A Happy Wife in a Rural Family

Chapter 28

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Xiao Yunjing was shocked. Why was there so much blood? He turned around abruptly.

“You …”

Gu Qingli was holding the pants that she had changed out of, and when Xiao Yunjing saw them, she felt so embarrassed that she had lost her face.

Xiao Yunjing didn’t think much of it. He took a few steps forward, snatched the pants from her hands, put them on the stool, and pressed her back into the bed.”Don’t get up today. I’ll go and wash this.”

Gu Qingli opened her mouth and glared at him. Mrs. Jiang would scold her if she saw him doing this.

“No need, I’ll wash it myself,” she said softly.

Xiao Yunjing was the first to wash her dirty pants in her previous life.

Gu Qingli didn’t know what to feel.

“You’re so young; why are you so stubborn?” Xiao Yunjing sat on the bed and looked straight at her. She was so small, but she was bleeding so much. His heart ached for her.

Xiao Yunjing brushed her hair behind her ear, kissed her forehead, and went out with the pants.

Gu Qingli sighed. She thought she couldn’t go up the mountain today, so she would take it into her space to wash. There was detergent in her space that could get rid of the fishy smell.

Looking at Xiao Yunjing’s tall back, her heartfelt inexplicably warm.

This man was so good that she had nothing to say. The gentleness in his eyes, the gentleness, and consideration he showed her, really warmed her heart.

She felt her heart melting bit by bit.

She accepted this kind of feeling and even liked it a little.

Gu Qingli was wondering if she should integrate into this place and accept Xiao Yunjing.

The original owner wouldn’t have passed away if it wasn’t for him, and she wouldn’t have been reborn in this body.

Logically speaking, she should be thanking him. Why did she hate him?

Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy everything about him?

The more Gu Qingli thought about it, the dizzier she was. She was still in a daze even when Xiao Yunjing brought her breakfast.

“What are you thinking about?”

“I’m wondering why you’re so good to me.”

Shouldn’t I be good to you?” Xiao Yunjing smiled.

“You should.”

“Then that’s it, what else is there to think about? you’re my wife; if I don’t treat you well, who should I treat? Don’t overthink. Here, I cooked you two eggs this morning.”

Xiao Yunjing put the peeled egg in the porridge and gave it to her.

“Alright,” she said.

Gu Qingli took the bowl and started eating slowly. She had made plain porridge in the morning, and Xiao Yunjing had peeled two eggs.

“How about you? Have you eaten?”

“Not yet. You can keep the bowl after you’re done.” He was afraid that she would get up by herself after eating.

Gu Qingli finished her food quickly. Xiao Yunjing took the bowl and said, “Don’t worry about lunch; just wait for me to come back.”

Gu Qingli nodded, and Xiao Yunjing left the house. He ate, cleaned up, and went up the mountain.

Gu Qingli got up and went to the bathroom. She was about to see if there was anything to do in the morning when Mrs. Jiang came over with a bowl of hot brown sugar water.

“Third aunt, drink this. There’s only this left in the house.” Mrs. Jiang put the bowl on the table in the room and went to touch their brick bed to see if it was warm.

“Thank you, mother!”

Gu Qingli was touched by this family once again. She had so many words to say.

“What’s there to thank? We are all one family. Didn’t your eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law also treat you this way? You don’t have to worry about this afternoon. Just lie down and rest well so you can have a chubby grandson next year.”

Mrs. Jiang pulled Gu Qingli, standing by the bed, to sit down. She touched her hand and nodded before leaving.

Gu Qingli burst into tears. She had never felt so much heartache before, not even in her previous life.

Moreover, women in this era were like mules, cows, and horses. Other than bearing children, serving in-laws, and raising children, there was nothing else they could do all day.

She didn’t have any status in the family except the quality of a wife.

She didn’t expect her cold mother-in-law to treat her so indiscriminately.

Gu Qingli drank the warm brown sugar water. Although it didn’t taste good, it was sweet to the heart.

Gu Qingli had always been a person who would return the favor. She would lead a good life with these people who had been nice to her.

She had the ability.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunjing did catch a roe deer, and when he came back, the three brothers cleaned it up.

Gu Qingli insisted that she cooked the meal and asked Xiao Yunjing and the others to start the stove in the middle of the central room. Although they didn’t know what she would do, they just listened to her.

Mrs. Yang was in charge of the fire in the kitchen, while Mrs. Wang helped her with the chores.

She first let Mrs. Wang soak the meat in water, and she prepared the ingredients.

Mrs. Jiang smiled as she watched the third aunt busy herself in the kitchen.

“Sister-in-law, the water is ready. What should we do now?” Mrs. Wang asked Gu Qingli as she picked up the boiled roe deer meat.

“Just put it there, second sister-in-law,” Gu Qingli said.

She had already prepared everything else.

Mrs. Wang stood by the stove and watched her cook. If it were delicious, they would do the same in the future.

Gu Qingli put the things she had prepared on the stove and said to Mrs. Yang, “Sister-in-law, it must be a big fire.”

“Alright,” Yang Shi agreed.

Gu Qingli cleaned the pot and poured oil into it. She didn’t pour much oil into the pot.

Once the oil was hot, the ginger and garlic were added to burst out the fragrance before being poured into the deer meat.

Then, she added the homemade sauce and stir-fried it.

“Sister-in-law, it smells so good!”

Mrs. Wang watched as she cooked the simple dish, and the fragrance came out.

Usually, when they stir-fried meat and made soup, they wash it and cook it directly.

No wonder it didn’t taste good.

Gu Qingli nodded. It was a pity that there wasn’t any pepper here. She had all kinds of seasonings in her space, such as pepper, soy sauce, and cooking wine, but she couldn’t take them out.

However, she could secretly add some spirit spring water when she stewed the meat later.

When the oil burst out, Gu Qingli added water and started to stew.

When the water boiled, the fragrance wafted out.

“Mmm, it smells so good.”

Xiao Han (Xiao Yunshan’s eldest son, 12 years old this year) was half-squatting at the kitchen door with his two younger brothers, smelling the fragrance drifting out.

“It does smell good.” Xiao Quan (son of the second son, Xiao Yuntian, ten years old this year) also nodded.

Only Xiao Jian ( eldest son’s youngest son, eight years old this year) was gulping his saliva.

Gu Qingli looked at the three zombies with their heads stacked together and smiled at them.

The three of them were too embarrassed to leave, which made the two women, Yang and Wang, laugh.

“Greedy little cat.” Mrs. Yang looked at her youngest son’s back and said affectionately.

” Sister-in-law, I didn’t expect you to have such good cooking skills. We’re going to have good food in the future. ” Mrs. Wang laughed so hard that she couldn’t stop smiling.

“I learned it from my mother.” These words weren’t false. Mrs. Wu was indeed good at cooking. After all, she was from the capital, so she was more knowledgeable than the people here.

The host had learned how to cook from her since she was a child and was also good at cooking. In the whole family, only the food made by the mother and daughter was fragrant.

Therefore, the mother and daughter prepared the meals for the Gu family. Madam Hua was like the empress dowager and could only ask for food.

Mrs. Yun and Gu Qingmei were the madam and young lady. They did not touch anything and were waiting to be fed.

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