kitahara." Oscar lowered his head and said.

"Nn, long time no see, Oscar. And how was your training, Theo?" I patted his head and asked.

"Hehe, of course, I have progressed quite a bit!" Theo laughingly said.

"Then, have you performed for the girl you like?" I smirked and asked.

"Hahahaha, please hear me, Lord Kitahara. Theo finally able to do that just a month ago after knowing you will come here." Charles suddenly laughed and said.

"Fufufu, he always fidgeted and nervous to ask her after all." Christine elegantly laughed and said.

"Father, Mother! Why did you say that to the teacher?!" Theo said in a panic.

"If we didn't tell him about the celebration, he likely wouldn't perform in front of Marie," Oscar added.

"Hee... I thought you were brave, Theo." I grinned and said.

"I am! It just..." Theo instantly replied and trying to say his reason.

"Hahaha... Anyway, it's good that you were finally able to perform for her. And you two must have been together right?" I said with a teasing smile.

"..." Theo lowered his head embarrassedly.

"How about you bring her tomorrow while I check your progress?" I asked.

"Sure!" Theo, who heard that I will check his progress happily answered as if he forgot his embarrassment.

After that, we talked about casual things before they excuse themselves because many people are waiting for their turns. Incidentally, the next turn should be for Aldegyr Kingdom's Royal Family which is the family of the other Hime Miko.

But because that Hime-Miko hasn't arrived yet, Aldegyr's King and Queen apologized to me and said they will greet me when their daughter arrived. According to Alice, the other Hime-Miko currently on the way to this place after making something for me as a gift.

At any rate, Teresa also came to congratulate me. Looks like she has been busy for a month because of this celebration.

When people have finished their greeting, suddenly a butler entered the room in a hurry with a panicked face.

"This is bad! The God that lend his power to Princess La Folia has forcefully descended as a heretic god!"


[You got a new quest]

[Quest: Defeat the heretic god and save the Hime-Miko]

[Reward: 2 gacha tickets]

[Failure penalty: None. However, you need to defeat it in an hour before the Hime-Miko's consciousness gone]

[Time count: 00:59:50]