A Glitch in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 389

We should learn from the predecessors of the Red Army, carry forward the revolutionary spirit of fearing hardship and tiredness, firm our faith and surpass ourselves. Along the way, we should encourage and help each other, advance towards our goal together, and never give up. 】

this copy of an Wen is like the experience that a teacher asked her to write when she was a student.

The propaganda blogs of artists are more official. It's very good for an Wen to appear on one occasion with them.

An Wen is now a passer-by, she is not once a traffic actress, the accumulation of good works and the 7.1 billion box office in the body, she is almost enchanted. In addition to the older generation of movie stars, no one dares to be on the edge of passers-by and an Wengang.

To say that in reality, the most popular fans are passers-by. When it comes to the stars that everyone praises, Anwen is the first.

Some of the online taunts of Anwen are just unconvinced female star fans after she surpasses.

An Wen hot search, netizens are praise.

The first set of live broadcast in the central part of the Party of "going back to the long march" has attracted a lot of attention because of an Wen. Many people have opened TV and other parties when they see it on hot search.

The two hosts of this evening party are both CCTV gold medal hosts. Their figures can be seen in the annual Spring Festival Gala, and the weight of the party can be seen from the host lineup.

Anwen is preparing backstage, and Han Yin is sitting next to her.

In the entertainment industry, these influential elders are very easy to get along with, and there are not many Buddhist things. The most difficult thing to get along with is actually the flow of artists and new people. They have many things to do and many minds to see.

An Wen is very hard-working and intelligent. Han Yin and her partner have been rehearsing for a long time. She has been very impressed with her.

"Tight or not?" Han Yin asked Anwen lovingly. Anwen was auditioning in a soft voice, and she laughed when she heard Han Yin's words.

"I'm not very nervous. Thanks to Mr. Han's teaching me these days, I can easily go up the treble part."

"You are smart and hardworking." Speaking of this, Han Yin's face became more and more gentle. The partner she had arranged for her was a young actor. She thought she was going to lip synch. For strong singers, lip synching is really insulting. I didn't expect that Anwen had such a good background that she could sing on stage.

"Mr. Han, listen to me." Anwen's head is also full of songs, singing the most difficult sentence again.

Han Yin was amused by her, then sang it again, and said, "you sing very well. You must be stable on the stage to maintain this state."

Anwen always felt there was a gap, and she practiced several times.

Song Jia is very nervous. If an Wen plays well on this occasion, she will definitely be indispensable for CCTV's activities in the future. However, because the scene is too big and attracts the attention of the whole people, Anwen can't make any mistakes.

Before he came to power, Song Jia's forehead began to sweat.

Today, Anwen will not only sing a song, but also recite a poem, which is about teenagers and the spirit of the long march. Song Jia, seeing that Anwen has been practicing her songs, can't help but remind her: "Wenwen, you also practice that poem, and what the host will ask you. I don't know whether it's the words from the last rehearsal. I'll send you the document in the morning, and you'll have a look."

After that, he said, "you can speak slowly when you answer questions, so that you won't be nervous."

Anwen nodded with a smile and said, "don't worry, sister song. I've read all the documents. I can recite that poem. I'll just recite it later. It'll be OK."

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