A Hunter's Wife

Chapter 31

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Looking at the pale color of her lips, Mao Xiaoyu knew that she was anemic without even needing to touch her pulse.

This was even after she had been drinking the spirit spring water for two days. Otherwise, she would definitely be in a worse state!

Finally, Mao Xiaoyu took a comfortable hot bath in the Space and drank a cup of spirit spring water before she left.

She did not dare to drink too much in one go. Her external changes had to be gradual.

This way, everyone would not feel that it was too abrupt.

Moreover, before she resolved the issue of Grandpa Mao selling her, she could not be too eye-catching.

After breakfast the next day, Mao Xiaoyu helped her mother clean up the house and went out with a basket.

According to the impression she had of the villagers, Mao Xiaoyu knocked on the door of one of the houses.

“Third Granny, do you have any eggs? Can you sell some to me?” Mao Xiaoyu greeted her obediently.

There was only one single elderly woman in this family, so it could be said that Mao Xiaoyu came straight to her house.

The granny’s basic income came from selling eggs and tending to her family’s small piece of land.

However, she was old, and the land was developed with the help of her nephew. Every year, she was only given a quarter of the grain grown in that land.

“Oh, it’s you, Daya. There are eggs at home, go get them yourself.” The old woman chuckled.

She had already placed the eggs in a few large jars by the foot of the wall.

“Third Granny, I want 50 eggs in total. Do you have enough?” she asked. Mao Xiaoyu supported the old lady as they walked towards the only small stool in the yard.

There were a few freshly picked vegetables in the basin on the ground. The Third Granny must have been sitting here just now.

“It should be enough. Count them yourself. If you’re still missing a few, I’ll go to the chicken coop and pick them up for you.” She had a total of ten hens at home, and she could pick up at least six or seven eggs a day.

Mao Xiaoyu waited for the Third Granny to sit down before walking towards the vat.

Fortunately, she had brought a big basket with her. These 50 eggs were really not a small number, and all of them were top-notch.

“Third Granny, you can count!” Mao Xiaoyu placed the big basket at the feet of the old woman.

“What’s the point of counting? Five eggs for ten coppers. You just have to give me 90 coppers.” the old woman said generously.

50 eggs at once, this was a big customer, so of course, she had to give her a discount.

How could Mao Xiaoyu take advantage of the old lady? She took out a string of copper coins and handed it to the old lady, “Granny, I will buy 20 eggs from you every week from now on. remember to save them for me!”

It was her first time interacting with the old woman. Mao Xiaoyu really liked this straightforward old woman.

The middle-aged woman could tell at a glance that it was too much. “Alright, the extra copper will be your deposit.”

It was not easy for the two girls. The old woman thought that her life was still okay, so she would not take advantage of Mao Xiaoyu.

Mao Xiaoyu did not like to argue either. In the future, when they interacted more, she would be able to take care of the old woman with just a little bit of it.

Carrying the egg, Mao Xiaoyu quickly walked out of the Third Granny’s house.

If she continued to dawdle, it would be too late to reach the Village Chief’s house. She was too embarrassed to eat a ready-made meal.

Since there was no one on the way, Mao Xiaoyu smuggled 20 eggs into her Space.

Giving the Village Chief 30 eggs was already a very generous gift.

As for the remaining 20 eggs, Mao Xiaoyu planned to take them home later.

By then, she would be able to take out some of the eggs she had stored in her Space and mix them with the 20 eggs.

Secretly laughing, Mao Xiaoyu walked into the Village Chief’s house with a smile.

“Grandpa Village Chief, Uncle, Aunt!” For some reason, the three members of the Village Chief’s family were all standing in the courtyard.

Could it be that he knew that she would arrive at this time and specially came out to welcome her?


“You little girl, why did you come to my house with gifts?” The Village Chief’s daughter-in-law, Madam Fang, patted Mao Xiaoyu lightly.

Mao Xiaoyu thought that the Village Chief was very lucky to have such a good-tempered woman.

“I’m here to bribe Grandpa village chief.” Mao Xiaoyu joked.

“You little girl, come over and sit down. Tell me what you’re really thinking. ” The Village Chief tapped on Mao Xiaoyu’s arm with his tobacco pipe.

He now understood that this little girl’s attention was on the right track. That Mao Liushi did not have the guts to do so. She would probably listen to everything this little girl said.

“Grandpa Village Chief, if this person were to live like my mother and I, wouldn’t it be a shame?” Mao Xiaoyu retorted.

“Do you even need to ask? I’m worried for you guys. I don’t know how you guys can endure it.” On the side, Madam Fang’s mouth was quick and she immediately said what was in her heart.

“Xiuhua!” The Village Chief’s son gave his wife a look.

You can just watch the show! Why did she need to say such harsh words?

“Uncle Qi, why are you stopping her? She didn’t say anything wrong.” Mao Xiaoyu chuckled.

“That’s right! If a woman doesn’t marry well, how terrible her life will be?!” Madam Fang interrupted from the side.

There were not many women who had a good life like her!

Since they were just chatting, the Village Chief did not blame his daughter-in-law for being insensible. He took a puff of his pipe and asked, “So you want to move out?”

Mao Xiaoyu nodded. “Ever since I came out of the mountains that day, my grandfather and grandmother have not given me and my mother any food to eat. If it wasn’t for Brother Rong Xiang who helped us with a few meals, I’m afraid that we would have starved to death now.”

“It’s been three days, and you guys haven’t been given any food?” Madam Fang could not believe it.

The Mao family was terrible! How could they be so cruel?

Mao Xiaoyu shook her head. “They don’t even let my mother into the kitchen. They don’t even let us use the stove.”

Hearing this, even the Village Chief’s son frowned.

“Aunt, you can go out and ask around. The bowls and chopsticks were borrowed by my mother. We only bought two sets of bowls and chopsticks yesterday after selling the medicinal herbs.” Mao Xiaoyu winked at Madam Fang.

The Village Chief sighed. “Your grandparents did go overboard.”

“Grandpa Village Chief, is it really impossible for me to split the family?” Mao Xiaoyu asked seriously.

“It’s not impossible if your grandpa and grandma continue to act like this!” With a cigarette in his mouth, the old Village Chief mumbled.

Mao Xiaoyu’s eyes brightened. “Grandpa Village Chief, please believe me. They will continue to do this.”

Seeing Mao Xiaoyu’s cute appearance, Madam Fang burst out laughing.

“You’re such a funny little girl. How can you be so confident?” Madam Fang said with a smile.

“Auntie, I’ll analyze it for you!” Mao Xiaoyu counted on her fingers and told him all the wicked things that the Mao family had done these few days.

She did not have the awareness that dirty laundry should not be aired in public.

In the end, even the Village Chief’s heart softened. “Little Girl, if you want to get this done, I’ll need to get the help of the clan’s great-grandfather.”

“Are you talking about the great-grandfather who lectured my grandfather at my house two days ago?” Mao Xiaoyu asked.

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